Páginas filhas
  • COMING SOON - API - Automatic Accounting Entry (CTBA102)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Bloco de código
titleExample of Answer
    "CompanyGroup": "T1",           // company group in which the entry was inserted.
    "CT2_FILIAL": "D MG 01 ",       // Branch in which the entry was inserted.
    "CT2_DOC": "000003",            // Generated document number.
    "error": ""                     // Error will be returned blank if the inclusion is successful. In case of error, the error description is returned.




** If the sent content of field CT2_HIST is greater than the size of the field in Protheus, the system automatically generates history carry-forward rows (CT2_DC = 4) depending on the size of field CT2_HIST


  • REVERSAL @Post (Accounting Entry Reversal)
