Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


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If a description file is not being used, you can define all the detailed information below, and they will be valid for all documents being posted.

If a description file is being used, you can only define the information that was not defined in this file. And this information – which will be defined in this step, since they are not in the description file – will also be valid for all documents being posted.

Brief description with relevant information that will be assigned to all documents being posted.

Labels that are assigned to all documents for easy searching later. Tags act as keywords and allow the document to be tagged in a more personal and informal manner. You can find the document by browsing or searching. Enter with or without the character “#” to enable auto complete of the tags in the tags field. The auto complete retrieves a drop-down list of the five most used tags based on the characters typed after the character "#".

Version/review description
Description of the current version/review of documents being posted.

Number of the start version/review of documents being posted. This field is only enabled when adding documents and when the "Manual control of the start version" field of the Parameters feature under the General tab in the Control panel is checked. When the Control Panel field is not checked, the version/review "1000" is automatically assigned to the documents, and cannot be changed. This field format is numeric (999,999) and the first three numbers represent the version and the other three represent the review. After the first publication, the platform automatically controls the progress of the versions and reviews, and numbers cannot be changed.

Create compulsory version/review
When selected, it determines that it is not possible to change the documents and keep the same version/review, i.e., you can only make changes by creating a new version or review of the documents. If this field is checked when posting the document, it remains disabled when editing its properties. To change this field and make the documents modifiable again without the need for a new version/review, a check out is required.

Document expires?
When checked, it determines that the document will expire on the date entered in the field "Valid until". Otherwise, the documents will not expire and the date entered in the field "Valid until" is not considered. This option will be displayed as checked when the field “Document expires?"– from the Parameters feature of the General tab in the Control Panel – is checked.

Expiration notification period
Advance period – in days – from which expiration notification for the documents will be issued. If you enter zero (0), it will consider the number of days entered in the platform's general parameters.

Valid from
Date from which the documents will be available to users – according to their access permissions. This date allows the documents' author to schedule their viewing to the other users of the platform, as they will only be displayed as of that date. When the external documents are valid only as of a future date, the author views them with a red arrow representing that they are future documents. The future posting date cannot be earlier than the current date and the future post does not send notification e-mail (approval, new version/review of documents, etc.).

Valid until
The date from which the documents will be considered expired when the option "Document expires?" is checked. The expiration date is suggested considering the field "Document expiration days" – from the Parameters feature under the General tab of the Control Panel – if it has a set value. If the field "Document expires" of that feature is not checked, that date is disregarded.

Document type
Type to which the documents belong.

Subject to which the documents are related.

Icon type
Graphic element representing the documents. When this option is not selected, the documents are related to a standard icon based on the file extension.

Author user of documents being posted.

Language to which the documents are related. The language is used to index the content and document information. Indexed information is used in searches by content. As default, the language determined is shown in the user preferences function. If it is not defined in the user profile, the standard language defined in the General Parameters of the platform is suggested.

When checked, this option specifies that users who have the subject related to the documents as a subject of interest will be notified when the application is posted. If the subject related to the documents is a mandatory subject, all active users will be notified, regardless of whether or not it is a subject of interest to these users.

Allows download and printing?
When checked, this option determines that the documents allow their content to be downloaded and printed by users who have permission to do so, i.e., the Download and printing option under the document's Security tab is checked for a user or a group to which the user belongs.

Update properties of a controlled copy?
When checked, this option updates information in the document properties, which is required to print the controlled copy of the documents.

Use internal viewer?
When checked, this option determines that the documents will be displayed in the platform's internal viewer. In multiple posting, this option only applies to PDF files or images that do not require conversion.
