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Enter the code of the sales order customer.

Customer Order No.

Sales order sequence number.


This number may be changed whenever the user has permission, which must be previously registered through the User Permission Maintenance - CD0821 program. You can use alphanumeric characters.

The system-suggested sequence is generated when you load the PD4000 HTML screen, or click the Add New Order button, which adds 1 (one) to the previous order number, even if that number has not been used (canceled or deleted). 

Note: 12 is the maximum quantity of characters you can enter.

+Add Order button

Click the +Add Order button to access to the Order Header screen and start a new order. 

Search Orders button

Click the Search Orders button to open the Order Portfolio screen.

Search Models

Templates defined for the logged-in user profile load onscreen. In this field you can create a filter for the template you want.

*Favorite Templates button

After choosing your favorite templates, click this button to display all templates or only those you have marked as favorites.

+Use Template button

Click this button to select a template for the order and start adding the order.

*Favorite button

Click this button to mark a template as favorite. We recommend this action for the templates you use the most.





Default site code as the module parameterization defined in the Sales Order Parameter Maintenance - PD0301. You can change this information when deploying each sales order or when editing the sales order. 

Order Kind

Displays the type of the default sales order as per customer parameterization. See details in the "Default Sales Order Tp" field, "General Information" folder, Customer Update (- CD1510) feature.

This information is provided as a customer default, which you can edit when deploying each sales order.

To enable this field, the "Order Type" field, "Main" folder, Business User Permissions Maintenance (- CD0821) must be enabled as well. The options available are:

1.   "Simple Order" (old sales order of the Closed type): See the concept “Sales Order Kind of Simple Order”.

  • This requires a representative.
  • It is subject to credit assessment as set in system parameters.
  • You can invoice it immediately; that is, a later complement is not required.

2.   "Delivery Schedule" (old sales order of the Open kind):

  • Exclusive for sales orders with delivery schedules.
  • You are not required to inform a representative for the sales order, in which case there is no commission to be paid.
  • The sales order will not be subject to credit evaluation.
  • It uses the delivery scheduling routine to complement the sales order.
You can update and complete sales orders of the "Delivery Schedule" kind item quantity set to zero. This feature is described in the concept Item with Zero Quantity in Delivery Schedule. 

3.  "Supply Contract":

  • You are not required to enter a representative for the sales order, in which case there is no commission to be paid.
  • The sales order will not be subject to credit evaluation.



Sales orders of the "Supply Contract" type will only be invoiced via shipment preparation, where it is verified in the inclusion of the sales order that the nature of the operation cannot be calculated automatically.

See details in the "Update" folder, function Operation Nature Maintenance - CD0606.

Source Order No.

Enter the number of the bonus request that generated the current order. For this, you have to also enter the number of the order that originated the bonus.

This field is directly linked to the use of an operation nature defined as “bonus”. 

Operation Nature

Default operation nature in accordance with customer parameter settings, registered in function Customer Update - CD1510. You can edit this information when deploying each sales order.


The transaction nature entered becomes default for order items, which you can edit directly in the item.

During the maintenance of the operation nature of an order already registered, the system may or may not export this change to the order items, according to the parameterization made in Parameters, which you access via the Parameters button in Other Actions.

If the company works with a sales channel, the system provides the registered nature to the sales channel entered.

From the nature of the operation entered, the system determines whether the sale is internal (within the State) or external (outside the State).

If the sale is internal, the system blocks the sales order deployment in case the first character of the operation nature differs from 5.

Interstate sales are blocked if the first character differs from 6.

In the case of an export, the system only allows you to use a nature with CFOP that starts with 7 when it is a sales order for a trading or foreign customer.

For non-billing natures, the system will not request a payment term, nor will it make a credit assessment (unless the nature is parameterized for consignment delivery). Through the nature entered in the header, the sales order will assume the message code associated with this nature.

Sales Channel

The default sales channel, in accordance with customer parameter settings registered in Customer Update - CD1510. You can edit this information when deploying each sales order.

See details in the function Sales Channel Maintenance - CD1517 and Customer Update - CD1510.

This information is not required in the sales order. However, when the company works with a sales channel, it is registered in the functions Operation Natures Maintenance - CD0606 and Customer Maintenance - CD0704 and is automatically entered when the sales order is registered.

Deployment Date

Displays the current date as the sales order deployment date.

Issue Date

Displays the current date as the sales order issue date.


Contact name of sales order customer CD0704B.  


Customer e-mail.

Triangular operation customer

Enter the name of the customer to whom the goods will be sent as triangular delivery.

Goods Target

Define the destination of the goods. Select one of the options:

  • Trade/Industry: When you select Trade/Industry, the ICMS calculation base is the value of the goods only.
  • Active/Own Consumption: For Active/Own Consumption, the base will be the invoice total, that is, the value of the goods plus IPI. 

Order Type

Type of sales order. This is a free field for the user's own classification/indication. 


Sales order priority.

The priority can range from 0 to 99 and, when the sales order is deployed, it takes the lowest priority of 99.

With this attribute, you can establish which sales orders are to be allocated first in stock, in cases where there is insufficient balance, to fulfill all orders.

In Pre-Billing and invoice calculation, the option "type" of the programs will allow the verification of sales orders according to the priority registered, but the user is not required to follow the billing sequence presented by the program. 

CRM Campaign

When the CRM module is enabled, you can enter the CRM Campaign data into the order.

CRM Opportunity

When the CRM module is enabled, you can enter the CRM Opportunity data into the order.

Sales Operation Type

Type of sales operation used for automatically suggesting the nature of the operation.

This option is only available if you enable the "Automatic Suggestion of Operation Nature" feature in PD0301.
