Páginas filhas
  • Canceling a Payment Order (FINA086 - SIGAFIN)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This routine enables you to cancel the generated Payment Orders.

Parameter Influence

Enables you to enter the reversal of Payment Order cancellation when configured with S.

If the parameter MV_ESTORDP is not created in the system, the default content N is considered, which does not enter the reversal when Payment Order is canceled.


Enables tax withholding not to be deleted during Payment Order cancellation when configured with E.

By reversing withholding, a record is saved for the withholding concerning the Payment Order to be canceled with negative values, and the withholding generated in the payment order inclusion is not deleted.




Canceling a payment order:


Cancellation is processed.



By cancelling a Payment Order, which has generated withholding, withholding record can be deleted or reversed, according to the configuration of the parameter MV_DELRET.

Image ModifiedYou may only Cancel the Payment Order if it is not Reconciled.

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