- Overview
- Example of use
- Other Information
Use option Delete in routine CTBA102 - Automatic Accounting Entries to delete Accounting Entries and balances related to the entry deleted.
You can delete entries through routine CTBA102 two different ways:
- By Document. In this option you can only delete by the document selected, so you cannot delete only one row of the entry.
- By Batch. A parameter settings screen is displayed regarding the batch to be deleted.
For the system, when deleting, to clear the accounting flags from the accounting entry origin tables, in case of booking the integration of a given module to the accounting module, parameter MV_CTBAPLA must be enabled.
To delete by Document:
- In routine Automatic Accounting Entry (CTBA102), select the document you intend to delete.
- After selecting it, click Other Actions > Delete.
- The message below is displayed, in which you can click No to delete the document:
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- A screen is displayed with the document to be deleted. Check whether it is the correct one and confirm the operation.
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- The system asks whether you want to continue. Enter yes:
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To delete by Batch:
- In routine Automatic Accounting Entry (CTBA102), click Other Actions > Delete.
- The message below is displayed, in which you can click Yes to delete by batch:
- The routine parameters are displayed, in which the user must enter:
- From Date? = Enter the Initial Date of the batches to be deleted.
- To Date? = Enter the Final Date of the batches to be deleted.
- From Batch? = Enter the Initial Batch to be used in the deletion.
- To Batch? = Enter the Final Batch to be used in the deletion.
- From Sub-batch? = Enter the Initial Sub-batch to be used in the deletion.
- To Sub-batch? = Enter the Final Sub-batch to be used in the deletion.
- From Document? = Enter the Initial Document to be used in the deletion.
- To Document? = Enter the Final Document to be used in the deletion.
- Generate on original entry date? = You do not need to fill this out, as this is a question for the option Reversal, but if you enter Yes, the entry date will be the same as that of the item being reversed.
- Date of reversal entries? = We recommend leaving this blank. This question is for option Reversal, in which you define the date of the reversal entry.
- Reversal Initial Batch Number? = We recommend leaving this blank. This question is for option Reversal, in which you define the batch of the reversal entry.
- Reversal Initial Sub-batch Number? = We recommend leaving this blank. This question is for option Reversal, in which you define the sub-batch of the reversal entry.
- Reversal Initial Document Number? = We recommend leaving this blank. This question is for option Reversal, in which you define the document of the reversal entry.
- Print Inconsistencies Report? = In case of inconsistency, enter Yes for the system to demonstrate it. Enter No if you do not want to check the inconsistencies report.
- Update Online Balances? = Enter Yes if you want to update balances online; that is, using the default online balances process via CTBXATU or via CTBA193 (in case of balance update in queue). If you do not want to update balances online, answer No.
- Reprocess Balances? = Enter Yes for the system to reprocess balances using CTBA190; otherwise, enter No.
- After setting parameters, click OK.
- A screen is displayed with documents to be deleted. Select all documents you want to delete and click OK to execute the deletion.
To delete entries in batch deletion from table CQB, the question Update Online Balances? must be answered as Yes and Reprocess Balances? as No.
- 4512144 DSERCTR1-18141 DT Sluggishness when deleting Batch Booking Entries
- MV_CTBAPLA - Clearing of Booking flag -- 113065