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SPED - ECF Manual










Presentation. 4

Objectives. 4


31.          Bibliographical References. 86 




      Decree No. 6,022 established the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED) in January 22, 2007, with changes by Decree No. 7,979 in April 8, 2013, which defined it thus:


      The Tax-Accounting Bookkeeping (ECF) replaces the Corporate Income Tax Return (DIPJ), as of calendar year 2014, with filing expected for the last business day of the month of September of the year following that of the bookkeeping period in the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED).


      The SPED project has the following main objectives:

  • To promote the integration of tax authorities through standardization and sharing of accounting and tax information, following legal access restrictions.
  • To Rationalize and unify accessory liabilities for taxpayers, establishing only one transfer of different accessory liabilities from different supervisory bodies; and
  • To accelerate the identification of tax offenses through improved process controls, faster access to information and a more effective inspection of operations with data cross-checking and electronic audits.



1.               Premises of the SPED Project

  • To promote an improved business environment for companies in the country.
  • To eliminate unfair competition by raising competitiveness among companies.
  • The official document is the electronic document with legal validity for all purposes.
  • To use the ICP Brazil standard Digital Certification.
  • To promote the sharing of information.
  • To create, in legal and business legislation, the legal figure of Tax Bookkeeping and the Electronic Invoice.
  • To maintain the legal responsibility for the security of the taxpayer's electronic Tax Bookkeeping records.
  • To reduce costs for taxpayers.
  • To minimize interference on the taxpayer's environment.
  • To offer applications that issue and transmit the Digital Bookkeeping and the e-INV, for optional use by taxpayers.


2.               Benefits

      SPED provides several benefits, which include:

  • Reduced paper consumption, with lower costs and environmental conservation.
  • Reduced costs by rationing and simplifying accessory liabilities.
  • Standardization of the information provided by taxpayers to government bodies.
  • Reduced involuntary involvement in fraudulent practices.
  • Reduced time spent with tax auditors at the taxpayer's office.
  • Simplification and acceleration of procedures subject to control of the tax administration office.
  • Strengthening of control and inspection through the exchange of information among tax administration offices.
  • Faster access to information.
  • Increased auditor productivity by eliminating steps to collect files.
  • Taxpayers may exchange information among themselves from a default layout.
  • Reduced administrative costs.
  • Improved quality of information.
  • Possibility of crosschecking accounting and tax data.
  • Availability of authentic and valid copies of bookkeeping records for distinct and concomitant uses.
  • Reduction of "Brazil Cost", and
  • Improving the fight against tax evasion.


3.               History

      Constitutional amendment No. 42, approved on December 19, 2003, introduced clause XXII of art. 37 of the Federal Constitution, determines that the tax offices of the Union, of the States, of the Federal District and of the Municipalities must operate in an integrated manner, including the sharing of registers and tax information.


      In the same line as the actions stated in PAC aiming to remove administrative and bureaucratic obstacles to economic growth, SPED is intended to provide a better business environment for the country and to reduce the "Brazil Cost", promoting the modernization of the interaction processes between public administration and companies in general, as opposed to the pragmatic search for results, very common in projects aiming to simply increase tax revenues.


4.               Scope of Influence

      Most taxpayers already use computer resources for both accounting and tax bookkeeping. The images on paper simply reproduce the information from the electronic media.




5.               Requirement

      All legal entities, even those immune or exempt, are required to fill out the ECF, whether they be taxed by taxable income, deemed profit or estimated profit, except:


      Finally, the ECF will present the economic and general information forms in a new format for companies to fill out.


6.               Partners


  • Brazilian Association of State Capital Treasury Departments (ABRASF)
  • Central Bank of Brazil - BACEN
  • Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM
  • National Trade Registration Department - DNRC
  • National Meeting of State Tax Administrators and Coordinators - ENCAT
  • Brazilian Federal Revenue Service - RFB
  • Treasury, Finances, Revenue or Taxation Services of the States and of the Federal District
  • Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA
  • Superintendence of Private Insurance - SUSEP
  • National Road Transportation Agency - ANTT
  • Brazilian Association of Listed Companies - ABRASCA
  • Brazilian Association of Credit Cards and Services Companies - ABECS
  • Brazilian Association of Banks - ABBC
  • National Association of Financial Market Institutions - ANDIMA
  • National Automakers Association - ANFAVEA
  • Federal Accounting Council - CFC
  • Brazilian Federation of Banks - FEBRABAN
  • National Federation of Accounting Service Companies and of Companies of Advisement, Expertise, Information and Research - FENACON
  • National Federation of Technical Computing Service Companies - FENAINFO
  • Commercial Board of the State of Minas Gerais - JUCEMG


7.               SPED ECF














7.1.           What it is

      The Tax-Accounting Bookkeeping (ECF) replaces the Corporate Income Tax Return (DIPJ), as of calendar year 2014, with filing expected for the last business day of the month of September 2015 in the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED).


      ECD data recovery is mandatory for companies required to submit the ECD.

7.2.           How it works

      From its accounting system, the company creates a digital file in the format specified in the annex to the Cofis Executive Declaratory Act No. 20/2015, which complements the NORMATIVE INSTRUCTION RFB No. 1524, FROM DECEMBER 08, 2014 (available in the Legislation menu).


