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Section |
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| ObjetivoÉ o alinhamento mais aprofundado das necessidades e expectativas, com definição do time do projeto e partes interessadas, revisão e confirmação do escopo, dos prazos e da estratégia em geral. É também um momento de identificação/revisão dos riscos e alinhamento técnico. A organização geral deve compor o plano preliminar do projeto e promover um bom evento de abertura e determinação do baseline. Painel |
borderColor | gray |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Entregáveis e Atividades Painel |
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Title | Passagem de Bastão |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/passagem%20de%20bast%C3%A3o-preto.png?api=v2 |
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button-text | Detalhes |
description | 1.1.1 Reunião de Transição com Comercial |
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Title | Abordagem Inicial |
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Âncora |
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Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.2.1%20Valida%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20Stakeholders.png |
button-link | https://tdn.totvs.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=853292731#id-(EMCONSTRU%C3%87%C3%83O)FASE1PREPARA%C3%87%C3%83O=%3EEntreg%C3%A1veiseAtividades-Validarstakeholders |
button-text | Detalhes |
description | 1.2.1 Validar Stakeholders |
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Showcase |
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button-text | Detalhes |
description | 1.2.2 - Definir Estratégia Geral |
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Painel |
borderColor | gray |
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borderColor | gray |
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Title | Aspectos Técnicos |
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Âncora |
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Showcase |
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description | 1.3.1 Verificação de Aspectos Técnicos |
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002Material de Apoiocard-material-apoio
Painel |
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| Product_title |
Title | Planos do Projeto, Cronograma e Custos |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.4Planos%20do%20projeto%2C%20cronograma%20e%20custos.png |
Âncora |
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Column |
Painel |
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Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.4.1%20Elabora%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20cronograma%20e%20defini%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20marcos%20de%20entrega.png |
description | 1.4.1 Elaboração de Cronograma e Definição de Marcos do Projeto |
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Showcase |
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description | 1.4.2 Definir Equipe |
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Showcase |
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description | 1.4.3 Determinação do Baseline 1 |
Toggle Cloak |
id | id-PlanosdoProjetoCronogramaeCustos |
id | id-PlanosdoProjetoCronogramaeCustos |
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Painel |
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borderStyle | dashed |
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borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Product_title |
Title | Boas Vindas do Projeto |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.5%20boas%20vindas%20do%20projeto.png |
Âncora |
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Showcase |
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button-text | Detalhes |
description | 1.5.1 Programar e Realizar a Reunião de Abertura do Projeto (Kick-Off) |
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Painel |
borderColor | gray |
borderStyle | dashed |
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bgColor | #f0eeee |
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| Product_title |
Title | Encerramento da Fase |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.6%20encerramento%20da%20fase.png |
Âncora |
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Column |
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Showcase |
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description | 1.6.1 Encerramento da Fase e Avaliação de Quality Gate |
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002Material de Apoiocard-material-apoio
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<a name="ancora-preparacao"></a> |
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Product_title |
Title | Preparación |
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<article class="objetivo">
<p>Es una alineación más profunda de las necesidades y expectativas, con la definición del equipo del proyecto y partes interesadas, y la revisión y confirmación del alcance, los plazos y la estrategia en general. </p>
<p>Y también es un momento para identificar/revisar los riesgos y la alineación técnica. La organización general debe conformar el plan preliminar del proyecto y promover un buen evento de apertura y la determinación de la baseline (versión 1).</p>
<h2 class="entregaveis"><b>Entregables y<span class="letraLaranja"> Actividades</span></b></h3>
</article> |
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| Product_title |
Title | Entrega de testigo |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/passagem%20de%20bast%C3%A3o-preto.png?api=v2 |
Column |
Painel |
| Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.1.1%20reuniao%20de%20transicaoj.png |
description | 1.1.1 Reunión de Transición con Comercial |
| gray#363636#f0eeeesolidpassagem-bastaolefttrue001Metodologíacard-metodologia002Material de apoyocard-material-apoio
Painel |
borderColor | gray |
borderStyle | dashed |
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borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Product_title |
Title | Inicio del proyecto |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.2%20Inicia%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20do%20Projeto.png |
Column |
Painel |
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Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.2.1%20Valida%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20Stakeholders.png |
description | 1.2.1 Validación de las partes interesadas |
Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.2.2%20Estrat%C3%A9gia%20Geral%2C%20Premissas%20%26%20Restri%C3%A7%C3%B5es%2C%20Alinhamento%20%26%20Expectativas.png |
description | 1.2.2 Estrategia General, Premisas y Restricciones, Alineación y Expectativas |
| gray#363636#f0eeeesolidIniciaçãodoProjetolefttrue001Metodologíacard-metodologia002Material de apoyocard-material-apoio |
Painel |
borderColor | gray |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Painel |
borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Product_title |
Title | Aspectos Técnicos |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.3aspectos%20tecnicos.png |
