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  • Contingency Notes (SPEDNFE - SIGAFAT)

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Contingency Notes (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)
Contingency Notes (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)

  • Revenue Departments provide three methods for contingency to taxpayers that use Electronic Invoices. Off line contingency method - taxpayer must use security forms to print DANFE. Online contingency method - know as SCAN (National Scope Contingency System). DPEC (Previous Issuance Statement in Contingency) method. SCAN is only available when Revenue Departments adopt new Neff layouts, according to versions 2.03 and 2.04 of taxpayer manual.
  • To use offline contingency, the taxpayer must configure SPEDNFe using button parameters and then changing parameter Normal Environment for offline Contingency. To return normal issuance, run inverse procedure.
  • In offline Contingency  run same procedures as in operation  Normal, that is, send invoices and print DANFE. The only difference is that in mode  offline Contingency, the DANFE is printed out with an additional note, in two copies using the security form.
  • Security forms can be found in the companies below, however, some Revenue Departments accredit print shops for this purpose, get informed before acquiring paper.
  • CASA DA MOEDA DO BRASIL (Brazil's Mint House)
    CNPJ: 34.164.319/0005-06
    Address: Rua René Bittencourt, 371 Distrito Industrial de Santa Cruz, RIO DE JANEIRO (RJ)
  • ARJO WIGGINS LTDA. current CNPJ, according alteration (Official Diary of 07/04/2007 page 83 - Section 1).
    CNPJ: 45.943.370/0001-09
    Address: Rodovia Salto Itu, 30, bairro Porto Góes, Salto, SP.
  • The Electronic Contingency model was idealized as an alternative, allowing to discard the security form to print DANFE and to not change the series and numeration.
  • This contingency modality is based on concept of Previous Statement of Issuance in Contingency – DPEC, which holds main NF-e information that will be issued in contingency, performed by SEFAZ emitter. DPEC transmission is made for Web Services of Electronic Contingency System (SCE), in which is validated and authorized. The DANFE must be printed after authorization returns. The entire implementation of this transmission module was based on the Electronic Contingency System Manual.
  • To use offline contingency, the taxpayer must configure SPEDNFe using button parameters and then changing parameter Normal Environment for Electronic Contingency - DPEC. then, after changing parameter  Version DPEC  for desired version (current version 1.01). To return to normal issuance, run inverse procedure.
  • The user taxpayer of electronic Invoice can get in contingency as a result of technical problems that stop the establishment to transmit the NF-e for Revenue Department.

Notes on the caption

The legends, colors, change every time system interacts with  TOTVS® Service SPED, also:

  • When NFe is transmitted for TOTVS® Service SPED–  NF transmitted. 
  • When transmitted NFe presents data integrity problems – NF not authorized. 
  • After DANFE printing. – NF authorized. 
  • After NF-e query - NF authorized,  or  NF Denied Use.

Notes on some options

  • Filter

This option allows user to change filter with no need to exit and re-enter in routine.

  • View Document

This option allows user to view selected invoices. This option views inflow and outflow invoice depending on filtering performed.

  • Export

This option allows user to export invoices under the XML format, for a certain directory for NFe backup purposes. Thus, the system checks parameter MV_SPEDEXP to erase NFes from database.

DANFE Specifications:

Invoice Chart           

Prints in up to 9 installments.

Products/Service Data Chart

Product/Service description in up to 30 characters.

Important Notes on version 2.00

  • TAG Change <Phone> of the group <Enderemit>, where it is possible to enter 14 positions was not implemented due to SEFAZ restrictions as to filling, functioning only the existing format from version 1.10.
  • The TAG <indtot> field must be filled out with:

0 – the item value does not comprise the e-invoice full value

1 – the item value comprises the e-invoice full value

This treatment is performed in TIO through the field F4_AGREG (Add Value) however only invoices with tag equal to “1” are valid.

  • The following types of invoices are not contemplated due to SEFAZ restrictions and/or rejections:

-Invoice with ICMS and ISS operations;

-Invoice with ISSQN operations;

-Invoice with ICMS deferral operations (CST 51);

-Invoice with ICMS Tax Replacement operations (CST 60);

-Invoice with ICMS addition.

  • TAG <CSOSN> creation: field must be filled out with:

101 - Taxed by Simples Nacional with credit permission.

102 - Taxed by Simples Nacional without credit permission.

103 - ICMS Exemption in Simples Nacional for gross revenue range.

201 - Taxed by Simples Nacional with credit permission and ICMS collection by tax replacement.

202 - Taxed by Simples Nacional without credit permission and with ICMS collection using tax replacement.

203 - ICMS Exemption in Simples Nacional for gross revenue range and ICMS collection using tax replacement.

300 - Exempt.

400 - Non-taxed by Simples Nacional.

500 - ICMS previously collected by tax replacement or advanced.

900 - Others.

Os emissores de NF-e optantes pelo SIMPLES NACIONAL e que tenham informado o campo CRT (Código de Regime de Tributação) com valor 1 devem preencher os campos de informações do ICMS com base no CSOSN – código da Situação da operação do ICMS no Simples Nacional. Este tratamento é feito no Cadastro de TES por meio do campo Cod Sit SN (F4_CSOSN) e por meio do parâmetro MV_CODREG.

Information on some fields:

Slot of digital certificate

Enter storage Slot in HSM of digital certificate

Digital certificate label

Enter storage Label in HSM of digital certificate

Enter file name of HSM module

Enter file name of HSM communication library (client). This library is provided by the maker (SAFENET), and must be placed under Root path directory of Microsiga Protheus® Application Server.

Enter digital certificate password.
