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  • Commission Report (MATR540 - SIGAFIN)

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Statute No. 13,709 - General Data Protection Law - In order to adapt the Protheus® system to the General Data Protection Law, we needed to adapt the presentation of routine data, in order to carry out the treatment of sensitive and/or personal data using the Access Control' and Audit Log processes. Access Control defines if the user or a group of users has permission to access/view the sensitive and/or personal data available in the routines and/or reports screens when applicable. The System Admin is the responsible party establishing whether the information control rules will be applicable to a single user or a group of users. The configuration of the access of sensitive and personal data to this user/group of users is available in the  Configurator (SIGACFG) module through accesses 192 and 193 (Accesses x Routine List). For further details on the Security Policy, click here. The Audit Log enables to audit the Data Dictionary and the User Registration updates, the access authentication to routines with sensitive and/or personal fields, as well as the possible access rejections to such data. For further details, refer to the Audit Rules chapter in the  Security Policy. The Protheus® System makes some routines available for the generation of the Audit Logs. The procedures for the configuration and generation of these reports are obtained through the Log and Audit Routines.


  1. In Commissions List, click Parameters.
  2. Configure them according to the field help instructions.
  3. Check the configurations and confirm printing the report.



List by?











































Return Invoices will always be printed on the issuance, regardless of the sales representative record setting for generating commission.

   Consider Date? - Enter the start date of the date interval to be considered for the report.

   To the Date? - Enter the end date of the date interval to be considered for the report.

   From Sales Representative? - Enter the initial code of the sales representative code interval to be considered for the commission list. Use the [F3] key to query the Sales Representatives Registration.

   To Sales Representative? - Enter the final code of the sales representative code interval to be considered for the commission list. Use the [F3] key to query the Sales Representatives Registration.

   Consider which? -Use the dropdown list to select if the report considers "Payable", "Paid" or "Both" commissions.

   List adjustments? - Select "Yes" to issue commission adjustments. These will be performed in the "Miscellaneous" + "Commission recalculation" routine. Otherwise, select "No".

   Which Currency? - Select the currency to be considered in the report generation, if "Currency 1", "Currency 2", "Currency 3", "Currency 4", or "Currency 5".

   Zeroed commissions? - Select “Yes” for the report to consider zeroed commissions; otherwise, select "No".

   Income Tax Rate? - Enter the Income Tax rate for the calculation to be considered in the report generation.

   Skip page by Sales Representative? - Enter if the report will skip pages by sales representative.

   Report Type? -This indicates the report template used.

   Print source details? - Enter if the system must print the bills that originated the bill that generated the commission (ex.: settled bills)

   Customer Name? - Select "reduced name" to print the customer's reduced name as in the record, or "corporate name" to print the corporate name as the name.

  Type of Sales Representative? - This indicates the type of sales representative to be printed in the report.


  • Example of report print:

  •  The total of commission percentage is calculated as follows: (Total commission * 100) / Total base amount, i.e., in the example above, we have: (1500*100)/30000.