      PVA also includes features to view the bookkeeping and generate/restore backup.



7.3.           SPED Utilization Flow





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8.               Legislation

  • Decree No. 6,022 from January 22, 2007, and later changes - Established the Public System of Digital Bookkeeping - SPED.
  • RFB Normative Instruction No. 1,420 from December 19, 2007, and later changes - Determines on Digital Bookkeeping (ECD).
  • RFB Normative Instruction No. 1,422 from December 19, 2007, and later changes - Determines on Tax-Accounting Bookkeeping (ECF).
  • Legislation for ECF file Layout, annexed to Cofis Executive Declaratory Act No. 20/2015
  • ECF full legislation link http://www1.receita.fazenda.gov.br/sistemas/ecf/legislacao.htm


9.               Code Tables

10.          Installation Procedure

      The procedures to install the Tax-Accounting Bookkeeping - ECF are simple. Just follow the steps below11.1.        .       11





Update Procedures

      To update the RPO, you need to apply the patch found in the installation package.

10.2.       Compatibility Program of









10.1.       Update Procedures

      To update the RPO, you need to apply the patch found in the installation package.

10.2.       Compatibility Program of Accounting Basis for ECF

      Run the compatibility program of SIGACTB (U_UPDCTB), to create the tables used by ECD/ECF.


  • CS0 – ECD Revision
  • CS1 – ECD Complementary Data
  • CS2 – ECD Company
  • CS3 – Chart of Accounts
  • CS4 - Reference Chart of Accounts
  • CS5 – ECD Cost Center
  • CS6 – ECD Managerial Vision
  • CS7 – ECD Default History
  • CS8 – ECD Accountant
  • CS9 – ECD Employee
  • CSA – ECD Transactions Header
  • CSB – ECD Transaction Items
  • CSC – ECD Trial Balance
  • CSD – ECD Trial Balance Header
  • CSE – ECD Balance Items
  • CSF – ECD RTFb Balances
  • CSG – ECD Daily Trial Balance
  • CSH – Pre-Validation Description
  • CSI – ECD Pre-Validation Formulas
  • CSX – ECD Journal Imports
  • CSY – Journal Imports Breakdown
  • CSR – SCP Register
  • CST – Correlated Sub-accounts Register
  • CSZ – ECF Data



11.          Attention Points



11.1.       Chart of Accounts Register (CT1)

      You must classify the chart of accounts in accordance with its class (CT1_NTSPED), as well as open new accounts to meet the chart of accounts issued by RFB. RFB asks taxpayers to perform this maintenance, in order to better identify taxpayer ledger accounts.


Companies using a ledger account for cost and expense (or vice versa), must split those accounts in one or more accounts. If they choose not to split the chart of accounts, they must analyze the possibility of binding various cost centers to their reference chart.

      The account types are 01-Asset Accounts, 02-Liability Accounts, 03-Net Equity, 04-Income Statement Accounts, 05-Memorandum Account, 09-Others. This classification affects data creation for SPED ECF. In case of poor classification, the file created may return balance, calculation and statement errors.

11.2.       Reference Chart of Accounts (CVD)

      A chart of accounts based on DIPJ. Companies should generally use the files offered by RFB through the Cofis Executive Declaratory Act No. 20/2015.

      The reference chart of accounts purports to establish a relationship (a FROM-TO) between those of the company's chart of accounts and a RFB standard.

      The Reference Chart of Accounts must be adopted for the ECF as well as for Digital Bookkeeping - ECD, following the same binding procedure used for the chart of accounts of the company. For importing purposes, the files containing the equity and income statement accounts corresponding to the taxation method of the company must be concatenated. For example: considering the company is, in a general sense, a legal entity - taxable income - the reference files L100A + L300A must be concatenated.


      You must bind ALL accounts, INCLUDING the summary ones. These data are needed for sending the Fiscal Year Income Statement and the Equity Balance Sheet.


      You may bind the chart of accounts through a pre-registration via routine Reference Chart of Accounts (CTBA025) and, after linking it, through the chart of accounts register. You can use several references for multiple cost centers; though this is not recommended by accounting standards (CRC).


  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_1_PJ_em_Geral_L100A_L300A.cve
  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_2_PJ_em_Geral_Lucro_Presumido_P100_P150.cve
  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_3_Financeiras_L100B_L300B.cve
  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_4_Seguradoras_L100C_L300C.cve
  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_5_Imunes_Isentas_em_Geral_U100A_U150A.cve
  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_6_Financeiras_Imunes_Isentas_U100B_U150B.cve
  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_7_Seguradoras_Imunes_Isentas_U100C_U150C.cve
  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_8_Entidades_Fechadas_Previdência_Complementar_U100D_U150D.cve
  • Exemplo_Plano_Ref_9_Partidos_Políticos_U100E_U150E.cve
  • We have created these examples from the tables installed in the validation program PVA DA ECD version 3.1.8.


11.3.       Employees Register (CVC)

      An optional register for entering those responsible for the accounting turnover of the company.  When registering, we recommend filling it out in all the default entries it participates in.


