Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


03. Enter a description that identifies the new document.

04. In the Publishing files tab, find and select the document to be posted.


Click on Select file to select a document from the workstation, or Copy ECM file to select a document that has already been posted on the platform.

This tab allows you to transfer the document from a workstation to the platform. This upload is required, because in order to post a document, it must be initially written in the area used for the files to be posted. Although this is a single directory determined in General parameters, the platform automatically creates an upload area for each user in this directory. According to this configuration, each user views only the documents within their upload area.

Find and select the document to be posted. If there is more than one file, select the main file and designate which ones will be its attachments.

If you wish, select Clear upload directory when postingWhen checked, it determines that the files located in the upload directory will be deleted once the document is posted.

05. In the General information tab, enter the required information.


For more information, see Document (advanced).

Allows download and printing?
When checked, this option determines that the document allows its content to be downloaded and printed by users who have permission to do so, i.e., the Download and printing option under the document's Security tab is checked for a user or a group to which the user belongs.

Update properties of a controlled copy?
When checked, this option updates information in the document properties, which is required to print the controlled copy of the document.

Use internal viewer?
When checked, this option determines that the document will be displayed in the platform's internal viewer. By default, this field is marked and the documents are displayed in the internal viewer. This field is only enabled for change when it is configured that it should not be inherited from the parent folder.

Customized fields
Click on Add field,to add custom fields to the document, if desired.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can request additional permissions for the document. For more information, see Request additional permission for a folder or document.

View document attachments


01. Find the document for which you wish to view the attachments.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can view the document attachments. For more information, see View document attachments.

Define priority for a document


01. Find the document for which you wish to define priority.

02. Enter the desired priority for the document in  In the Priority column.click on the space corresponding to priority.

03Enter a numeric priority for the folder or document and press the Enter key on the keyboard.


The prioritization of folders or documents is used exclusively to sort them by priority in the documents browsing. You can define the priority for all document types that can be posted.

To view the content of a folder sorted by its priority, simply click on the Priority column. 


For more information about document priority, see Define priority for a folder or document.

If the Priority column is not displayed in the folder containing the document, you can enable it by following the steps of the alternative path View folder content priority under Folder..

Perform a social action for a document


01. Find the document for which you wish to perform a social action.



For more information about social actions that can be performed for a document in document browsing, see Support folder or document, Comment on folder or document and Share folder or document

Follow document



Folders or forms cannot be followed; therefore, this action cannot be performed for the existing content in the root folder. 

01. Find the document that you wish to follow.



For more information on the Follow feature, see Follow document.

Define document as favorite


01. Find the document that you wish to define as a favorite.



For more information about the Favorites feature, see Define folder or document as favorite

Rename document


01. Find the document that you wish to rename.


to rename



02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the document name and click on Rename.

03.  Click on Enter a new name or description and click on Rename.


Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can rename the document. For more information, see Rename folder or document.

Remember that there are several types of documents, such as an extension file supported by the platform, an article, an external document, and others. In case of a file, you can only change its name, not its extension.

Update document physical file


01. Find and select the document for which you wish to update the physical file.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the document name.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can update the physical file of the document. For more information, see Update physical file of document.

Edit document content


01. Find the document for which you wish to edit the content.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the document name.


04. In the message displayed, click on Yes to check-out the document.


You must check-out a document before editing it, otherwise you cannot change its content. For more information, see Check-out document. When confirming the document check-out, you can choose the application with which you wish to edit the document. For more information, see Edit content of document.

If the Collaborative editing feature is active on the platform, the message presented displays two editing options. To continue with the traditional editing, click on Webdav. If you wish to use the collaborative editing feature, click on Google Drive. For more information, see the alternative path Edit document on Google Drive.

Download the document
