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Speaking of help ...

The help center is intended for end users, administrators and developers. It contains links for documentation related to the content displayed on the page, and also allows users to search for specific topics. The links are classified as follows: User Manual (fluig Help), Technical Documentation (Developer Portal), FAQs (fluig FAQ) and How-to Videos (fluig Learning).


The content displayed in help center takes into account the language chosen by the user for the platform, giving preference to documentation available in the same language. If the document is not available in the language chosen, the Portuguese version is suggested.


titleLearn more




Basic path 


01. Click Settings, located on the upper-right corner of the platform and identified by a gear icon next to the user name.

02. Click Help.

titleLearn more

The documentation listed on the sidebar is related to the content displayed on the page when help is requested.


Users can also request help by clicking the (interrogação) icon, located on the upper right corner of the platform’s non-editable pages, such as Task Central and the Control Panel.


Alternative path

Search documentation


01. Enter the term you wish to search for in the Search field.

02. The search starts automatically seconds after the terms are entered in the search field.

titleLearn more

Users can also search for specific terms by clicking the magnifying glass icon next to the Search field.

03. The search results are listed below the search box, classified by the documentation type they represent.

Learn more

The documentation types shown in help center are User Manual (fluig Help), Technical Documentation (Developer Portal), FAQs (fluig FAQ) and How-to Videos (fluig Learning).


Display more search results


02. Click theSee more link displayed below the category results.

titleLearn more

The See more link is only shown for categories that return more than six results for the term searched. When clicking the link, users are directed to the portal for the category chosen: User Manual (fluig Help), Technical Documentation (Developer Portal), FAQs (fluig FAQ) and How-to Videos (fluig Learning), where they can find all the content related to the search.



titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid as of the 1.6.0 update. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.
