Páginas filhas
  • Report of Checks not Credited (FINR088 - SIGAFIN)

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  • Esta linha foi removida.
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Displays the list of checks received that have not been entered in the bank transaction yet, which means, not deposited. This report helps you control checks to be deposited and also facilitates the bank consolidation routine and portfolio of bills receivable.

Checks can be listed by due date, customer code, receipt number, issue date, or by the check number.

In Accounts Receivable, the check number is saved in the bill because the modules Store Control and Point of Sales save the invoice or receipt number in the bill number for bills receivable generated by the sales transaction.

Data concerning bank, branch, and check account are saved in the fields Check Bank, Check Branch, and Check Account, respectively.


Issuing the list of checks:

  1. In Checks not Credited, click Parameters.
  2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.
  3. Check data and confirm them.

See Also

  • Standard Configuration of Reports
  • Configuration of Customized Reports