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Speaking of Start...

In this area, the authenticated user can access the classes, training and the tracks they are registered for and manage the classes they are responsible for.

When accessing a class as a student, you can view the information related to it and the options to watch a topic, deliver activities, end the topic and the class, among others. For those in charge, the options under their responsibility in each class are presented, namely mark extracurricular activities, approve topic execution attempts, adjust grades, among others.


Basic path




01. In From the main menu, press click Learning.

02. Click the tab My learning.

03. Press Click Start.

04. View all classes of subjects that one is disciplines you are registered and responsible for and is also enrolled, and view the tracks and training you are registered for, as well.

titleLearn more

The classes in which the user is enrolled are displayed in the table In ProgressYou can change items' viewing mode by clicking List display or Block display located in the upper right corner of the window.
The classes displayed presented in the table Responsible Person responsible for area are those for which the authenticated user has some responsibilityis responsible for, such as grading marking extracurricular activities, approving attempts, adjusting topic scoresscore, among others.






Access class as a student


01. In the table In progress, click AccessClasses area, find the class you want to access.

02. Click Start, located in the table corresponding to the class that chart corresponding to the class.

titleLearn more

The Start option switches to Continue after the first access to the class.
To access the class, you can view your class contents and actions available, how to view details, access your community, deliver activities, among other things. More information can be found in Class in progress.

Access training or tracks


01. In the Training and tracks area, find the training or track you wish to access.

02. Click Start located in the chart corresponding to the training or track.

titleLearn more

When pressing The Start option switches to Continue after the first access to the class.
As you click this option, the monitored learning plan of the student is displayed. Find more information about the available actions in the monitored learning plan in Classes in all the training and tracks in progress are displayed. More information can be found in Training/tracks in progress.






person responsible for the class


01. In the Person Responsible for area, find the class you want to access.

02. Click Access On the table responsible, press Access, located in the table chart corresponding to the class that you wish to access.


titleLearn more

To press As you click this option, the actions available are presented to for the management of responsibilities in classes are presented:
 Extracurricular activities;


 Approve attempts;
 Waiting list





In this section, the authenticated user can access the classes in which are enrolled and manage classes for which they are responsible for.

Those in charge are presented with options that are under their responsibility in each class, such as grading extracurricular activities, approving attempts of executing topics, adjusting grades, among others.