11.4.       Signatories (CVB)

      This is for entering the data of bookkeeping signatories. Two signatures are required: one of the accountant and one of the company. For the signatory signature, only natural person digital certificates can be used (e-PF or e-CPF).


      The legal representative of the company or a power of attorney appointed in the terms of Normative Instruction RFB No. 944, from 2009, with electronic power of attorney registered in the RFB website.


11.5.       Book Configurations Register (CTN) and Managerial Vision (CTS)

To register the managerial visions needed for various ECF records. These must follow Brazilian accounting regulations. After registering, bind the visions to the accounting books. For further information on how to create these visions, contact support and/or the accountant in charge.


 A poor structuring of the managerial vision may cause system sluggishness and/or may crash the bookkeeping routine.


11.6.       Companies Register (SIGAMAT – SM0)

      Check whether the following information is filled out correctly: CNPJ, State Registration, IBGE city code (in this register, the State code is required), NIRE, date in company record, and address (public area, postal code, district, city, and State). If any of these data is transmitted incorrectly, the ECF may be refused.


The system handles the address field (public area) with regard to the following typing aspects

  • If the system finds a comma, it considers the entire text prior to it as the public area, then it considers the first occurrence after the comma as the number and the second occurrence as the complement.
    Example: Address: Braz Leme av., 1671 Floor1
    For the address above, the public area is “Braz Leme av.”, the number is “1671” and the complement "Floor1”.
  • If the system does not find the comma, the last occurrence is regarded as the number.
    Example: Address: Braz Leme av. SN
    For the address above, the public area is “Braz Leme av.”, the number is “SN”.






12.          Utilization Procedures

In Protheus, the ECF creation process is divided into two stages. The first one is to record data, which consists of gathering information from the ERP in a SPED database (CS tables), so the system can properly sort the accounting data. The second stage is to create the data for composing the physical file to be submitted to PVA (Validation and Signature Program of RFB).


  1. 10.        

12.1.       Viewing the Bookkeeping Central

  • To view the Bookkeeping Central, in module Managerial Accounting of Protheus, click Bookkeeping Central or search the routine by its code CTBS001:


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Or type


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  • When the wizard is displayed, fill out the company and/or branch you wish to register.



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  •  View of the Bookkeeping Central layout



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Note: This manual will later present details on the Bookkeeping Central.



13.          Using the Bookkeeping Central

13.1.       Check Database

  • This procedure pre-validates the database, thus avoiding some problems when bookkeeping. So we recommend you to use this resource before bookkeeping.

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  • Parameters

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1. Initial Bookkeeping Period

Enter the initial date of bookkeeping

2. Final Bookkeeping Period

Enter the final date of bookkeeping

3. Calendar

Enter the calendar code for validation. The Calendar must encompass the initial and final dates entered above.

4. Account From

Enter the initial account to execute the pre-validation.

5. Account To

Enter the final account to execute the pre-validation.


  • Select the branches you need to process


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  • In case of error, the following screen is displayed.


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2. Click Next


1. Table with errors found


A list with the main errors found in the database is displayed

2. Print Report

Clicking this button prints a report with the errors found

3. Next

Click Next to continue the database checking process




  • Upon printing, the errors are printed by topics


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  • To complete the process, click Finish



Click Finish to close the validation process




13.2.       Add Bookkeeping

  1. Procedure to add bookkeeping


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1. Select a company

Enter the company/branch you wish to register.

2. Click Add

Place the cursor on ECF and click Add to fill out the parameters




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This is a required parameter. If you choose option "Without Centralization", you can only fill out one branch or company in the following screen. Otherwise, you can fill out more than one branch, though you are required to enter the consolidating head office.

Note Fill out the branches/companies and head office in the following screen.

2. Bookkeeping Type

Automatically filled out with ECF content.



3. Layout

Automatically filled out with layout 1, though in the future it may be unlocked when more than one layout becomes available.


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After selecting "With Centralization", fill out only one branch. Otherwise, you can fill out more than one branch, though you are required to enter the consolidating head office.


2. Head Office

Fill this out only when you have selected "Without Centralization"




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1. Start of Period

Start of period indicator

Default: Regular


2. Special Status

Special Status Indicator



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3. Remaining Percentage

Percentage remaining from Split-off


4. Corrective

Indicator of whether the bookkeeping is corrective or original

5. Previous Receipt Number

In case of corrective bookkeeping, enter the number of the previous receipt

6. ECF Type

Type of ECF

7. SCP Identification

Code/CNPJ when previous item is ECF of SCP

8. Event Date

Date of special status event

9. Stock Evaluation Method

Method of Closing Stock evaluation


Click Next









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1. Refis

Indicator of REFIS program chooser

Default: No

2. Paes

Indicator of PAES program chooser

Default: No

3. Taxation Method

It indicates the method of profit taxation.

