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  • APURSN - Calculation of Simples Nacional

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Table Name



Calculation Base Reduction per Annex x Range

A file that allows the user to enter the reduction of the calculation base by Annex and Range in case of specific State legislation. Example: ICMS calculation basis reduction in Parana.


Simples Nacional calculation - Head Office

Summary of the calculation in the view of the centralizing head office. Contains totalizers considering all branches selected for processing.


Calculation Memory

This table contains the calculation memories of all taxes calculated. It is used in the generation of the Detailed Calculation Report.


Registration of charges of the Simples Nacional Payroll

History of payroll charges. This information will be used in the calculation of the "r" factor.


Balances from Returns

This table tracks the return balances, which will be generated when the return value is greater than the amount of the monthly revenue earned.


Effective rates of the Simples Nacional - Head Office

Effective rates in the view of the centralizing head office.


Simples National Annexes

Registration of annexes according to Complementary Statute no. 123/2006.


Simples Nacional Ranges

Registration of revenue ranges according to Complementary Statute no. 123/2006.


Simples Nacional Activities

Registration of economic activities according to Complementary Statute no. 123/2006.


Details of the activities of the Simples Nacional

This table binds CFOPs with service codes and product groups that should compose the revenue of economic activity.


Simples Nacional Limits

Registration of limits and sub-limits to collect taxes by the Simples Nacional applicable to each State.


Simples Nacional Revenues

History of revenues earned by the calculation. This information will be used in the composition of accumulated revenues from subsequent processing.


Breakdown of the effective rates

Effective rates calculated by the segregated calculation by branch and by the annex. The rates recorded in this table, after approval, will be used in the billing of the month following the calculation.


Simples National Sub-activities

Registration of sub-activities of the Simples Nacional. These sub-activities represent the revenues that should be segregated in the PGDAS-D.


National Simples Calculation – Totalizer

Summary of the calculation by branch. This table contains the values calculated and totalized per branch.


Breakdown of Simples Nacional Calculation

Breakdown of the calculation by branch. This table contains the values calculated, segregated by branch and sub-activity code.


In this case, just configure the MV_CODREG parameter stating option 2, which means excess gross revenue sub-limit. Once this configuration is done, the rates calculated will no longer be used in the billing of documents. According to the configuration guide of the MV_CODREG parameter, if branches are located in States where distinct sub-limits apply, the parameter should be exclusive per branch. In this case, the configuration for option 2 should be performed only for the branches whose sub-limit has been exceeded.


Decree 8660 published in DOE 10110 on January 17, 2018 deals with the reduction in the basis of calculation of the ICMS per annex and range according to tables I and II.  To perform the calculation of the ICMS base reduction, it is necessary to access the Annexes File and enter, in the Reduction of Calculation Base by Annex and Range tab, the fields Tax Type, Nominal Rate, Amount to be Deduced, and Limiter, according to tables I and II. After registration, perform the calculation for the results to be displayed in the calculation of the Simples Nacional and also in the Detailed Calculation Report. 
