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53003-How does receivings execute trade bill due date calculation
53003-How does receivings execute trade bill due date calculation

FAQ: 53003-How does receivings execute trade bill due date calculation?
53003-How does receivings execute trade bill due date calculation?
How does receivings execute trade bill due date calculation?
FAQ 53003 - How does the receiving the trade bill due date calculation? (Old FAQ 637) Receiving calculates trade bill due date in the following way: - Receiving with Purchase Order:a) Order with payment term other than zero: Trade bill due date will be calculated according to the file of payment term (CD0404 – Payment Method);b) Order with an specific payment term (same as zero): It will generate trade bills with due date according to what was keyed/defined in the purchase order. - Receiving without Purchase Order:It will return the calculated date for the default payment term of vendor or today’s date if the base is not correct (Invalid payment method). WAY OF CALCULATION OF TRADE BILL AUTOMATIC GENERATION: a) For each document item, due date(s) will be calculated according to the payment term of the sequence order of if it does not exist, the entity’s default condition. b) With all due dates calculated, installments will be totalized by due date and then trade bills will be generated. c) Roundings of trade bills (or difference of installments) will be done in the last generated installment. 

Example: When the note has more than one entered order, trade bills will be generated according to their payment terms. If there is an order with condition 30/60/90 days and another one with condition of 15 days, 4 trade bills will be generated. If there is an order with condition 30/60/90 days and another one with condition 30/60 days, 3 trade bills will be generated, where the first two will receive higher amounts, because installment amount of first order will be added with the second one.