Páginas filhas
  • TXT Booking – CTBA500 -- 111019

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
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  • A formatação mudou.


          Note: Remember that car control characters (CHR(10+13)) count as 2 characters

                     and and must be placed in columns 511 and 512.

- (2) Standard Entry Configuration
        You must configure it in accordance with the TXT file layout,
        a standard entry the code of which must be in the 001 and 499 range,
        It must contain in its fields the functions to read
        text files (LerVal() and LerStr()).

- (3) Example of Configuration.

TXT File 
200  X 123456   123456 Invoice Entry n. 00001  1000,25        ddmmyy or ddmmyyyy
|        |         |        |            |                                                |
|        |         |        |            |                                                |->Value (position 50 size 6)
|        |         |        |            |
|        |         |        |            |->Description (position 24 size 24)
|        |         |        |
|        |         |        |->Credit Account (position 17 size 6)
|        |         |
|        |         | ->Debit Account (position 8 size 6)
|        |
|        |-> Informative for TXT
|->Standard Entry Number (position 1 size 3)

Information to be contained in respective fields of Standard Entry.
Code: 200
Debit Account: LerStr(8,6)
Credit Account: LerStr(17,6)
History: LerStr(24,24)
Value: LerVal(50,6)
Date: LerData(70,6) for ddmmyy, or lerdata(70,8) for ddmmyyyy.

