Páginas filhas
  • Automatic Posting Payable - Localized (FINA090 - SIGAFIN)

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This routine allows performing the automatic posting of pending bills, posting several bills in a single operation. The bills are selected by the user by filtering the bearer, range of due dates, reason for posting and bordereau (if the bills are listed in a bordereau), enabling the posting of several bordereaux in a range specified by the user (from/to). The system even allows posting one or more bills with check, without needing posterior grouping.

Visually, the bills entered in Accounts Payable display a colored ball on the left side of the Automatic Posting Payable maintenance window. Green indicates a bill that has not been posted, red indicates posted bill and blue, partially posted.

By posting a bill, its reason can be established prior registration of Table of Reasons for Posting, available in the Miscellaneous option. This table identifies the bill and also enables a reason to post to move or not the bank balance, to generate commission, and to generate checks. This control is accomplished through the fields Bank Transaction, Commission and Check.

The following posting types that do not move bank balance:

  • BA - Automatic Posting without Bordereau
  • JR - Interest
  • MT - Fine
  • DC - Discount
  • CM - Monetary Adjustment
  • D2 - Discount of Bill Discounted
  • J2 - Interest of Bill Discounted
  • M2 - Fine of Bill Discounted
  • V2 - Net Amount of Bill Discounted
  • TL - Amount posted with tolerance
  • CP - Posting through Offset
  • C2 - Adjustment of Bill Discounted

There are five default reasons for bills payable:

  • Regular (NOR)

Related to bills of ordinary collections. Updates bank transaction automatically if a check has been generated for the bill.

  • Return (DEV)

Used in collections regarding returns. It does not update automatically the banking transaction.

  • Delivery in accord and satisfaction (DAC)

When something has been given as a payment for another. It does not update automatically the bank transaction.

  • Vendor (VEND)

Payment of bill through bank loan. The bank becomes the beneficiary, however, the company must have a bank contract registered to enable this loan. It automatically updates the bank transaction.

  • Debit Current Account

Automatically debits bank transaction without needing to generate a check on the bill.


The following parameters must be observed to control posting payable:

  • MV_TOLERPG - Indicates minimum tolerance amount for collection of bills.
  • MV_TOLER - Indicates the tolerance of days in arrears for collection.
  • MV_DATAFIN - Financial closing date. The system does not allow posting date lower than this parameter.
  • MV_CARTEIR - The codes of the banks operating in the portfolio must be entered.
  • MV_CALCCM - Indicates if there will be calculation of monetary adjustment.
  • MV_CTBAIXA - Defines if entering of accounts payable will be during posting (B), check (C) or both (A).
  • MV_CTLIPAG - Defines if payment release control will be used.
  • MV_TIPOCM - Establishes the calculation method for monetary adjustment: whether by original amount (O) or by total balance (T).
  • MV_CXFIN - Indicates the code of the bank, branch and account of internal cashier (separated by "/" (slash)).
  • MV_ATVCIMP - Used to meet the requirements of Normative Instruction 381 (MP 135), when tax bills (IRRF, PIS, COFINS and CSLL) mature. For further information on configuration, check the topic Update on Due Date of Tax Bills.
  • MV_FATOUT:Time the user have to select a record.
  • MV_MSGTIME: Message to the user informing the time to use the screen is running out.

See Also