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  • Digital Cash Book Extractor of Rural Producer Wizard (FINA820)

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Digital Cash Book Extractor of Rural Producer (FINA820)

This routine was adjusted to comply with the Data Protection General Law (Law No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.
This routine will be available with release 12.1.27. For previous releases, you must add menu routines manually.
For delivery of LCDPR 2021 (base year 2020), it is imperative to update your financial environment, including the functions repository as well as the data dictionary. Therefore, we recommend you to access the links below, download the latest accumulated dispatch package of financials and update your environment.
Update Package - Financials - P12
Dictionary Update - Financials - P12

  • 01. OVERVIEW
  • 03.[ MAIN FIELDS AND PARAMETERS|WizarddoExtratorLivroCaixaDigitaldoProdutorRural(FINA820)-03.PRINCIPAISCAMPOSEPARÂMETROS]
  • 04.[ RELATED CONTENTS|WizarddoExtratorLivroCaixaDigitaldoProdutorRural(FINA820)-04.CONTEÚDORELACIONADO]


The main goal of the Wizard is to enable operators to generate the file Digital Cash Book of Rural Producer in accordance with their parameter settings.
To know whether you are required to hand in the Digital Cash Book of Rural Producer, access: {+}http://receita.economia.gov.br/orientacao/tributaria/declaracoes-e-demonstrativos/lcdpr-livro-caixa-digital-do-produtor-rural+
To accomplish this, you must meet some preconditions:

  1. To have at least one registered Property / Branch (Real Estate Register in Related Contents);
  2. To be registered as Declarant (see Persons Register in Related Contents) of LCDPR in at least one of the properties;
  3. To have at least one Bank Account registered as "Title Holder" in the Bank Register (table SA6).

       As a result, the file will be generated based on financial transactions (table SE5), of selected branch(es) (which are properties), and that have financial natures registered in 'Generate LCDPR  ?' as 'Yes'.
When you directly add the financial transaction to the banking transactions routine (FINA100), you need to enter the EIN / SSN of participant (customer / supplier), to include the participant ID data in future deliveries. If the previous data are not identified (through database adjustments or via entry point) in field Taxpayer ID (E5_CGC), the system assumes the SSN of the declarant, as the LCDPR file requires this information.
       All transactions made in one of the banks indicated in the LCDPR Extractor as belonging to the Declarant will be printed in block 'Q', of transactions, with the bank account ID code.
       If the transaction has a financial nature with 'Generate LCDPR ?' = 'Yes', but the account is not declared, it is displayed as 'Amount in Transit' (code '999').
       Yet in cases in which the transaction is a cash payment (reason for posting equal to 'Cash Money'), it is displayed as payment in Cash Money (code '000').
       Still in the transactions block, the identified document types (default) are:

  1. Invoice (document type = 'NF');
  2. Bill (document type = 'FT');
  3. Receipt (document type = 'RC');
  4. Contract (document type = 'C01');
  5. Payroll (document type = 'FOL');
  6. Other (the remaining document types).

       To change these default types, you must use one of the two entry points available for routine LCDPR Extractor. For further information, check the link in item 05 of this document.


The Wizard is displayed onscreen so you can set the initial parameters for generating the obligation.
On this first screen you can check the name of the routine, its purpose and the LCDPR layout version currently supported by the application.
Initial Parameters:

Code of Owner (direct query of Persons Register, filtering declarants):

Calculation Method: The calculation method of the chosen rural activity indicates the natural person calculated the result based on:
1) Cash Book: calculated the result of rural activity based on entries registered in the Rural Producer Cash Book; or
2) Calculated the Result  of rural activity based on the option provided in art. 5º of Law No. 8,023, of 1990 (20% of Gross Revenue).
Special Status: Indicator of Special Status and Other Events:
0 - Regular;
1 - Bereavement;
2 - Estate;
3 - Definitive departure from country.
Special Status Date: Date of Special Status: in case of bereavement of natural person, the date of death.
Start of period indicator: This period can be:
0 - Regular (starts on first day of year);
1 - Opening (activities begin on calendar year);
2 - Start of bookkeeping requirement during the calendar year. (Example: noncompliance as exempt from IRPF)
By Date: It defines whether transactions are taken into account by credit date (E5_DTDISPO) or posting date (E5_DATA).
Start Date: Start date of period. Start date of information found in file. Fill out this field with the start date of period corresponding to the calendar year referred to by the LCDPR.
End Date: End date of period.

Real Estate properties screen:

Screen to select the Bank Accounts of declarant:

Screen to define the accountant and file directory:

Note: the option to create a .CSV file (separated by comma) is available from the accumulated Continuous Dispatch of 5/17/2021 onwards.


Main Fields and Parameters



Calculation Method

The calculation method of the chosen rural activity indicates the natural person calculated the result based on:
1) Cash Book: calculated the result of rural activity based on entries registered in the Rural Producer Cash Book; or
2) Calculated the Result  of rural activity based on the option provided in art. 5º of Law No. 8,023, of 1990 (20% of Gross Revenue).

Special Status: 

Indicator of Special Status and Other Events:
0 - Regular;
1 - Bereavement;
2 - Estate;
3 - Definitive departure from country.

Special Status Date: 

Date of Special Status: in case of bereavement of natural person, the date of death.

Start of period indicator: 

This period can be:
0 - Regular (starts on first day of year);
1 - Opening (activities begin on calendar year);
2 - Start of bookkeeping requirement during the calendar year. (Example: noncompliance as exempt from IRPF)

By Date:

Set the date to be taken into account when filtering financial transactions:
1 - Posting Date (E5_DATA);
2 - Credit Date (E5_DTDISPO).

Initial date: 

Start date of period. Start date of information found in file. Fill out this field with the start date of period corresponding to the calendar year referred to by the LCDPR.

Final date: 

Selection of real estate properties of the declarant.

Real Estate Properties

Address number of person.


Definition of accountant responsible for the statement

Save file in:

Directory used in file creation. You can also enter the name of the file to be created.


Persons Register (FINA031):
Real Estate Properties Register (FINA029):
Facilitator of Nature (FINA010):
Adjustment in Bank Register (MATA070):
For a given bank account (table SA6) to be available for selection in the LCPDR Extractor,  it must be defined as Title Holder:

Note: For title holder accounts, the Country of the account (another information the LCDPR Extractor uses) becomes a requirement.
For accounts that have a registered code (A6_COD) that differs from the bank codes from the Central Bank, we offer the field "Official Bank" (based on the "0N" banks table) with all the codes of the main existing banks.

You can also complete this table of Banks whenever you need.
The banks to be taken into account and sent to the LCDPR Extractor must necessarily exist (have a valid code) on the list of compensation codes of financial institutions in the STR system of the Central Bank. For instance, you CANNOT use either the bank codes used for Financial control of the system or the codes used by the Store module.
If a non-existing compensation code is found in the file sent to the Federal Revenue Service, it creates an inconsistency and invalidates the transmission.



  1. Overview
  2. Exemple of use
  3. XXX Screen
    1. OtherActions / Related Actions
  4. XXX Screen
    1. Main Fields and Parameters
  5. Tables




Other Actions / Related Actions



Main Fields and Parameters


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F820Qry - Handling of condition of LCDPR Extractor
F820Reg - Control of LCDPR records        
F820Bco - Data adjustment of bank accounts selected in LCDPR