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If you use the learning and evaluations multilingual feature, click here and check out the changes before applying this update to your platform.

Check out below the new features available in the fluig 1.6.1 update:



Acordos de Níveis de serviços (ANS/SLA) e muitas novidades!

Transparência e segurança são aspectos fundamentais para o bom relacionamento entre clientes e fornecedores em qualquer tipo de processo de negócio. Visando facilitar o entendimento entre ambos os lados. Os Acordos de nível de serviço (ANS ou SLA em inglês) vieram para ajudar a definir o os serviços prestados e os prazos que deverão ser atendidos, para isso, eliminando possíveis desentendimentos entre o cliente e o fornecedor. Nesta atualização o fluig está levando até você o conceito de Service Level Management - que é um conjunto de recursos que lhe auxiliarão em todas as etapas para obtenção do mais alto desempenho dentro da sua empresa. Esses recursos estarão presentes desde a etapa de planejamento dos prazos até a montagem de dashboards de gestão. Tudo isso agora está ao seu alcance com apenas alguns cliques.


Dashboards e Gráficos para gerenciar solicitações

Service Levels Agreements (SLA) and many new features!

Transparency and security are fundamental aspects for a good relationship between customers and service providers in any kind of business process. For clarification purposes on both sides, Service Level Agreements (SLA) help define the services to be provided and the deadlines to be met, thus eliminating possible misunderstandings between customers and service providers. In this update, fluig is bringing to you the concept of Service Level Management - which is a set of features that will assist you in all the steps for obtaining the highest performance within your company. These features will be available from the planning stage of deadlines to management dashboard installation. All that is now at your fingertips, just a few clicks away.


Conector de Widget

Dashboards and Charts to manage requests

Com os novos dashboards do fluig a gestão Com os novos dashboards do fluig a gestão fica a olhos vistos em cada processo do seu negócio. Com o novo gráfico de solicitações você poderá criar sofisticados dashboards de gestão que estarão disponíveis para quem precisa e aonde precisa, exibindo informações sobre a saúde dos seus processos nas suas páginas no seu celular e até em painéis de gestão.


Novos campos de controle de prazos para a sua central de tarefas

Criamos novos campos para ajudar você a controlar suas solicitações no dia a dia facilitando a execução e controle de suas tarefas de forma ordenada permitindo criar uma lista de prioridades dentro da execução do seu trabalho. Estes campos são:

  • Prazo da Solicitação - Traz a data e hora previstas para o encerramento da solicitação como um todo.
  • Tempo em Execução - Mostra o tempo em horas em que a solicitação está aberta.
  • Situação da Solicitação - Indica a situação da solicitação em relação ao prazo indicando se a mesma está "Expirada", "Em Alerta" ou "No prazo".

Ressaltando que esses campos só estarão disponíveis após a criação do filtro com os campos configurados, utilizando o novo recurso "Filtros de Processos". Maiores detalhes você poderá conferir aqui na documentação.

Filtrando pelo campo "Situação da Solicitação" é possível filtrar solicitações e ordena-las de forma que seja possível executar as solicitações de forma cadenciada de acordo com o nível de prioridade.

Conector de Widget


New fields to control deadlines in your task central

We have created new fields to help you control your requests on a daily basis in order to make it easier for you to perform and control tasks in an orderly manner, allowing you to create a list of priorities where you are carrying out your work. Here are the fields:

  • Request Deadline - It shows the date and time expected to end the request as a whole.
  • Execution Time - It shows the time in hours during which the request remains open.
  • Request Status - It indicates the status of the request in relation to the deadline, indicating if it is “Expired”, “Warned” or “Within the deadline”.

Note that these fields will only be available after the filter has been created with the fields configured, using the new "Process Filters" feature. More details can be found here in the documentation.

By using the “Request Status” field as a filter, you can filter requests and sort them in a way that allows you to perform the requests orderly, based on the priority level.

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Favorite filters - Set a default filter for each process tab in your central

Setting a default filter for your process tabs will bring more efficiency to your everyday life. Whenever you access the “Due tasks” tab in the Task Central, for example, it will be pre-selected with the filter that is best suited to your activities, displaying the fields and requests that are most relevant to you.


Conector de Widget

News: Process Filter Center

Create and manage filters for you and your team quickly and efficiently. The new filter center will allow you to create or keep task central filters more organized, making it easier to improve continuously. The new filter sharing features will bring much more efficiency to filter deployment in different work groups in your organization.


titleLearn more

For more information, also check out our documentation on Process filters.

Conector de Widget

New notification tasks

When you set deadlines for your request, you can also choose to receive notifications when a particular request has expired or is late. You can receive these notifications via Notification Center, e-mail or fluig Mobile.

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Web process activities now have a new look!

No matter the complexity of your processes, now you can reset your deadlines and other process management information over the web easily and efficiently. In addition, you can now set the form fields to be used in the Task Central filters. 

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Task Central 6x faster.

With significant improvement in performance, Task Central has become much more efficient, making it much easier to monitor tasks. Performance gains can reach up to 600%, depending on the assignment mechanism settings.


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New SLA APIs available

New public API methods allow process information to be taken to other systems more easily. Now we can provide you with information about status, execution hours and deadlines so that you do not have to perform any extra calculation for that. For more information on API, access fluig API and, to access it, go to

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Filtros favoritos - Defina um filtro padrão para cada aba de processo na sua central

Definir um filtro padrão para as suas abas de processos trará mais agilidade para o seu dia a dia. Toda vez que você entrar por exemplo na aba "Tarefas a concluir" da Central de Tarefas ela virá pré-selecionada com o filtro mais adequado para as suas atividades trazendo os campos e solicitações que são mais relevantes para você.



