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  • Other Actions (GCPA003 - SIGAGCP)

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SICAF Integration

This option allows to query on SICAF and add suppliers through Suppliers, Participant and Licensed Suppliers registers. When activated, the screen is displayed with search parameters that must be completed according to criteria desired allowing to combine it on several information.

On the Other Actions item, the following options are available:

  • SICAF Search: it searches suppliers with parameters entered through the URL http://compras.dados.gov.br/fornecedores/v1/fornecedores.xml. If there are suppliers that meet the parameters informed, a grid with these suppliers will be assembled and displayed on the lower part of the screen. The SICAF search may result in tens of thousands of suppliers, and due to this, you should combine parameters that result in a lower amount of suppliers and make view easier on the grid to result in better assertiveness when choosing suppliers/participants that will be added to this system.

You may navigate on grid to flag/unflag suppliers that meet its needs and select the type of register that will be generated.


On the Natural Person supplier query, for information security issues, the CPF is not completely displayed and the address is not available on SICAF, this way, you need to use other methods to obtain complete data. On the Legal Entity case, in other hand, data is completely displayed with a few exceptions on Trade Name, because, it is displayed blank and the routine is completed with its own Corporate Name.

  • Add Supplier/Participant: this option must be activated when the marking stage and register type selection is completed so that is possible to register. The supplier verification is performed on supplier and participant register tables and only new registers will be added, discarding the others.

On the supplier addition the standard addition screen is displayed and you need to enter mandatory fields and other fields that apply to the business rule.

On the participant addition, no screen will be displayed, only a warning if any problem occurred on the addition execution.