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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


It is also possible to export the process documentation, generating a document with information referring to the process and its activities or the process flow image.

Basics Paths

Configure Start


01. Drag the Start element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area



Required information:

Description of the activity to comprise the process.

Instructions that make it easy to understand the activity in the process. When preparing the instructions of an activity, it is common to need to search for information from other files or websites. There is the concept of hyperlinks, which allow adding access to both fluig documents and Internet addresses via external documents, avoiding replication of information and making it easier to browse. To do this, add the tag [WD:999999], replacing 999999 by the document code in document browsing.

Working Hours
Working hours to which the activity will be associated. Working hours are registered on the platform and are used for calculation of deadlines and delays for process activities. For example, if the working hours were configured as being from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and there is an activity that lasts 1 hour and was created at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, its completion deadline will be Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., due to the working hours.

Assignment mechanism
The way how users will be selected to perform the activity. It only displays the types of assignment mechanism that can be used in regular activities. Available mechanisms:

  • Assignment by association: when selected, the users that can perform this activity (the ones returned from the combination of several assignment mechanisms) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by form field: when selected, the activity is assigned to the user that is entered in a field on the form associated to the process;
  • Assignment by activity performer: when selected, the activity is assigned to the performer of a previous activity of the process;
  • Assignment by group: when selected, the users that can perform this activity (all users belonging to a group) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by collaborator group: when selected, the users that can perform this activity (the ones belonging to the same groups as the authenticated user or the user who started the request, as configured in the mechanism) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment by role: when selected, the users that can perform this activity (all users belonging to a role) are displayed for selection;
  • Assignment for a group: when selected, the activity is assigned to a pool of resources, containing the users belonging to the group. In this case, any user from the group can be assigned the activity;
  • Assignment to a role: when selected, the activity is assigned to a  pool of resources, containing the users belonging to the role. In this case, any user assigned to the role can be assigned the activity;
  • Assignment by user: when selected, the activity is assigned to a specific user.

Completion deadline

  • By fixed value: Deadline to complete a task. The hourly value is considered, along with the selected working hours, to calculate the deadline for finishing the activity. This deadline is counted as of the activity’s receipt.
  • By form field: When selected, allows choosing a form field that will define a deadline for the task whose property is being changed.

Values valid for the field:

  • 999:99 = Standard format.

It will follow the same logic of the fixed value, considering the working hours and holidays applicable to the user in charge.

For the other values, use the following formats:

  • 9999-99-99 = year, month and day;
  • 9999-99-99 99:99 = year, month, day, hour and minute;
  • 99/99/9999 = year, month and day;
  • 99/99/9999 99:99 = year, month, day, hour and minute;
  • 9999999999 = date in milliseconds.

Working hours and holidays will not be considered, exactly as specified

titlePlease note!

When you enter a date without the time, the last time of day is 23:59.

Request digital signature

When checked, such activity must be digitally signed by its performer user. In this case, upon completion of the activity, it displays a window where the performer user needs to add their digital signature and, only then, can the request be sent to the next activity.

Confirm password
When checked, the user needs to enter their password to finish the activity. If this option is already checked in the process configuration, it will come disabled. When sending the activity that requires password confirmation to the next one, the user who is performing the task has to enter their password. If the password is invalid, the activity performer can try as many times as necessary. The process will only be moved when the performer user enters their password correctly. The process history will indicate that the user has confirmed their password when moving the activity in the request. Please note: the activities checked for password confirmation use cannot be automated by WebServices.

Inhibits Transfer option
When checked, the activity cannot be transferred for another user to perform it.

Joint activity
When checked, the activity should be performed by more than one user. By doing so, the activity will only be considered completed and the request moved when % of the entered consensus is reached.

% Consensus
Percentage of consensus required to consider the activity as completed. This field is enabled only when the option Joint activity is checked.

Selects collaborators
Frequency at which it is necessary to select the user to assign this activity when moving the request. Available options:

  • Always: when checked, it is always necessary to select the user to be assigned this activity when moving the request;
  • When there is more than one option: when selected, only when there is more than one user listed is itnecessary to select which user must be assigned the activity when moving the request;

Never (valid for joint activities only): when selected, this activity will be assigned to all users listed by the defined assignment mechanism. When selecting this option, the Joint activity field is automatically checked, and you are also required to enter the % Consensus.

04. If a mechanism is selected, click Configure, located next to the Assignment mechanism field, and define the information for it.


to enter the % Consensus.

