Deck of Cards |
effectDuration | 0.5 |
history | false |
id | samples |
effectType | fade |
Card |
| The fields marked with (*) are required: Fill out the data in accordance with the instructions provided in Main Fields. See also the features available in Other Actions. Fill out the fields to continue. The options are: - Close (to exit without saving).
- Save and Create New (saves the addition and keeps the form for the next addition).
- Confirm (saves the addition and returns to the main screen).
Card |
| To edit, find the item to be edited. Some fields are shaded, indicating they cannot be edited. Fill out the data in accordance with the instructions provided in Main Fields. See also the features available in Other Actions. After making adjustments, click: - Close (to exit without saving).
- Save and Create New (saves the edition and keeps the form for the next addition).
- Confirm (saves the edition and returns to the main screen).
Card |
| When you access the routine, the system displays all the registers created. To delete, first find the item you wish to delete. Click option Other Actions/ Delete. At the top of the screen, view this shaded message: Are you sure you wish to delete the item below? You cannot undo this deletion after confirmation. Be certain before you proceed, then click: - Close (to exit without deleting).
- Confirm (deletes the item and returns to the main screen).
Card |
| When you access the routine, the system displays all the registers created. To view the information registered, first place the mouse cursor on the item and click option View at the top of the screen to the left. You cannot make changes in this option. |
Card |
| Use this option to create filters to search data, ordered in accordance to the index selected. For example, you can select branch+code. ![image2016-2-26 9:4:5.png](/plugins/servlet/confluence/placeholder/unknown-attachment?locale=pt_BR&version=2)
Access Other Actions to access for the options below.
Deck of Cards |
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| - Place the cursor on the advance, access Other Actions/Cre.Financial.
- When finished, the system displays a screen stating: Financial Creation Successful.
- Click Close to return to the main screen.
Card |
| - Place the cursor on the advance, access Other Actions/Reverse.
- The system displays a screen for you to confirm the reversal.
- Click Yes to confirm it or No to interrupt the process.
Card |
| - Place the cursor on the advance, access Other Actions/Receipt.
- The system processes and creates the receipt onscreen.