Default: Taxable Income

4. Periodicity

Period of IRPJ and CSLL Calculation, whether Quarterly or Annual

Default: Annual



















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5. LE Qualification

Legal Entity Qualification Indicator in which:

01=LE in General

02=LE Component of Financial System or

03=Insurance Companies

Default: 01

6. Period Taxation Method

Method of Taxation in Period


7. Estimative Calculation Method

Method of calculation by estimate

8. Bookkeeping Type

It indicates whether the bookkeeping type is by L - Cash Book or C - Ledger Entry




























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9. Immune/Exempt Type

It indicates the Entity Type for Immune/Exempt entities


10. Immune/Exempt IRPJ Calculation

Method of IRPJ Calculation for Immune/Exempt entities


11. Immune/Exempt CSLL Calculation

Method of CSLL Calculation for Immune/Exempt entities


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12. RTT Extinction

It indicates whether a chooser for RTT extinction in 2014 is at issue

13. Differences – Corporate x FCONT

It indicates whether corporate accounting differs from the FCONT


Click Next









































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01. LE Rate 15%

Legal Entity Subject to 15% CSLL Rate

S - Yes

N - No

You must select "Yes" in the cases of legal entity of private insurance, of legal entity of capitalization and of legal entity referred to in clauses I to VII, IX and X of § 1 of art. 1 of Complementary Law No. 105, from January 10, 2001 and “No” for the others

02. Legal Entity SCP Quantity

SCP Quantity of LE - Ostensible Partner of SCP - SCP Total.

03. Investment Funds/Clubs Adm.

Administrator of Funds or Investment Clubs

S - Yes

N - No

04. Consortium Shareholdings

Shareholdings in Company Consortia

S - Yes

N - No

05. Operations Abroad

It indicates whether the LE has operations abroad

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity, including financial institution or insurance company, as listed in § 1 of art. 22 of Law No. 8.212, from 1991, and in clause II of art. 14 of Law No. 9.718, from 1998, which has exported/imported goods, services or entitlements or has earned financial revenues or incurred financial expenses, in operations executed with natural person or legal entity headquartered or residing abroad; even if such operations were not executed with affiliated entity or with entity headquartered or residing in a country or facility with favored taxation, or the internal legislation of which opposes confidentiality related to the corporate composition of legal entities or their ownership, must sign this field. The legal entity, including financial institution or insurance company, that executes the aforementioned operations via intermediary entity, must also select this field.

06. Operations with Affiliated or Intermediary Entity

Operations with affiliated entity or intermediary Entity/Country with taxation

S - Yes

N - No

This field must be selected by the legal entity, including financial institution or insurance company, as listed in § 1 of art. 22 of Law No. 8.212, from 1991, and in clause II of art. 14 of Law No. 9.718, from 1998, which has exported/imported goods, services or entitlements, has earned financial revenues, or incurred financial expenses, in operations executed with natural person or legal entity headquartered or residing abroad; considered by Brazilian law: a) associated entity; b) entity headquartered or residing in countries with favored taxation, or the internal legislation of which opposes confidentiality related to the corporate composition of legal entities or their ownership; and c) from January 1st of 2009, entity residing or headquartered abroad, which enjoys, in the terms of the law, a privileged tax system (Art. 24-A of Law No. 9,430 of 1996, laid down by Law No. 11,727 of 2008). The legal entity, including financial institution or insurance company, that executes the aforementioned operations via intermediary entity, must also select this field.

07. IN RFB 1312/2013

LE classified in article 58-a of IN RFB 1312/2012

S - Yes

N - No




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08. Shareholdings Abroad

Shareholdings Abroad The legal entity must select this field, if it has shareholdings abroad.

S - Yes

N - No

09. Rural Activity

Rural Activity: The legal entity must select this field, if it engages in rural activities.

S - Yes

N - No

10. Exploration Profits

Existence of Exploration Profit:

S - Yes

N - No

Legal entities adopting the taxable income taxation method must select this field, even if they are Refis choosers enjoying tax benefits calculated based on exploration profit

11. Estimated Profit Exemption / Reduction

Exemption and Reduction of Tax for Estimated Profit:

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity taxed by estimated profit and choosing Refis must select this field, if it enjoys tax benefits derived from the exemption or reduction of income tax.


It indicates whether the LE participates in any of the funds

S - Yes

N - No

This field must be selected by legal entities or groups of associated companies referred to by art. 9, Law No. 8,167, of 1991, edited by the Provisional Decree No. 2,199-14, of August 24, 2001, holders of companies in the segment of the economy at issue, in an act of the Executive Power, a priority for regional development, approved or registered until May 2, 2001, in areas of Sudam and Sudene or the Executive Group for the Economic Recovery of the State of Espírito Santo (Geres) (PD No. 2.199-14, of 2001, art. 4, and PD No. 2.145, of May 2. 2001, art. 50, XX, current PD No. 2.156-5, of 2001, art. 32, XVIII, and No. 2.157-5, of 2001, art. 32, IV).

13. Donations to Election Campaigns

It indicates whether the LE has donated to election campaigns

S - Yes

N - No

The Legal Entity must select this field if has, during the calendar year, made donations to candidates, financial committees and political parties, even if in the form of goods supplied or services rendered to election campaigns.






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14. Partic. in Affiliated or Controlled

It indicates whether the LE participates in companies affiliated or controlled

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity resident of Brazil, which had permanent participation, in the calendar year, in the capital of a legal entity residing in Brazil or abroad, regarded by Brazilian law as evaluated by the equity equivalence method, must select this field.

