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Comentário: Atualizada para considerar a release 1.6.5


Location registration allows registration of different locations, each one meeting a specific need. Used as a holiday registration add-on, it helps ensure that each location has its holiday, regardless of its region or time zone.
To associate a holiday to a location, see the Holidays documentation and learn how to create it.



01.Select the Control Panel feature in the main menu In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check People container and click Locations.

02. Go to the General tab.03. Click the Locations option.04. Click Add.

0503. Enter a description for the location.

0604. Define the time zone.

0705. Click Define map and search the location in the Search address field.

0806. After defining the location, click Save

When clicking Save, the location name changes because it is based onthe location name entered when searching the Define map item. Simply change it to the name of your choosing

0907. Select the holiday in the Holidays field.

1008. Click Save.

Edit Location


01.Select the location to be edited.


02. After the location is selected, it will be default for all tasks.


This documentation is valid from update 1.6.5 - Liquid on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.