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  • Units of Measurement (QIEA030 - SIGAFAT)

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Units of Measurement (QIEA030 - SIGAQIE)
Units of Measurement (QIEA030 - SIGAQIE)

All units of measurement to be used in the system are registered in this routine. Every product registered in Protheus must, mandatorily, be associated with a unit of measurement, otherwise, Product Registrations cannot be completed.

Routine Units of Measurement allows keeping a description of the unit of measurement in three different languages:

  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Spanish

Besides description, you must enter a single identification code for the UM - Unit of Measurement.

Protheus allows using two units of measurement:

Standard Unit of Measurement

Used for all movements from purchase to sale.

Secondary Unit of Measurement

Used for transaction involving parts using two different units of measurement. This is obtained through a specific conversion factor.


  • Supplier Unit of Measurement = (kg) 0.3 kilos;
  • Company Unit of Measurement = (gr) 300 grams;
  • Conversion Factor = 1000.

The System controls the balance using both units, although the unit cost reflects only the standard unit value.

The secondary unit of measurement is selected in movement routines. In some cases, the System suggests the unit of measurement, though you can change it.


Help_buttonImage Removed Important:

Integration between the SIGAPCP module (Production Control and Planning) and the SIGADPR (Product Developer) occurs by enabling the MV_INTDPR=1 parameter. When an add, edit or delete operation is performed in the SIGAPCP, they are replicated in the SIGADPR module.


To add a unit of measurement:

  1. In Units of Measurement, click Add.
    The system displays the add screen.
  2. Fill out the fields according to the field help instructions.
  3. Confirm it.

See also
