Páginas filhas
  • Financial Management View - FINA271

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Example of financial nature register:

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Example of financial management view based on the above example of nature register:

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Procedures to create a financial management view:

1 - Click Add

2 - Fill out the fields and click Save:

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View Code (FJ1_CODIGO): - Attribute a Code to the View


Note (FJ1_OBS): - Field for Free Use

The header of the financial management view register (FJ1) is created and a management view screen is displayed to create the data that composes the view.
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3 - Clique Click the Add icon


A tab opens on the right for you to add the data. Fill out the fields:

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View Code (FJ2_CODIGO): The View Header code is already included.


Column (FJS_COLUNA): Use it to set the quantity of columns for indentation when printing the description of each entity. Example 
      . 2           - EXPENSES (0 Columns)
      . 2.01      -    ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (3 Columns)
      . 2.01.01 -       LEASES (6 Columns)

Use the next 4 fields for Selection to format the Report / Query of the summarized entities View.


Ent. Factor? (FJ2_FATSLD): Enter whether to keep the value of detailed entity or to invert it (for example: become negative) in report / query of view. Summarized entities are totalized in compliance with the configuration of this field.

4 - Click   to finish adding / editing
If the entity is summarized, its registration ends here.
In the case of a detailed entity, click in the composition tab of the account (found in the lower right-hand corner of the screen), as illustrated below:

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The Fields:

Man Ent Descr (FJ3_DESCCG): The description of the entity entered in management account tab is repeated (on the top right-hand corner of the screen)


Formula (FJ3_FORMUL): Enter a formula to adjust the balance of natures of this entity's line, which may take 3 forms, the first two of which perform the same operation:
      . "ROUTINE=" + a number to be multiplied by the balance of this entity's natures. Ex ROUTINE=20 - the balance is multiplied by 20.
      . "FACTOR=" + a number to be multiplied by the balance of this entity's natures. Ex FACTOR=20 - the balance is multiplied by 20.
      . "BALANCE=" + a number that will be the balance of natures of this entity's line, substituting that which the system calculates. Ex BALANCE=20 - the balance is 20. 
Identific (FJ3_IDENTI): Enter whether the natures entered in this line are added to or subtracted from the balance of the entity.

5 - Click  to finish adding / editing
As you add more Entities on the right, the structure is assembled on the left so you can see how it will be displayed.
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