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This routine aims at negotiating CDCI contracts with the Financial Institution, which means, all sales via CDCI that have not been negotiated are grouped in a bordereau to be sent to the Financial Institution. The institution will provide the respective maturity dates with payable values and also credits the bordereau value to the company.


Sales contracts through CDCI are used in the Vehicles Environment.


To generate  CDCI Bordereaux:

1. In the CDCI Bordereau maintenance window, press [F12] for configuring the routine parameters.

2. Configure the parameters and confirm.

3. Then, select the option Generate.

The system displays a new parameters screen.

4. Configure them observing the following parameters:

    • Initial Date/Final Date

By entering the date, the system selects all pending CDCI contracts and with the contract date of the period entered.

    • Person

Select Individual or Company. Contracts are displayed, according to the type of person selected and period entered.

    • Plan

A list of plans can be entered or leave it blank for all.

    • Grace Period Group

It must be entered the maximum number of days to be grouped in the grace period which must not be multiple of 30. For example, if it is entered 10 days and the grace period is 25,  30 days is saved in the grace period group, since there is a 5-days difference. If days difference is larger than days entered, a new grace group is generated.

5. Check the information and confirm.

6. The system displays the contracts that present the parameters entered.

7. Select the desired contracts and confirm.

8. The system generates a CDCI bordereau of the selected contracts.

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