Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Deck of Cards
  1. Choose the subject Search type in the options box, at the top of the screen.
  2. The only Legal Matter that has no parties involved is the Advisory one.
  3. Fill out the filter field(s) to search the lawsuit and click option Search in the menu to the left of the screen.
  4. In the grid, at the bottom, view the lawsuits that match the filter applied. Click on a lawsuit to select it.
  5. Click Create and/or Edit to access the lawsuit.
  6. After you fill out the required fields and the other fields, you can view the grid. The completion process takes place in accordance with the option of parameter MV_JENVENT.

Use this to view the information registered.

  1. After selecting the information you wish to view, click Ok.
  2. Fill out the data in accordance with the instructions found in Main Fields.
  3. See also the features available in Other Actions.
  4. See also the features available in Search - Lawsuits.

Configure the routines:

  • Index.
  • Index Values.
  • Correction Methods.
  • Values Updatable.

Configure the types of:

  • Legal Matters.
  • Search.
  • Fields.

In the fields of the routine, register the following:

  • Date of Case.
  • Currency of Case (code and description).
  • Value of Case.
  • Updated Value of Case.
  • Correction Method (code and description).
  • Date of Last Update.

Click Search for a Lawsuit:


Configure parameter MV_JPROCFW to enable the addition of follow-up after registering a Lawsuit.
With this configuration, the system displays the question Do you wish to register a follow-up for this lawsuit? and, when you confirm it, the system takes you to routine:

  • Follow-up.

Configure also parameter MV_JPESPEC to enable field General Search to filter lawsuit search information.

When parameter MV_JNUMCNJ is enabled and the class indicates the use of the CNJ, upon entering the lawsuit number in the court level, if the register From/To identifies the mask, the system automatically fills out fields Judiciary District and the locations of the 2nd level and the 3rd level.

View the distribution of the fields onscreen, divided in tabs, in accordance with the selection of the item found in Search Configurations:

Fill out field Configurations and create a filter.

Click Search.

The system returns the record(s) found.


The completion of field Sales Group in routine Clients validates manual addition for fields Client Code and Client Store.

Fill out the data in accordance with the instructions found in Main Fields.

See also the features available in Other Actions.

See also the features available in Search - Lawsuits.

  1. You can add the number of the Branch of Origin to create reports, when the profiles Corporate or Trademarks and Patents do not originate the Legal Matter.
  2. Choose the lawsuit, right-click it, view the options and select Enter Lawsuit in Printing Queue.
  3. In the open grid to the right, right-click to select option Print Lawsuit from Printing Queue.
  4. View message Did You Already Run the Values Correction Routine? Confirm in Yes.
  5. Check for the existence of combos on the Report Parameters screen.
  6. In field Report Config. select an option from those offered by the system, fill out the data and confirm it.
  1. Select a Legal Matter Code and click Edit.
  2. Access tab Values and fill out fields Case (date, currency and value) and Lawsuit Correction Method.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. The system saves the changes.
  5. Fill out the data in accordance with the instructions found in Main Fields.
  6. See also the features available in Other Actions.
  7. See also the features available in Search - Lawsuits.
  8. Click Close and the system returns to the search screen.
  1. Select a Legal Matter Code and click Edit.
  2. Access tab Values and fill out the fields of the Case (date, currency and value) and Lawsuit Correction Method.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. The system saves the changes.
  5. Click Close and the system returns to the search screen.
labelBatch Editing
  1. Select the Legal Matter and click Batch Editing.
  2. View the screen requesting the completion of the fields you wish to edit.
  3. Fill them out, confirm and click Ok.
  4. After viewing the system-processing screen, the system displays the confirmation screen with the quantity of records edited.
  5. To exit, click Close.



If any inconsistency occurs, the system issues a message requesting your confirmation to continue editing manually. If you select Yes, the system opens a screen for you to continue editing.

labelMultiple Responsible Parties

Access throughOther Actions / Multiple Responsible Parties.


When you cancel the Multiple Responsible Parties maintenance form, all variables are restored to their original state.

