Páginas filhas
  • Technical Information (CTBA102 - SIGACTB)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  1. Overview
  2. Example of use
  3. Important
  4. Other Information


The system allows the user to create new fields for accounting and they will be enabled for all accounting screens.

Verify the example below to make the procedure valid, including in integration entries.


The company needs to save more data in its accounting entries. The right thing to do is create one more field for this purpose. Therefore, field XXX_INFORM (where XXX is the name of the data file) must be created.

  1. In file "CT5 - Standard Entries", create the field "CT5_INFORM" (Configurator environment).
  2. In file "CTK - Counterproof", create the field "CTK_INFORM" (Configurator environment).
  3. In file "CT2 - Accounting Entry", create the field "CT2_INFORM" (Configurator environment).


When removing fields from use (unused fields) the rule remains the same; that is, if a field is removed from CT2, it must be removed from tables CTK, CV3 and CT5.

Moreover, by default the automatic completion of fields only works in entries without grouping. In case of grouped booking, additional fields are not filled in.

However, you can customize the new grouping rule in Entry Point CT105QRY by adding the new fields.