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DDA reconciliation gets bar codes from electronic bank bills to make the payment through dispatch of CNAB payment files.

Image ModifiedImportant:

Users of Sispag model must use CNAB 240 positions (CNAB model 2) to obtain data.

Users of the model CNAB 400 positions must check its use with their banks because this process was not provided by FEBRABAN in the model CNAB 400 positions.


To run this routine properly, Supplier register must have the field CNPJ/CPF (A2_CGC) filled out correctly. This field is the link for supplier identification when CNAB return file is processed with data of DDA collection of the company.


4. The routine initial screen is returned. Select OK to proceed with the reconciliation.

Image ModifiedNote:

Bill identification fields are not compared, since information is not standardized until this moment because it is provided by the bank assigner (supplier). However, information about DDA collection number and number of bill of accounts payable (SE2) is displayed on the screen for verification.

5. After processing, data are displayed on the screen DDA Reconciliation.
