Páginas filhas

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  • Classes File - by filling the fields Calculate COFINS and COFINS Perc.;
  • Customers File - by filling the field Calc. Cofins?.


The system uses the following parameters:

  • MV_COFINS - Determines the class for classifying Cofins bills.
  • MV_VRETCOF - Establishes the minimum amount for exemption from Cofins withholding. If the Cofins amount is lower than this parameter, the bill will not be generated and Cofins shall be equal to zero.
  • MV_COFVENC - Determines the number of days to be considered for paying Cofins and the calculation period.
  • MV_TXCOF - When the rate in the class file is zeroed, the system uses the rate contained in this parameter to calculate Cofins while adding a bill receivable.


Regarding the Classes File, the fields Calculate COFINS? = Yes and then entering the percentage  of 2% in the field COFINS Perc., while adding a bill receivable of R$ 1,000.00 using this class,  the amount of R$ 20.00 is automatically calculated by the system , and can be checked in the field COFINS. 

Image ModifiedTip:

At the time of adding the bill, check if the system generates a bill receivable of type CF- with amount of COFINS calculated, with the discount feature, without changing the original value. This amount shall be discounted only when writing-off the bill.