15. Sales to Export Trade Company

It indicates whether the LE sells to export trade company

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity that has sold, in the calendar year, to export trade companies, must select this field.

16. Receipts Abroad

It indicates whether the entity has Receipts abroad or from non-residents

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity that has received, during the calendar year, from natural persons or legal entities, residing or headquartered abroad, or from non-residents, must select this field.

Any values through international transfers in reais (TIR); that is, from a bank account in Brazilian real (BRL or R$) held by a non-resident; - values equal to or above BRL 120,000.00 (one hundred and twenty thousand reais), equivalent to BRL 10,000.00 per month, through credit cards; - any values through deposits in checking accounts operated abroad.

17. Assets Abroad

It indicates whether the entity owns assets abroad

S - Yes

N - No

Filled out by all legal entities (Yes), except when the total bookkeeping value to be stated, converted to reais (BRL or R$) at the end of the period covered by ECF, is below BRL 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand reais) (No).

18. Legal Entity Export Trading Company

It indicates whether the LE is an export trading company

S - Yes

N - No

This field must be selected by the export trading company that has bought goods for the specific purpose of exportation or that has exported, in the calendar year, goods acquired for this purpose.

19. Payments Abroad

It indicates whether the LE makes payments abroad

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity that has paid, credited, delivered, employed or remitted, during the calendar year, to natural persons or legal entities, residing or headquartered abroad, or to non-residents, must select this field. - any values through exchange operations of whatever nature; - any values by means of international transfers in reais (TIR); that is, by using reais (BRL) to credit bank accounts held by non-residents, - values equal to or above BRL 120,000.00 (one hundred and twenty thousand reais), equivalent to BRL 10,000.00 per month, though credit cards; - any values through the use of resources held abroad.









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with "Yes"

20. E-commerce and Information Technology

It indicates whether the LE is of the electronic commerce and information technology area

S - Yes

N - No

The Legal Entity that, during the calendar year, has sold goods (tangible or intangible) or has rendered services through the Internet, to natural persons or legal entities, residing or headquartered in Brazil or abroad, must select this field. When you select this field, the records X400 (e-Business and Information Technology) and X410 (e-Business) become available.

21. Royalties Received from Brazil and Abroad

It indicates whether the LE has received royalties from Brazil and from Abroad

S - Yes

N - No

The Legal Entity that has received, during the calendar year, royalties from natural persons or legal entities, residing or headquartered in Brazil or abroad, regarding: the economic exploration of ownership rights of authorship, trademarks, patents and industrial design. Exploration of know-how, of franchises and of rights pertaining the intellectual property related to cultivars, must fill out this field with "Yes".

22. Royalties Paid to Beneficiaries from Brazil and Abroad

It indicates whether the LE has paid royalties to beneficiaries from Brazil and from Abroad

S - Yes

N - No

The Legal Entity that has made payment or remittance, during the calendar year, of royalties to natural persons or legal entities, residing or headquartered in Brazil or abroad, regarding: the economic exploration of ownership rights of authorship, trademarks, patents and industrial design. Exploration of know-how, of franchises and of rights pertaining the intellectual property related to cultivars, must fill out this field with "Yes".

23. Incomes from Services, Interest, Dividends...

It indicates whether the LE has earned incomes derived from services, interest, dividends, etc.

S - Yes

N - No

The Legal Entity that has received, during the calendar year, incomes from natural persons or legal entities, residing or headquartered in Brazil or abroad, regarding: technical, scientific, administrative or similar assistance services which imply technology transfer; technical and assistance services which do not imply technology transfer; interests on own capital, as well as interests due to mutual contracts between related companies and interests from financing; dividends due to shareholding of other companies, must fill out this field with "Yes".

24. Payments or Remittance for Services, Interest, Dividends...

It indicates whether the LE has paid or remitted amounts for services, interest, dividends, etc.

S - Yes

N - No

The Legal Entity that has paid or remitted amounts, during the calendar year, to natural persons or legal entities, residing or headquartered in Brazil or abroad, regarding: technical, scientific, administrative or similar assistance services which imply technology transfer; technical and assistance services which do not imply technology transfer; interests on own capital, as well as interests due to mutual contracts between related companies and interests from financing; dividends due to shareholding of other companies, must fill out this field









with "Yes"




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25. Technological Innovation

It indicates whether the LE engages in programs that aim innovation and technological development.

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity that benefits from tax incentives related to technological research activities and the development of technological innovation as discussed by art. 17 to 26 of Law No. 11,196, from November 21, 2005, or legal entity running industrial or agricultural technology development programs (PDTI/PDTA) discussed by Law No. 8,661, from 1993, approved until December 31, 2005, that have not migrated to the system set forth by art. 17 to 26 of Law No. 11,196, of 2005, must fill out this field with “Yes"

26. IT Training and Digital Inclusion

It indicates whether the LE runs a program of IT training and digital inclusion

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity that has invested in IT research and development regarding training and competitiveness programs in the computer, automation and information technology fields, as set forth by Law No. 8,248, from October 23, 1991, Law No. 10,176, from October 11, 2001, and Law No. 11,077, from December 30, 2004, regulated by Decree No. 5,906, from September 26, 2006, or has made retail sales in the terms of art. 28 to 30 of Law No. 11,196, from 2005, which addresses the digital inclusion program, must fill out this field with "Yes".