Novidade: Central de Filtros para processos

Crie e gerencie filtros para você e para sua equipe de maneira rápida e dinâmica. A nova central de filtros irá permitir você criar ou manutenir os filtros da central de tarefas de forma mais organizada facilitando a melhoria contínua. Os novos recursos de compartilhamento de filtros trarão muito mais agilidade na implantação dos filtros nas diferentes equipes de trabalho da sua organização.

Saiba mais


Confira também nossa documentação sobre Filtros de processos para mais informações.



Novas tarefas de notificação

Ao definir prazos para sua solicitação também é possível receber notificações quando determinada solicitação tiver expirada ou atrasada. Essas notificações poderão ser recebidas tanto pela Central de Notificações como por e-mail ou pelo fluig Mobile.

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Atividades de processos web de cara nova!

Não importa a complexidade do seus processos . Agora é possível redefinir seus prazos e outras informações gerenciais de processos pela Web de forma prática e dinâmica. Além disso agora você poderá definir quais são os campos do formulário que poderão ser utilizados nos filtros da Central de Tarefas.  

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Central de Tarefas 6x mais rápida.

Com significativa melhora em desempenho, a Central de Tarefas ficou muito mais ágil e trouxe muito mais facilidade para o monitoramento das tarefas. Os ganhos de desempenho podem chegar em até 600% dependendo da configuração dos mecanismos de atribuição.


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Trocar o ponto final da imagem por exclamação, para dar mais destaque (ou removê-lo)

Novas APIs de SLA disponíveis

Novos métodos das APIs públicas permitem levar as informações de processos para outros sistemas de forma facilitada. Agora forneceremos informações sobre status, horas em execução e prazos sem que você precise realizar nenhum cálculo extra para isso. Para maiores informações sobre API acesse Fluig API e para acessá-las confira api.fluig.com.


Learn about the new learning and evaluations menu!

In order to improve usability, streamline everyday tasks and make LMS even more beautiful, we are launching the new learning and evaluations menu. Now you can have access to some features directly from the main menu, which makes your day-to-day quicker and more fluid. Check it out!

titleCool! But, where do I find the catalogs now?

Don’t worry, it’s super easy to find them. Look:

  1. The learning catalogs, which previously belonged to the Catalog tab, now are items in the Learning menu. You can find them in:
    • LearningCourse subjects and classes;
    • LearningTracks and training.

  2. The questions catalog is available in:
    • EvaluationsTopics and questions.



titleAnd there is more!

There is also a new feature in the Learning menu! Now, the Certificates feature, which belonged to the Control Panel, has been moved to the Manage item in the Learning menu. Click here and check out the news!

Deck of Cards


Learning items


Learning items submenu



Evaluation items

Evaluation items submenu


Tracks and training catalog now has a new look

The new tracks and training catalog is ready to make it much easier, more efficient and convenient to manage these items, contributing to making your day-to-day much more fluid, and it has a much more beautiful and intuitive look. Please visit and check it out!

titleDon’t worry!

The information and features available in the previous catalog are also in the new catalog.

Go to help.fluig.com to check out more information on the tracks and training catalog and its features.

Deck of Cards


Complete tracks and training catalog



Registering a folder


Viewing a folder grouping specific knowledge items



Registering a track


Viewing a track and its items



Registering a training course


Viewing a training course and its content



Registering a link


View tracks and training courses that have been archived or are under conclusion in the catalog

Would you like the tracks or training courses whose status are “Archived” or “Under conclusion” to continue being displayed in the catalog? Well, now that is possible!

The new options Allow viewing archived training courses and tracks and Allow viewing training courses and tracks under conclusion from the Tracks and training settings feature in the Control Panel allow you to set whether or not these items should continue being displayed in the catalog to those who have, at least, reading permission on them.



More modern skill management

Managing the skills that the students can acquire when they complete a learning item – a track, training course or subject – is more beautiful and modern. Register the skills, engage your team to improve their knowledge and acquire it.

titleHere is a tip!

You can display the skills acquired by your team by using the widgets Achievements and Achievements details on your pages.

Deck of Cards
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Registering skills

labelViewing skills


Viewing skills

labelDisplaying skills on a page


Displaying skills on a page


Create custom certificates much more easily


Managing certificates that are related to training courses, tracks and subjects has been redesigned to make the experience much more enjoyable. Now it is more convenient and easier to register and configure certificate content: you can do everything in the same place!

titleStay tuned for more info!

In addition to all this, the Certificates feature has been moved to a new location in the menu. Now you can find it in Learning → Manage →Certificates. Much more convenient, isn’t it?

titleAnd the tokens? Where are they?

To improve viewing of all the tokens that you can use in certificates, we have created a specific page for them.

And the best part is: there are new tokens available for use! Discipline coordinator is one of them: ${discipline.coordinator.fullName}.

Visit the page Tokens in certificates and check out the rest!

Deck of Cards
labelNew location in the menu


New location for the Certificates feature in the menu

labelRegistering certificates


Registering certificates

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Viewing certificates

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Certificate issued


More usability managing evaluations and their questions

We have remodeled the creation and editing of evaluations and question blocks in order to provide the person responsible for the evaluations of the company with more usability and convenience. The pages are visually more beautiful and intuitive. In addition, we have also improved topics and questions catalog browsing experience, allowing you to perform actions more quickly and with fewer clicks. Take a look!

titleLearn more!

Check out the full documentation on how to use it in Evaluations, Blocks and Topics and questions.



Deck of Cards


Registering evaluations



Registering blocks

labelTopics and Questions catalog


Topics and Questions catalog

