Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Rule resolution order:

1- Check all “no” and, if you find a record that invalidates the rule, throw an exception;

2- Check all the equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, lower than, and lower than or equal to. When you find the first one valid, add the number of valid attachments for this condition;

3- If you use “any” and do not find any valid conditions, consider the file as valid. If there is no “any” and you cannot find any valid conditions, moving it will not be allowed.

Forbid attaching files to the activity


No attachments allowed



No attachments allowed

Expected results:
No files: OK;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;

Force to attach files to the activity


Attach a file

Expected results:
No file: error;
One PDF file: OK;
A Zip file: OK;
A PDF file and a zip file: OK;
A JPG file: OK;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: OK;

Attach a Zip file to the activity




Attach a Zip file

Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: OK;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;

Attach a Zip file and a PDF file to the activity




Attach a *.zip file




Attach a *.pdf file

Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: OK;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;


Attach a Zip file or a PDF file to the activity




Attach a Zip or PDF file

Expected results:
No file: error;
One PDF file: OK;
A Zip file: OK;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error; 

Attach a zip file and choose to attach (or not) other file types to the activity




Attach a Zip file


Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: OK;
A PDF file and a zip file: OK;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: OK; 

Forbid attaching a zip file and choose to attach (or not) other file types to the activity



Zip files are not allowed





Zip files are not allowed


Expected results:
No files: OK;
One PDF file: OK;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: OK;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;

Force to attach a zip file and at least one other file type to the activity




Attach a Zip file




Attach a file that is not a Zip file

Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: OK;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: OK; 

Attach one or more image files




Attach a .jpg, .png or .gif file

Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: OK;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error; 

Allow only image files, but attachments are not mandatory




Only .jpg, .png or .gif files are allowed

Expected results:
No files: OK;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: OK;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error; 

Force to attach a file with a specific name




Add a server.log file

Allowed: server.log
Not allowed: no attachments or abcserver.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip 

Force to attach a file with a partial name




Add a server.log file

Allowed: server.log, server-2018.log
Not allowed: no attachments or abcserver.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip




Add a server.log file

Allowed: server.log, server-2018.log, server.log.zip
Not allowed: no attachments or abcserver.log, server.txt, server.zip




Add a server.log file

Allowed: abcserver.log, server.log, server-2018.log, server.log.zip
Not allowed: no attachments or server.txt, server.zip 

Forbid attaching a file with a partial name



Files named server are not valid





Files named server are not valid


Allowed: no attachments or anotherfile.anything
Not allowed: server.log, abcserver.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip




Files named server are not valid



Files named server are not valid

Allowed: no attachments or anotherfile.anything
Not allowed: server.log, abcserver.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip 

Forbid attaching a file with a partial name and require file with a different name




You must attach a file whose name does not contain the word server

Allowed: anotherfile.anything
Not allowed: no attachments, server.log, abcserver.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip 

Allow an extension file only with a specific name



server.log |!*.log

You must attach a server.log file or any extension file that is not a .log file

Not allowed: server.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip
Not allowed: no attachments, abcserver.log, server-2018.log



server*.log |!*.log

You must attach the server.log file or any extension file that is not a .log file

Allowed: server.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip
Not allowed: no attachments or abcserver.log 

Difference between using “No” or “= 0”

Yes, there is a difference. No is a priority rule, i.e. it will be executed before the others. Check out the example below:






No .zip file attachments allowed




No attachments allowed




No .zip file attachments allowed

If the user adds a file named server.zip, in the first case this attachment will not be accepted. In the second case, as the first rule is met by the filename, it will be accepted.

07. Click Confirm.

0508.  Go to the Monitoring Mobile tab.


The information required in this tab will be used as a basis in the Approval application. By entering it correctly, it will provide the necessary information when using the application, and its functions will work properly.

09. 06.  Define the required information.


Required informationfields:

Set a name for the request title, or choose a form field. Default: Description of the process.

Set a form field to fill it. The field should be the highlight and should not be too long. Default: Activity name.

Set a text for a preview description of the request and/or choose form fields. The information that exceeds the limit is available in the request. Default: Instruction about the activity and process + Identifier.

Available actions:

Select ‘Disable’ or ‘Problem solved’.

Select ‘Disable’ or ‘Problem solved’.

10. Go to the Monitoring tab.

11. Define the required information


Required information:

Notify person in charge When checked, the person in charge Notify person in charge When checked, the person in charge of the activity will be notified of its start by e-mail.

Notify requisitioner When checked, the requisitioner of the request will be notified of the start of that activity by e-mail.

Notify manager When checked, the manager of the process will be notified of the start of that activity by e-mail.

0712. Click the Delay tab

0813Define the required information


Required information:

Notify person in charge

When checked, the person in charge of the activity will be notified by e-mail if it is late. 

Time during which the platform will wait, after the deadline for the activity expires, to start sending the e-mail notifying the person in charge, requisitioner or manager of the delay, according to the checked options.

Time interval between the e-mails that are sent to notify the person in charge, requisitioner or manager of the delay, according to the checked options.

Expiration notification
Time prior to the expiration of the task when the e-mail will be sent to notify the person in charge, requisitioner or manager (according to the checked options) that the task is about to expire.

Notify requisitioner When checked, the requisitioner of the request will be notified by e-mail when that activity is late.

Notify manager When checked, the manager of the process will be notified by e-mail when that activity is late.

0914Click the Effort tab

1015Define the required information


Required information:


How to calculate activity effort. Available options: 

  • Do not control effort: when selected, the effort is not controlled.
  • Based on estimated effort: when selected, the estimated effort is considered for the calculation. This value comes from the Expected Effort field.
  • Based on time sheets: when selected, the effort entered on the timesheet must be considered. In this situation, to finish the task, the user must enter the number of hours spent working on the activity.
  • Based on completion time: when selected, completion time is considered as activity effort. Completion time is the time that the user has to complete the activity, considering the working hours and holidays.

Expected effort
Number of hours expected for performing the activity. It is not necessary to enter this effort when it was set that it would not be controlled.

1116. After finishing configuring the activity, click Confirm.