27. LE Enabled

It indicates whether the legal entity is enabled

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity enabled in the Special Taxation Regime for the Export Platform of IT Services (REPES) or in the Special Regime for the Acquisition of Capital Goods for Export Companies (RECAP) established by Law No. 11,196 of 2005, regulated by Decree No. 5,712 of March 2, 2006, and No. 5,649 of December 29, 2005, respectively, must select this field. The legal entity running a project approved for the Support Program for Technological Development in the Semiconductor Industry (PADIS) or for the Support Program for Technological Development in Digital TV Equipment Industry (PATVD), established by Law No. 11,484 of 2007, must also select this field. The legal entity enabled or co-enabled in the Special Incentives Regime for Infrastructure Development (REIDI), established by Law No. 11,488 of June 15, 2007, and regulated by Decree No. 6,144 of July 3, 2007, with changes introduced by Decree No. 6,167 of July 24, 2007. Enabled or co-enabled in the Special Incentive Regime for Oil Companies Infrastructure Development in North, Northeast and Midwest Regions (REPENEC), established by Law No. 12,249 of 2010, regulated by Decree No. 7,320 of September 28, 2010. Enabled in the Special Incentive Regime for Computers for Educational Use (REICOMP), established by Law No. 12,715 of September 17, 2012. Enabled in the Special Regime for the Brazilian Aviation Industry (RETAERO), established by Law No. 12,249 of 2010. Holder of a cinematographic exhibition project approved in the scope of the Special Taxation Regime for the Development of Cinematographic Exhibition Activities (RECINE), established by Law No. 12,599 of March 23, 2012. Industrial plants that acquire solid residues used as raw materials or intermediary products to manufacture its products, in accordance with art. 5 of Law No. 12,375 of December 2010, must select this field. Enabled or co-enabled in the Special Taxation Regime for the Construction, Expansion, Refurbishment and Modernization of Soccer Stadiums (RECOPA), established by Law No. 12,350 of December 20, 2010. Enabled for purposes of tax benefits laid down by Law No. 12,350 of December 20, 2010, concerning the hosting, in Brazil, of the Confederations Cup FIFA 2013 and of the World Cup FIFA 2014. Enabled in the Special Taxation Regime for the Defense Industry (RETID), established by Law No. 12,598 of March 22, 2012. Enabled in the Special Taxation Regime of the National Broadband Program for the Establishment of Telecommunication Networks (REPNBL – Redes), established by Law No. 12,715 of September 17, 2012, regulated by Decree No. 7,921 of February 15, 2013. Enabled or co-enabled in the Special Regime of Incentive for the Development of the Infrastructure of the Fertilizer Industry (REIF), established by Law No. 12,794 of April 02, 2013, art. 5 to 11. Enabled to enjoy the tax benefits relative to the hosting, in Brazil, of the Olympic Games of 2016, and of the Paralympic Games of 2016, discussed by Law No. 12,780 of 2013.

28. Manaus Industrial Complex

It indicates whether the LE is located at the Manaus Industrial Complex

S - Yes

N - No

Enter whether the legal entity is located in the area of activity of the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone (SUFRAMA) as a beneficiary of the incentives laid down by Decree No. 288 of February 28, 1967, and subsequent amendments, Law No. 8,387 of December 30, 1991 and subsequent amendments, or Decree No. 356 of August 15, 1968 and subsequent amendments (Western Amazon), must fill out this field with "Yes".

29. Export Processing Zones

It indicates whether the LE is located in export processing zones

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity authorized to operate in Export Processing Zones, focused on the production of goods to be sold abroad, as established by Law No. 11,508 of July 20, 2007 and by Law No. 11, 732 of June 30, 2008, must fill out this field with "Yes"

30. Free Trade Areas

It indicates whether the LE operates in a free trade area

S - Yes

N - No

The legal entity authorized to operate in the Free Trade Areas of Boa Vista, Bonfim, Tabatinga, Macapá and Santana, Brasiléia, Cruzeiro do Sul or Guajará-Mirim, beneficiary of the incentives established by Law No. 8,256 of November 25, 1991, by Law No. 11,732 of June 30, 2008, Law No. 7,965 of December 22, 1989, by Law No. 8,387 of December 30 1991, by Decree No. 517 of May 8, 1992, by Law No. 8,210 of July 19, 1991 and later amendments, must fill out this field with "Yes".


Click Next



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01. Start Date

Start date of ECF bookkeeping

02. End Date

End date of ECF bookkeeping

03. Calculation Date

Date of Results Calculation

Fill out only in case of ANNUAL calculation.

04. Accounting Calendar

Code of Accounting Calendar

05. Currency

Accounting Currency

06. Balance Type

Balance Type

07. Chart of Accounts From

Initial Ledger Account

08. Chart of Accounts To

Final Ledger Account


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09. Equity Account From

Enter the initial equity account

10. Equity Account To

Enter the final equity account

11. Income Account From

Enter the initial income account

12. Income Account To

Enter the final income account

13. Process Cost Center

It indicates whether to process cost center

14. Reference Chart Acct.

Enter the code of the Reference Chart to be used


Click Next








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01. L210 - Enter Costs Comp.

