This routine is used to post bills payable automatically.
Important: You may cancel the posting of one or more bills/bordereaux. To do so, you must define the range on From/To Bordereau. |
To make an automatic posting payable:
1. In Automatic Posting Payable, press [F12] to configure the routine parameters.
2. Configure the parameters according to field help instructions.
3. Observe the following parameter:
This parameter establishes whether the posting must generate a check for payment of the respective bills. The check number is only requested if this question is answered in the affirmative.
4. Confirm the parameterization.
5. Then, select the option Automatic to post bills or Bordereau to post payment bordereaux.
The system opens the screen for automatic posting.
6. To post bills, select Bills.
7. To post bordereaux, select Bordereau.
8. Then, fill out data according to field help instructions.
9. Check data and confirm them.
The system displays a new screen with the bills subject to automatic posting, according to the parameterization data.
10. Double-click the desired bills, so that there is a green X mark on the left side of the bill, and confirm them.
11. The bills selected are posted.
Important: When the bill has financial transaction, and the bill cancellation for posting is displayed in Payment Release routine, automatic posting is not performed. |
If the Schedule routine and the Adapter EAI are configured, it is possible to integrate TIN (TOTVS Real Estate Enterprising) and Protheus to send and receive XML files, according to the XSD ractified by TOTVS®.
To cancel automatic postings:
Tax Bill Posting
If the bill has generated tax, it is automatically posted with the main bill, according to the class assigned to it.
When there is reduced IR base, IR is calculated during posting.
When withholding of the taxes PIS, COFINS and CSLL is configured to be made during posting, the value to be considered to check values paid is:
See Also