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Veja a seguir exemplos de filtros no padrão odata.
Operador | Descrição | Exemplo |
Logical Operators | ||
eq | Equal | /Suppliers?$filter=Address/City eq 'Redmond' |
ne | Not equal | /Suppliers?$filter=Address/City ne 'London' |
gt | Greater than | /Products?$filter=Price gt 20 |
ge | Greater than or equal | /Products?$filter=Price ge 10 |
lt | Less than | /Products?$filter=Price lt 20 |
le | Less than or equal | /Products?$filter=Price le 100 |
and | Logical and | /Products?$filter=Price le 200 and Price gt 3.5 |
or | Logical or | /Products?$filter=Price le 3.5 or Price gt 200 |
not | Logical negation | /Products?$filter=not endswith(Description,'milk') |
Grouping Operators | ||
( ) | grouping | /Products?$filter=(Price lt 5) |
Ao utilizar campos do tipo data é importante saber:
http://localhost:8051/api/framework/v1/users?$filter=(meta.created eq 2014-07-07T18:32:15Z)
1.3 - Restrições
Nas APIs de Menus e Parâmetros, foram implementados os recursos do ODATA pertinentes a manipulação de strings. Como operadores: equals, not equals, starts with e ends with e contains.
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