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Manual invoices screen – Items folder

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to perform calculations for issuing an invoice.

Other Actions/Related Actions:


Main Information Screen - FT4060A

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to register the main information.

Main Fields and Parameters:


Manual Invoice Information Screen - Main Folders

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to register the main information of the manual invoices.

Main Fields and Parameters:


Manual Invoice Information Screen - General Folders

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to record general information.

Main Fields and Parameters:


Manual Invoice Information Screen - Transport Folders

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to register the information referring to the transport.

Main Fields and Parameters:


Manual Invoice Information Screen - Address Folders

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to record information referring to the address.

Main Fields and Parameters:


Manual Invoice Information Screen - Notes Folder

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to register notes related to the invoice information.

Other Actions/Related Actions:


Manual Invoices – Repres Folder

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to register information referring to the representatives.

The Add, Edit, and Delete buttons will be enabled only when the invoice refers to the sale of products and the item values are already entered.


Manual Invoices Screen – Trade Note Folder

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to register information referring to the trade notes.

The Add, Edit, Delete, and Recalculate Invoice Total buttons will be enabled only when the invoice (Operation Nature) includes the generation of trade notes.


Manual Invoice Screen – Packages Folder

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to register information referring to packages.

This folder is enabled when the invoice data are confirmed. To access the information in this folder, simply enter the invoice item, or click on it when the item has already been assumed in the sales order.


Manual Invoices Screen - Expenses Folder

Purpose of the Screen:

Allow you to register information referring to expenses.

Other Actions/Related Actions: 