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record L210, if needed.

02. P130 - Incent. Revenues Stat.

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

P130, if needed.

03. P200 - Calculation Basis Verif.

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record L200, if needed.

04. P230 - Calc. Exemption and Reduc.

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record L230, if needed.

05. P300 - IRPJ Calculation

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

P300, if needed.

06. P400 - CSLL Calc Basis Verif.

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

P400, if needed.

07. P500 - CSLL Calculation

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

P500, if needed.

08. T120 - Calculation Basis Verif.

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

T120, if needed.














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09. T150 - IRPJ Calculation

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record T150, if needed.

10. T170 - CSLL Calc Basis Verif.

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

T170, if needed.

11. T181 - CSLL Calculation

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record T181, if needed.

12. U180 - IRPJ Calculation

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record U180, if needed.

13. T182 - CSLL Calculation

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

T182, if needed.


Click Next
































Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record U180, if needed.

13. T182 - CSLL Calculation

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

T182, if needed.


Click Next


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01. Position Previous to Profits/Losses

It indicates the position previous to the calculation of results. Use this question to extract data for the records of blocks X and Y.

02. Rec. X350

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

X350, if needed.

03. Rec. X390

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record X390, if needed.

04. Rec. X400

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record X400, if needed.

05. Rec. X400

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

X460, if needed.

06. Rec. X470

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record

X470, if needed.

















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07. Rec. X480

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record X480, if needed.

08. Rec. X490

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record X490, if needed.

09. Rec. X500

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record X500, if needed.

10. Rec. X510

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record X510, if needed.

11. Rec. Y671

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record Y671, if needed.

12. Rec. Y672

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record Y672, if needed.

13. Rec. Y800

Enter the books configuration related to the managerial vision for record Y800, if needed.


Click Next





Click the finish button to close the wizard and start exporting to the ECF.



Click Finish to process the extraction of ECF data






13.3.         Delete Bookkeeping

  • Procedure to delete the bookkeeping created.  The following message is displayed

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  • Click Yes, the following message is displayed

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  • When you return to the main screen, the revision has been deleted.


13.4.       Create File

Process to create data for composing the text file to be imported into TAF.

Procedure to create information for TAF.


The integration between tables TAFST1 x TAFST2 is made for all records with status not yet processed, regardless of branch, WE DO NOT advise the integration of more then one company/branch at the same time. All TAFST1 records will be deleted, regardless of branch.


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Create File

Place the mouse cursor on the ECF added and click the Create File button. to send information to TAF




13.5.       View

                In this process, you view the data exported to the ECF and perform the Querying, Printing and Exporting of data to Excel (electronic spreadsheet).

                Procedure to view the data created in bookkeeping (CSs Tables)









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14.          Frequently Asked Questions

01. Employee Register (Record 0930)

A set of information to identify natural persons and legal entities with which the company has some specific relationships. Only add the employees with which the company has one of the following relationships (table annexed to Cofis Declaratory Act No. 36/07):


Type of relationship


Head-Office Abroad


Branch, including overseas agency or facility


Associated including similar




Controlled (except integral subsidiary)


Integral Subsidiary


Controlled in group


Entity of Specific Purpose (in accordance with CVM definition)


Conglomerate participant, according to specific rule of regulating body, except those classified in previous types.


Associated (Art. 23 of Law 9.430/96), except those classified in the previous types


Located in a country with favored taxation (Art. 24 Law 9.430/96), except the ones that fit the previous types.


Yes, the reference chart of accounts is a required datum in ECF.



08. Where can I find information on SPED ECF?


      The data from Blocks M and N will not be exported by Bookkeeping Center – CTBS001. Its data will be directly registered by the TAF module or by PVA.




15.          Explaining the layout orientation manual of Tax-Accounting Bookkeeping – ECF provided by SRF/RFB

The purpose of this manual is to guide you through the creation of the digital file equivalent to accounting bookkeeping. The layout  is organized in blocks, which are organized in records with data.

15.1.       File Composition


Block Name

Block Description


Opening and Identification

Opens the file, identifies the legal entity and references the ECF period


Information Recovered from the ECDs (block recovered by the system - it is not imported)

It recovers, from the ECD of the bookkeeping period of ECF, the chart of accounts information and the monthly balances.


Information Recovered from the Previous ECF and Tax Calculation of Data Recovered from the ECD (block recovered by the system - it is not imported). ECD data recovery is mandatory for companies required to submit the ECD.

It recovers, from the immediately preceding ECF, the ending balances of the reference accounts and of part B (of e-LALUR and e-LACS). It calculates ledger balances in accordance with the tax calculation period.


Chart of Accounts and Mapping

It presents the mapping of the ledger chart of accounts for the reference chart of accounts.


Ledger and Reference Account Balances

It displays the equity and income ledger account balances by calculation period and their mapping for the reference accounts.


Net Profit

It presents the equity balance, the income statement of the fiscal year, and calculates the net profit of the legal entity taxed by taxable income.


e-LALUR and e-LACS

It presents the electronic journal of calculation and bookkeeping of IRPJ (e-LALUR) and of CSLL (e-LACS) of legal entity taxed by taxable income - parts A and B.