04. If a mechanism is selected, click Configure, located next to the Assignment mechanism field, and define the information for it.


For information on assignment mechanism settings, see Configure assignment mechanism.

05. Go to the Attachment rules tab.

06. Click Add to add a new attachment rule.


When adding a new rule, fill the following fields:

Equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Lower than
Lower than or equal to

Number of attachments to be added.

Default name or file name. Example: server.log or *.log

Sentence or configured notification, concerning the attachments. Example: Attach a file.


Rule resolution order:

1- Check all “no” and, if you find a record that invalidates the rule, throw an exception;

2- Check all the equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, lower than, and lower than or equal to. When you find the first one valid, add the number of valid attachments for this condition;

3- If you use “any” and do not find any valid conditions, consider the file as valid. If there is no “any” and you cannot find any valid conditions, moving it will not be allowed.

Forbid attaching files to the activity


No attachments allowed



No attachments allowed

Expected results:
No files: OK;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;

Force to attach files to the activity


Attach a file

Expected results:
No file: error;
One PDF file: OK;
A Zip file: OK;
A PDF file and a zip file: OK;
A JPG file: OK;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: OK;

Attach a Zip file to the activity




Attach a Zip file

Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: OK;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;

Attach a Zip file and a PDF file to the activity




Attach a *.zip file




Attach a *.pdf file

Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: OK;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;


Attach a Zip file or a PDF file to the activity




Attach a Zip or PDF file

Expected results:
No file: error;
One PDF file: OK;
A Zip file: OK;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;


Attach a zip file and choose to attach (or not) other file types to the activity




Attach a Zip file


Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: OK;
A PDF file and a zip file: OK;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: OK;


Forbid attaching a zip file and choose to attach (or not) other file types to the activity



Zip files are not allowed





Zip files are not allowed


Expected results:
No files: OK;
One PDF file: OK;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: OK;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;

Force to attach a zip file and at least one other file type to the activity




Attach a Zip file




Attach a file that is not a Zip file

Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: OK;
A JPG file: error;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: OK;


Attach one or more image files




Attach a .jpg, .png or .gif file

Expected results:
No file: error;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: OK;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;


Allow only image files, but attachments are not mandatory




Only .jpg, .png or .gif files are allowed

Expected results:
No files: OK;
A PDF file: error;
A Zip file: error;
A PDF file and a zip file: error;
A JPG file: OK;
A PDF file, a Zip file and a JPG file: error;


Force to attach a file with a specific name




Add a server.log file

Allowed: server.log
Not allowed: no attachments or abcserver.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip


Force to attach a file with a partial name




Add a server.log file

Allowed: server.log, server-2018.log
Not allowed: no attachments or abcserver.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip




Add a server.log file

Allowed: server.log, server-2018.log, server.log.zip
Not allowed: no attachments or abcserver.log, server.txt, server.zip




Add a server.log file

Allowed: abcserver.log, server.log, server-2018.log, server.log.zip
Not allowed: no attachments or server.txt, server.zip


Forbid attaching a file with a partial name



Files named server are not valid





Files named server are not valid


Allowed: no attachments or anotherfile.anything
Not allowed: server.log, abcserver.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip




Files named server are not valid



Files named server are not valid

Allowed: no attachments or anotherfile.anything
Not allowed: server.log, abcserver.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip


Forbid attaching a file with a partial name and require file with a different name




You must attach a file whose name does not contain the word server

Allowed: anotherfile.anything
Not allowed: no attachments, server.log, abcserver.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip


Allow an extension file only with a specific name



server.log |!*.log

You must attach a server.log file or any extension file that is not a .log file

Not allowed: server.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip
Not allowed: no attachments, abcserver.log, server-2018.log



server*.log |!*.log

You must attach the server.log file or any extension file that is not a .log file

Allowed: server.log, server-2018.log, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip, server.txt, server.log.zip, server.zip
Not allowed: no attachments or abcserver.log


Difference between using “No” or “= 0”

Yes, there is a difference. No is a priority rule, i.e. it will be executed before the others. Check out the example below:






No .zip file attachments allowed




No attachments allowed




No .zip file attachments allowed

If the user adds a file named server.zip, in the first case this attachment will not be accepted. In the second case, as the first rule is met by the filename, it will be accepted.

07. Click Confirm.

05. Go to the Monitoring tab.



This documentation is valid from update 1.6.2 on4 - Waterdrop. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.