Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Form results can be obtained either by the respective processes or via the Documents menu where they are posted.


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<a id="toggleAll" href="#" >Expand/hide additional information. </a>
 <script type="text/javascript">
 var abertos = 0;
 var fechados = 0;
 function contador() {
    abertos = 0;
    fechados = 0;
    jQuery(".expand-control").each( function() {
		if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className != "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {
        } else {
 AJS.toInit(function() {
	var soma = abertos + fechados;
	$("#toggleAll").html('Expand/hide ' + soma  + ' additional information.');

    AJS.$('#toggleAll').click(function() {
        if (abertos >= fechados) {
                function() {
                    if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className == "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {
        } else {
                function() {
                    if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className != "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {

Basic Path


01. On the Process settings screen, click on Form on the side menu.

02. In the Form settings, define the requested information.

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The requested information is:
Title of the form to be posted in the community.
Description of the form to be posted in the community.
Target folder
Document browsing folder in which the form will be posted. The destination of the form cannot be changed when editing it.
Main description of records
Description to be assigned to the form records when they are created. It is possible to choose between the standard description and the description of the report with the fields included. If no field is added to the form, only the Default Descriptionoption will be available. The standard description includes the date, in the day/month/year format, followed by the user replying the form. If the Report Description option is selected, the field name and value informed by the user will be displayed.
Use company logo on the form?
When checked, it means that the logo defined for the company will be added to the form.
Visual style in which the form will be created.

03. In Form content, add the desired fields - available in the Add fields area - to create the form.

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In order to include a field in the form, simply click on it in the list of available fields. The fields can be included in any order and quantity. To change the order of a field, just click on it and drag it to the desired position. In order to delete a field included, click on the icon marked by an X located the upper right corner of the box corresponding to the field. The types of fields available are:
Allows adding a line of text.
Allows adding numerical data.
Allows adding a formatted date, under the dd/mm/yyyy format.
Allows adding text.
Allows adding a combobox field with predefined options or options dynamically loaded from a dataset.
Allows adding list fields with predefined options or options dynamically loaded from a dataset.
Single option
Allows adding button fields, which allow selecting only one of the options set by the user.
Multiple Choice
Allows adding checkbox fields, which allow the user to select multiple options.
Multiple records
Allows adding a multiple record table. This table can be used to register assorted information in a single field, allowing users to add as many lines as necessary to complete the field.
Allows adding a search field.
Allows adding a rating star field, in which users can select a scale from 0 to 5 stars.

04. Click on the Edit icon, represented by a pencil, located on the upper right corner of the box corresponding to the field, and define the settings for the field.

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Each field has specific options depending on the type of data added or defined as standard or data source.
Field related to the field name.
Report description
Field automatically completed based on the description, which may be modified by the user. This field identifies the field in the reports and may be used as the Main Record Description, as previously detailed.
Completion tip
Field related to the field placeholder.
Default field value, overriding the completion tip.
Not applicable to all fields. Determines that the field’s completion is mandatory and validated.
Use Analytics
When checked, it determines that the data received for this field will be sent to the Analytics data analysis tool. Ten text-type fields and ten number-type fields can be sent. This option is not present in all fields, only for Text, Number and Paragraph fields.
Available in the Combo and Search fields; allows selecting a dataset to dynamically add data.
Description Field
Displays the columns available in the system’s dataset.
Displays a preview of the data from the selected dataset.
Available in combo, list, single option, multiple options, and multiple records fields; indicates which options will be available for user selection.


01. In the form field setting window, click on Form rules.

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Form rules are events that can occur in the form created in a particular activity and in a specific field. These events occur only in normal activities or in the initial activity of a process.

Actions include disabling fields, validating values, setting values, and hiding fields on the screen. This procedure generates a form event with the selected settings.


03. Select the requested information to define the rule.

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The information needed to define a rule is:
Field for which the rule will be defined.
Activity in which the rule defined for the field must be performed.
Action that will be performed for the field in the activity defined. Available options:

  • Disable: When selected, it specifies that the field is displayed as disabled when the request is in the activity selected in the rule.
  • Disappear: When selected, it specifies that the field is not displayed when the request is in the activity selected in the rule.
  • Validate: When selected, it specifies that a validation be performed on the field when the request is in the activity selected in the rule. When selecting this option, it is necessary to define the criteria that will be considered in the validation of the field. Information on how to define the validation criteria can be obtained in the alternate path Define validation criteria.
  • Define value: When selected, it specifies that a specific value will be assigned to the field when the request is in the activity selected in the rule. In this case, it is necessary to define the value that will be assigned. Information on how to define this value can be obtained in the alternate path Define value for field.

It is possible to filter the rules inserted using the field Filter by activity.


02. In the Rule configuration window, select the value that should be assigned to the field when the request is in the activity selected for the rule.

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When the option Custom Value is selected, it is possible to manually insert the value.


02. On the Order Analytics fields window, define the desired priority order for fields in the boxes Field fact and Fields text using the arrow keys to move up and down.

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Fact Fields are Numeric.

03. Click on Save.