Income Tax and Social Security Payment (Taxable Income)

It calculates the IRPJ and the CSLL based on taxable income (monthly estimates and annual adjustment or quarterly values).


Estimated Profit

It presents the equity balance and calculates the IRPJ and the CSLL based on estimated profit.


Deemed Profit

It calculates the IRPJ and the CSLL based on deemed profit.


Immune or Exempt

It presents the equity account of entities immune or exempt. It calculates, when relevant, the IRPJ and the CSLL based on taxable income.


Economic Information

It presents the economic information of the legal entity.


General Information

It presents general information on the legal entity.


Digital File Closing

It closes the digital file.


15.2.       Notes


  • From the first to the last record, the digital file is made up of blocks, each of which refers to a set of information.
  • The digital file is composed of information blocks, each with an opening record, data records and a closing record.
  • After the initial Block 0, the other blocks are presented in the sequence found in the Blocks Table above.
  • Except when otherwise specified, all blocks are required and the respective opening record indicates the presence or absence or entered data.
  • The records are presented in a sequential, ascending order.
  • The opening and closing records of the files are required, as well as the opening and closing records of each of the blocks composing the digital file listed in the Blocks Table.
  • The records that bear the Required Record sign are also required.
  • The records with the sign Occurrence - One (per file) must occur a single time in the digital file.
  • The records that contain items of tables, totals, documents (among others) may occur one or more times in the file per given status type. These records bear the signs Occurrence - Several (per file), Occurrence - One (per period), Occurrence - Several (per period), etc.
  • One record (Parent Record) may occur more than once in the file and it bears the sign Occurrence - Several (per file)
  • A dependent record (Child Record) details the main record and bears the sign:
    • Occurrence - 1:1, meaning only one Child record must exist for its respective Parent record.
    • Occurrence - 1:N, meaning several records may exist for the respective Parent record.
    • The file creation requires at least one Parent Record when a Child Record exists.

(*) Depending on bookkeeping type.

15.3.       Important – Link to manual published by RFB


      The ECF block record layouts are available in the layout orientation manual of ECF and are available for download in the link:



15.4.       Blocks to be created by the Managerial Accounting module


Block / Record

Hierarchy Level

Block 0: Opening, Identification and References


Record 0000: Opening of Digital File and Identification of Legal Entity


Record 0001: Opening of Block 0


Record 0010: Taxation Parameters


Record 0020: Complementary Parameters


Record 0030: Registration Data


Record 0035: SCP Identification


Record 0930: ECF Signatories Identification


Record 0990: Closing of Block 0


Block / Record

Hierarchy Level

Block J: Chart of Accounts and Mapping


Record J001: Opening of Block J


Record J050: Taxpayer Chart of Accounts


Record J051: Reference Chart of Accounts


Record J053: Correlate Sub-accounts


Record J100: Cost Center


Record J990: Closing of Block J





Block / Record

Hierarchy Level

Block K: Ledger and Reference Account Balances


Record K001: Opening of Block K


Record K030: Identification of IRPJ and CSLL Calculation Methods and Periods in the Calendar Year


Record K155: Ledger Balance Details (After Closing the Result of the Period)


Record K156: Reference Final Balance Mapping


Record K355: Ending Balances of Income Ledger Accounts Prior to Closing


Record K356: Reference Mapping of Ending Balances of Income Ledger Accounts Prior to Closing


Record K990: Closing of Block K


Block / Record

Hierarchy Level

Block L: Net Profit - Taxable Income


Record L001: Opening of Block L


Record L030: Identification of IRPJ and CSLL Calculation Methods and Periods in the Calendar Year


Record L100: Balance Sheet


Record L200: Closing Stock Evaluation Method


Record L210: Cost Composition Report


Record L300: Income Statement for the Fiscal Year


Record L990: Closing of Block L





Block / Record

Hierarchy Level

Block P: Estimated Profit


Record P001: Opening of Block P


Record P030: Identification of IRPJ and CSLL Calculation Methods and Periods of Companies Taxed on Estimated Profit


Record P100: Balance Sheet


Record P130: Estimated Profit Stimulated Revenues Statement


Record P150: Income Statement for the Fiscal Year


Record P200: Estimated Profit Calculation Basis Verification


Record P230: Estimated Profit Exemption and Reduction Calculation


Record P300: IRPJ Calculation Based on Estimated Profit


Record P400: Verification of CSLL Calculation Basis Based on Estimated Profit


Record P500: CSLL Calculation Based on Estimated Profit


Record P990: Closing of Block P


Block / Record

Hierarchy Level

Block T: Deemed Profit


Record T001: Opening of Block T


Record T030: Identification of IRPJ and CSLL Calculation Methods and Periods of Companies Taxed on Deemed Profit


Record T120: Verification of IRPJ Calculation Basis Based on Deemed Profit


Record T150: IRPJ Calculation Based on Deemed Profit


Record T170: Verification of CSLL Calculation Basis Based on Deemed Profit


Record T181: CSLL Calculation Based on Deemed Profit


Record T990: Closing of Block T

