Páginas filhas
  • Accounts Payable Clearing - FINA340 - Financials - P12

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
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This routine clears all advances made and registered by the Suppliers (PA bills type), in addition to the credit notes to be deducted (NDF bills type).

The advances selected and entered by the user are deducted from the total amount of the original bill.


Procedure automatically performed in routine Accounts Payable Clearing (FINA340) without the display of screen - no interaction from the user required.

Used in customizations in which the process does not required user's interactions (MSEXECAUTO)

Example of automatic routine  Expandir origem
#INCLUDE "Protheus.ch"
Static __COMPAUT := Nil
User Function CMPAUTOMA()
Local lRet := .F.
Local cQry := ""
Local aTipos := {"NF ", "PA ", "NDF"}
Local cTblTmp := ""
Local aNF := {}
Local aPA_NDF := {}
Local aContabil := {}
Local bBlock := Nil
Local aEstorno := {}
Local nSldComp := 0
Local nTaxaPA := 0
Local nTaxaNF := 0
Local nHdl := 0
Local nOperacao := 0
If __COMPAUT == Nil
cQry := "SELECT E2_TIPO TIPO, R_E_C_N_O_ R_E_C_N_O FROM " + RetSqlName("SE2") + " "
cQry += "WHERE E2_SALDO > 0 AND E2_TIPO IN (interrogação) "
cQry += "ORDER BY E2_TIPO"
cQry := ChangeQuery(cQry)
__COMPAUT := FWPreparedStatement():New(cQry)
__COMPAUT:SetIn(1, aTipos)
cQry := __COMPAUT:GetFixQuery()
cTblTmp := MpSysOpenQuery(cQry)
While (cTblTmp)->(!Eof())
Aadd(aPA_NDF, (cTblTmp)->R_E_C_N_O)
Aadd(aNF, (cTblTmp)->R_E_C_N_O)
lRet := .T.
cTblTmp := ""
If lRet
Pergunte("AFI340", .F.)
lContabiliza := MV_PAR11 == 1
lAglutina := MV_PAR08 == 1
lDigita := MV_PAR09 == 1
lRet := FinCmpAut(aNF, aPA_NDF, aContabil, bBlock, aEstorno, nSldComp, dDatabase, nTaxaPA ,nTaxaNF, nHdl, nOperacao)
If lRet
Alert("Compensation successful")
Alert("An error occurred in the compensation process")
To use the Automatic Accounts Payable Compensation process, call the function: FinCmpAut. Clearing can be carried out from N to N: N advances/returns (PA or NDF) for N bills (NF, DP, etc.) or vice versa.
Accounts Payable Clearing 
