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  • Tables/Standardized Entries (FINA280 - SIGAFAT)

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Tables/Standardized Entries (FINA280 - SIGAFIN)
Tables/Standardized Entries (FINA280 - SIGAFIN)


  • SA1 - Customers File. Verified for customer selection.
  • SE1 - Accounts Receivable File - Registers new bill receivable and disables the original bills.
  • SE4 - Payment Form File - Verified for breakdown generation.
  • SED - Class File - Verified for saving the invoice class.
  • SI1 - Chart of Accounts File - Updates the balance of ledger accounts.
  • SI2 - Accounting Entries File - Saves SI5 accounting entries according to the S15 file.
  • SI6 - Standardized Entries File - Verified for generation of accounting entries.
  • SI6 - Lot Total File - Updates total of entry lot.
  • SM2 - Currencies File - Checked for conversion of the bill amount to other currencies.
  • FJU - Save Bills Deleted
  • FK1 - Write-offs Receivable
  • FK3 - Calculated Tax
  • FK4 - Withheld Tax
  • FK5 - Bank Transactions
  • FK6 - Accessory Values
  • FKA - Transaction Track 

Standardized entries
