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  • SA (Request to Warehouse) Position (MATC100 - SIGACOM)

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SA (Request to Warehouse) Position (MATC100 - SIGAEST)
SA (Request to Warehouse) Position (MATC100 - SIGAEST)

This routine shows the position of requests to warehouse generated in module Inventory and Costs.

The query displays: request number, requester, issue date, product, amount requested, pending balance, balance available for delivery, amount in purchase request, status of the request to warehouse (pending purchase request, request delivered, etc.), number of the purchase request generated, number of inventory request, production order (in case of a product with manufacturing structure - PA), cost center, ledger account, etc.

Requests to warehouse may have the following status:

. Awaiting material delivery;

. Purchase Request in quotation process;

. Pending Purchase Request;

. Request to Warehouse available;

. Request to Warehouse fulfilled.


To query the position of request to warehouse:
