Páginas filhas
  • Manual Postings Payable - FINA080 - Financials - P12

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • Regular (NOR): bills of ordinary payments. Update bank transaction automatically if a check has been generated for the bill.
  • Return (DEV): receipts related to returns. Do not automatically update bank transaction.
  • Accord and Satisfaction (DAC): occurs when one thing is offered as payment for another. Do not automatically update bank transaction.
  • Vendor (VEND): Payment of bill through bank loan. The bank becomes the beneficiary; however, the company must have a bank contract registered to enable this loan. It automatically updates the bank transaction.
  • Checking Account Debit: it automatically debits the bank transaction without needing to generate a check on the bill.

In the main page of the routine, the following options are available:The routine also requires some default or specific settings enabled by parameters.


The Mental Map highlights those used in this routine, and also makes some of them easier to view so you may know when they are working.
The configuration of the Schedule and EAI Adapter routines promotes the following conditions:

  • Integration of TIN (TOTVS Real Estate Enterprising) which sends and receives XML files, in accordance with the XSD ratified by TOTVS.
  • Single message in XML file with posting of bills payable (ACCOUNTPAYABLEDOCUMENTDISCHARGE).

Mental Map

In this diagram, the data refer to the features of the routine: 
Image RemovedImage Added
Before posting, consider setting routine parameters to include the following criteria: 



Display Acctg. Entry?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to display accounting entry when booking online.

"Tax Grouping Entries?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to group entries in a single line, if accounts, cost center, item and value class are the same in the entries.

Online Booking?

Select Yes or No to indicate whether to book transactions (adding a bill, posting, generating a check, deleting, etc.) one at a time or offline (with all entries booked in one batch process).


Accounting entries related to the Posting of Bills Payable may occur in posting, in check generation or in both cases, through the setting of parameter MV_CTBAIXA, which can be: B, C or A, respectively.
In this case, first register the standardized entries corresponding to the generation of checks. In field Currency Val, fill out the variable VALUE.
The booking occurs when you enter a check number directly on the Manual Posting screen, enabling standardized entry 530. Meanwhile, in the automatic posting payable, the entry is performed in the routine itself if the bordereau number is entered, executing standardized entry 532.

Allow bordereau posting?

Enter whether to allow posting of bills in bordereau.

Duplicate Apportionment?

To fill out this field, select from the following options:

  • Addition: duplicates the distribution of multiple natures and multiple natures by cost center already entered while adding this bill, only recalculating the amounts in accordance with the amount posted. The amounts can be edited.
  • Posting: duplicates the distribution of multiple natures and multiple natures by cost center already entered during a partial bill posting, only recalculating the amounts in accordance with the amount posted in current posting. The amounts can be edited.
  • Do Not Duplicate: a window shows the distribution of multiple natures and multiple natures by cost center for entering their data.



When you fill out the field Duplicate Apportionment? with option Posting, you need to take the following criteria into account:

  • Create standard entries

Standard Entry


To get value (field Currency 1 Vl.)


Accounts Payable Posting with distribution in multiple natures by cost center.



Cancellation of Accounts Payable Posting with distribution in multiple natures by cost center.

