Páginas filhas
  • Tax Withholding Control (FINA040 - SIGAFIN)

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Besides regular verification for exclusion of an accounts receivable bill, the system checks if the fields of relationship between origin bill and DDI (Tax Difference) bill are filled out. If yes, DDI bill cannot be deleted.



Inclusion of three bills receivable in the amount of R$2,000.00 each, with due date in the current month, which has customer and nature registered.

By adding the third bill, tax values are calculated in: R$60.00, R$180.00 and R$39.00 for CSLL, COFINS and PIS respectively.

Change value of the bill 001 from R$2,000.00 to R$3,000.00. Tax values are recalculated for R$210.00, R$70.00 and R$45.50 for CSLL, COFINS and PIS respectively.


Image ModifiedImportant:

To control tax withholding successfully, the following items are required:

In Customer Register, the fields COFINS Paym., CSLL Paym., and PIS Paym. must be filled out with Yes.

In Nature Register, the fields Calculate CSLL, Calculate COFINS, and Calculate PIS must be filled out with Yes. Besides, the fields CSLL Perc., COFINS Perc., and PIS Perc. must be filled out with the percentages 1, 3, and 0.65 respectively.

The parameter MV_BR10925 defines when values of these taxes are deducted, and it can be configured with 1 = Deducts taxes in document write-off or 2 = Deducts taxes in document issue.

Image ModifiedNote:

If the parameter MV_BR10925 is configured with 1 - Tax deduction in document write-off:

In regular bills:

  • Taxes are calculated based only on the bill value in order to point out the tax value estimation.
  • You do not need to check the accrued values, issued in the deduction period.
  • Deduction bills of PIS, COFINS and CSLL are not generated because taxes are deducted when bill is written off.

In bills of Advance Collection (RA)

  • Tax value in RA is not generated during inclusion, it is evaluated during clearance.