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To create the DIF - Beverages:
1. In Normative Instructions, the routine description screen is displayed.
2. Click Parameters.
The routine parameters are displayed.
4. Fill out data according to field help instructions.
5. Check out the following parameters:
Start Date
Enter the first day of the month data is sent.
End Date
Enter the last day of the month data is sent.
Normative Instruction
The instruction must be entered, according to the magnetic file type to be created. Enter the configuration file to be used without the .INI extension.
Refer to the following table:
Magnetic File
Used for importing Invoices
Used for importing the RAIPI Book
Used for importing Inputs
Used for importing Bottled Products
To create the DIFBEBIDEI.TXT and the DIFBEBIDEP.TXT files, the month's initial inventory and the products' current balance are entered, so it is important the for the closings to be up-to-date with the correct balances.
Destination File
This parameter must be left blank, since each normative instruction has its own created magnetic file name. See the previous table.
The directory where the files are copied must be entered.
5. Check the data and confirm.
6. When you confirm the Normative Instruction's execution standard parameters, a specific DIF - drinks wizard is displayed, with the following data:
Branch From / Branch To
These questions allow you to consolidate the values, entering only the branches to be consolidated. If they are not entered, only the current branch is considered for the creation.
Enter the periodicity to generate the magnetic file. 1-Monthly or 2-Ten-day period.
Note: This feature has only been implemented for the configuration file SRF325B.INI (RAIPI Book Import).
7. Check the data and confirm.
8. For the SRF325C.INI and SRF325D.INI configuration files, a CFOPs and Statement Type configuration screen is displayed, according to the situation.
9. After pressing ENTER at each option, a screen is displayed for typing the CFOPs corresponding to the operation.
10. At each line, indicate the CFOPs corresponding to the entered operations, separating them with / (forward slashes).
Example: 5102/5103/6102.
11. For the item 0010 (Statement Type), you must enter 1 for the monthly type and 2 for the ten-day period type. This field is required for the correct generation of the magnetic file.
12. In case the selected option is 2=Ten Day Period, the period of ten days is defined based on the date entered in the routine's questions for the magnetic file's creation. Example: if the final date is 10/06/2006, it is considered as the 1st ten-day period; if the final date is 20/06/2006, it is considered as the 2nd ten-day period, and if the final date is 30/06/2006, it is considered as the 3rd ten-day period.
13. Check the data and confirm.
The system displays a screen indicating that the files were generated with specific names, according to what is defined in the parameters.