Column |
Painel |
| Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.3.1%20Verifica%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20Aspectos%20T%C3%A9cnicos.png |
description | 1.3.1 Verificación de Aspectos Técnicos |
| gray#363636#f0eeeesolidAspectosTécnicoslefttrue001Metodologíacard-metodologia
002Material de apoyocard-material-apoio
Painel |
borderColor | gray |
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borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
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| Product_title |
Title | Planes del Proyecto, Cronograma y Costos |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.4Planos%20do%20projeto%2C%20cronograma%20e%20custos.png |
Column |
Painel |
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Showcase |
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description | 1.4.1 Elaboración de Cronograma y definición de hitos del proyecto |
Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.4.2%20DEFINIR%20EQUIPE.png |
description | 1.4.2 Definir equipo |
Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.4.3%20Determina%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20do%20baseline.png |
description | 1.4.3 Determinación de la Línea Base 1 |
Toggle Cloak |
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id | id-PlanosdoProjetoCronogramaeCustos |
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Painel |
borderColor | gray |
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borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Product_title |
Title | Bienvenida al Proyecto |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.5%20boas%20vindas%20do%20projeto.png |
Column |
Painel |
| Column |
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description | 1.5.1 Programar y realizar la reunión de apertura del proyecto (Kick-Off) |
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Painel |
borderColor | gray |
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| Painel |
borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Product_title |
Title | Cierre de la fase |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.6%20encerramento%20da%20fase.png |
Column |
Painel |
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Showcase |
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description | 1.6.1 Cierre de la fase y evaluación de Quality Gate |
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002Material de apoyocard-material-apoio
Volver al índice |
Card |
| Section |
<a name="ancora-preparacao"></a> |
Painel |
borderColor | gray |
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| Column |
Product_title |
Title | Preparation |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/636719845/fase1-icon.png |
<article class="objetivo">
<p>This is the most in-depth alignment of needs and expectations, defining the project team and stakeholders, reviewing and confirming the scope, deadlines and strategy in general.</p>
<p>It is also a time for identification/review of risks and technical alignment. The overall organization should include the preliminary project plan and promote a good opening and baseline determination event (version 1).</p>
<h2 class="entregaveis"><b>Deliverables &<span class="letraLaranja"> Activities</span></b></h3>
</article> |
Painel |
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bgColor | #f0eeee |
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| Product_title |
Title | Passing of the Baton |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/passagem%20de%20bast%C3%A3o-preto.png?api=v2 |
Column |
Painel |
| Column |
Showcase |
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description | 1.1.1 Transition Meeting with Commercial |
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Painel |
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borderStyle | dashed |
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| Product_title |
Title | Project Initiation |
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Column |
Painel |
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Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.2.1%20Valida%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20Stakeholders.png |
description | 1.2.1 Stakeholder Validation |
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description | 1.2.2 General Strategy, Assumptions and Constraints, Alignment of Expectations |
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Painel |
borderColor | gray |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Painel |
borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Product_title |
Title | Technical Aspects |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.3aspectos%20tecnicos.png |
Column |
Painel |
| Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.3.1%20Verifica%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20Aspectos%20T%C3%A9cnicos.png |
description | 1.3.1 Verification of Technical Aspects |
| gray#363636#f0eeeesolidAspectosTécnicoslefttrue001Methodologycard-metodologia
002Support materialcard-material-apoio
Painel |
borderColor | gray |
borderStyle | dashed |
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borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
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| Product_title |
Title | Project Plans, Schedule and Costs |
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Column |
Painel |
| Column |
Showcase |
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description | 1.4.1 Preparation of Schedule and Definition of Project Milestones |
Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.4.2%20DEFINIR%20EQUIPE.png |
description | 1.4.2 Define Team |
Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.4.3%20Determina%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20do%20baseline.png |
description | 1.4.3 Determinação do Baseline 1 |
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id | id-PlanosdoProjetoCronogramaeCustos |
id | id-PlanosdoProjetoCronogramaeCustos |
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borderColor | gray |
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| Product_title |
Title | Project Welcome |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.5%20boas%20vindas%20do%20projeto.png |
Column |
Painel |
| Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.5.1%20Programar%20e%20Realizar%20a%20reuni%C3%A3o%20de%20kick-off.png |
description | 1.5.1 Schedule and Conduct the Project Opening Meeting (Kick-Off) |
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Painel |
borderColor | gray |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Painel |
borderColor | gray |
bgColor | #f0eeee |
borderStyle | dashed |
| Product_title |
Title | Phase Closure |
Image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.6%20encerramento%20da%20fase.png |
Column |
Painel |
| Column |
Showcase |
image | https://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/650500401/1.6.1%20Encerramento%20da%20Fase%20e%20avalia%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20de%20quality%20gate.png |
description | 1.6.1 Phase Closure and Quality Gate Assessment |
| gray#363636#f0eeeesolidEncerramentodaFaselefttrue001Methodologycard-metodologia
002Support materialcard-material-apoio