  1. Use a process with multiple responsible parties registered.
  2. When you click Edit with the lawsuit open, access Related Features / Multiple Responsible Parties.
  3. Once you edit one of the records of this register and confirm view message: Multiple Responsible Parties Have Been Edited, you need to fill out the history information. Confirm Operation? and the options are Yes and No.
  4. In No, cancel the edit in the history register. View the following message onscreen: Operation Canceled and edit not confirmed.
  5. Click Ok in this message screen to cancel the editing of the data in this register, keeping them in their original form.
  6. In Yes, fill out field Edit Reason with an explanation / justification.
  7. Once you edit the register, view the register screen of the history.
  8. If you choose Close to exit, you cancel the history register and the system displays a message: Operation Canceled and editing not confirmed.
  9. Click Ok in the message screen to cancel the editing of the data in the Multiple Responsible Parties register, keeping them in their original form.
  10. Click Confirm in the history register to save the data edited in the Multiple Responsible Parties register as well.

Access Other Actions / Incidents and select one of the following:

  • Open incidents list or
  • Open Lawsuit of Origin

Select the incident and click one of the following options available at the footer of this page: View, Edit, Link, Add, Delete and/or Unlink and Exit.

Select the Contract Code and click one of the following options available at the footer of this page: View, Edit, Link, Add, Delete and/or Unlink and Exit.


Access Other Actions / Linked to view the lawsuit links selection screen.

  1. Select the Legal Matter code and click one of the options available at the footer of this screen: View, Edit, Link, Add, Delete and/or Unlink and Exit.
  2. When you choose option Link, view the screen at the top with fields for completion.
  3. Those next to a magnifying glass will let you query data already registered.
  4. When you complete the record, click Link.

Access Other Actions / Objects to open the Objects register screen.

In this option you can add, edit and also delete Objects

Ao acessar Outras Ações / Objetos é acessada a tela de cadastro de Objetos.

Nesta opção é possível incluir, alterar ou ainda excluir Objetos.


Ao acessar Outras Ações / Garantias é acessada a tela de cadastro de Garantias.

Nesta opção é possível incluir, alterar ou ainda excluir Garantias.

  1. Conceitualmente nem todas as garantias envolvem valores no financeiro, no entanto quando um bem é dado em garantia é necessário configurar a integração com o módulo Financeiro (SIGAFIN), conforme descrevemos:
  2. Configure o parâmetro MV_JINTVAL com 1=Sim, para habilitar a integração e disponibilização do campo Integ.Financ na tela.
  3. Se o conteúdo do parâmetro for 2=Não, o campo não é visualizado.
  4. Além disso configure o parâmetro MV_JALCADA com 2 para não utilizar o controle de alçadas do módulo Compras (SIGACOM);
  5. Preencha os campos da rotina e no campo Integ.Financeiro informe Sim.

Ao acessar Outras Ações / Faturamento selecione entre as opções:

  • Contrato. Neste acesso é exibida a tela de Contratos do Faturamento.Nesta opção é possível incluir, alterar ou ainda excluir Contratos do Faturamento.
  • Lanc.Tab. Neste acesso é exibida a tela de Lançamentos Tabelados. Nesta opção é possível apenas visualizar ou pesquisar.
  • Lanc.Tab.Lote. Neste acesso é exibida a tela de Lançamentos Tabelados em Lote. Nesta opção é possível apenas visualizar ou pesquisar.

O preenchimento do campo Integ.Financeiro (item 4) com Não, impede a visualização do título quando acionada a opção, exibindo a mensagem Título não encontrado para visualização.

Os campos Cód.Tipo e Cód.Moeda não são mais editáveis e portanto não podem ser alterados.


Ao acessar Outras Ações / Relacionados é acessada a tela de relacionamentos do processos.

Nesta opção é possível incluir, alterar ou ainda excluir relacionamentos

Selecione o código Destino e clique em uma das opções disponíveis no rodapé desta página, sendo: Visualizar, Alterar, Vincular, Incluir, Excluir e/ou Desvincular e Sair.
Ao optar pela opção Vincular observe a tela com os campos para preenchimento na parte superior. Aqueles com uma lupa ao lado do campo, permitem a consulta a dados já cadastrados. Ao concluir o registro, confirme em Vincular.

labelSalvar Modelo

Esta opção está disponível em Outras Ações / Salvar Modelo quando a opção é de incluir.


Ao acessar Outras Ações / Despesas é acessada a tela de Despesa/Honorário

Nesta opção é possível incluir, alterar ou ainda excluir Despesas.

Localize o campo Cond.Pagamento e selecione uma entre as opções disponíveis e confirme.
