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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Learn about the new features available in version 1.2







titleUpdate procedure

For information about the procedure for upgrading from Fluig 1.1 to Fluig 1.2, click here.

titleClick here to see Fluig update history

Version 1.2.8 - Released on June 17, 2014

Version 1.2.7 - Released on June 03, 2014

Version 1.2.6 - Released on May 19, 2014

Version 1.2.5 - Released on May 05, 2014

Version 1.2.4 - Released on April 23, 2014

Version 1.2.4 - Released on April 9, 2014

Versão 1.2.2 - Released on March 24, 2014

Version 1.2.1 - Released on March 17, 2014


Go here what's new in Fluig Identity version 1.2.3

titleClick here to see Fluig Identity update history

Identity 1.2.2: https://totvslab.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FIRN/Fluig+Identity+V+1.2.2+Release+Notes+-+PTBR

Identity 1.2.1: https://totvslab.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FIRN/Fluig+Identity+V+1.2.1+Release+Notes+-+PTBR

Identity 1.2.0: https://totvslab.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FIRN/Fluig+Identity+V+1.2.0+Release+Notes+-+PTBR



titleDownload it now!

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Pending tasks graph

You can now have a quick overview of your pending tasks

When there are many tasks, the user must have access to resources that assist in the prioritization of the pending tasks. To that end, Fluig Mobile now features a graph that summarizes all of a user’s pending tasks. Users can access this graph at the Task Central, which now has two tabs: the first displays the tasks graph, and the second displays the traditional list of tasks, divided by their respective category.

The graph has information on the following categories of pending tasks:

  • Pending requests
  • Late requests
  • My requests
  • Document approval
  • My documents that await approval.

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Customize the application with themes

You can now define themes in the Fluig application, from several options available. This is an interesting feature when there are lots of accounts in the Fluig application. From now on, you can visually identify which account is being used, without having to check the description of the account, access the application settings or any other way to identify the account being used.

The available themes are:

  • Green (default theme)
  • Yellow
  • Pink
  • Orange
  • Grey
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Also check out:
Conector de Widget

Quick access to Fluig links

When accessing Fluig links in the application, you will be directed to their content without leaving the application

These Fluig links can be used in several areas: social posts, document approval, handling workflow process requests, documents, articles, etc. With this new version of Fluig Mobile, you can view the contents of a given link available in Fluig through the application itself - without the user being directed to the mobile platform browser (standard behavior of applications in the market).

For example: in the application, when clicking on a link to view a document available in a community post, the document will be viewed in the very post, with no intervention from the user. 

In addition, links from other mobile applications (e-mail, for example) can be redirected to Fluig application. When you access a Fluig link on a mobile device, you can view the contents of the link in the application, or continue browsing on the mobile platform browser:

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With that, the Fluig application experience is maintained even when accessing links (regardless of the application). Furthermore, if the Fluig account of the link being accessed is not configured in the application, a wizard will help configure and display the content of the link!

Also check out:

Conector de Widget



Get to know all the main features of the application on your first start-up

Time is money. Nothing better than a quick and easy way to get to know all the features of the application, right? When using the application for the first time, its main features are displayed in a simple and objective manner. Using swipe browsing, get to know all Fluig features and enjoy an improved experience of everything Fluig Mobile offers right in your palm.

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Offline Processes

Synchronize your pending tasks and execute them even when you don’t have internet access!

Some situations require you to change information for a request even without an internet connection. A commercial director, for example, needs to approve or reject hundreds of discount requests on a daily basis, from the most varied points of sale spread throughout Brazil. This process would be simpler and faster if it could be handled via e-mails without context, integration nor priority.

With that in mind, the Fluig application allows the user to download requests which can be filled out or changed at any moment, with or without an internet connection. Thus, the user can change or fill out any information for the request, which can be sent at a later time.

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Also check out:

Conector de Widget

Currently available for Android only. iOS version available soon.


New APIs available

Enhance users’ experience of their applications integrated with Fluig, with the new features available in this version

This version of Fluig provides greater productivity and collaboration not only for its users, but for developers of the Fluig platform as well! All new features available may be used through public API! Go to api.fluig.com right now and see what’s new in API:

  • Notifications: In addition to allowing the creation of custom reports, create mechanisms for sending notifications. E.g.: SMS
  • Filters in Task Central: search and create filters to help visualization of pending tasks in Task Central
  • Search: In your application, integrate the search of content available on Fluig without having to access Fluig. You can search for and display Fluig information easily and quickly in your application.

Online help and e-learning updated!

Learn about all the new features and get your Fluig platform certification!

Get ahead of the competition and get your Fluig certification! The TOTVS Academy synchronized the release of training sessions available with the release of Fluig 1.2: both are already available. Go to: http://www.totvs.com/customercenter


Customize e-mail templates

It has never been easier to customize the e-mail templates used by Fluig

In this version of Fluig, the customization of e-mail templates was simplified. The templates are available at Control Panel > General > E-mail Template. Customize and create new templates in a few clicks.

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Create customized components based on system components

Customize Fluig platform components as needed

Would you like to change a Fluig component - a widget, for example - and include any additional information? Now that’s possible! Access the Component Centraldocumentation, and see how you can extend Fluig components by using Fluig Studio!

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Support for SSL protocol

Browse and use the Fluig platform features with security.

In this version, Fluig offers support to the SSL protocol, to ensure the integrity and security of the information available in Fluig, especially when accessed through the internet (and not only through the organization’s internal network). For more information, click here.

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New screen to start requests

View processes by category, as well as your favorite processes

The Start Requests screen features a neater design, displaying the workflow process categories and the user’s favorite processes

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Detailed report of workflow requests in spreadsheets

When querying requests, you can export the results to manipulate the query information

The user can export the result of a workflow request query to an Excel spreadsheet by using the option "Export". You can filter version of the process, activity, and include the form data for each request.

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Also check out:

Conector de Widget


Forms with automatic rules

New form editor that allows the creation of a form without the need for technical expertise.

Create forms integrated to Fluig workflow processes with the following features:

  • Addition of fields to the form, without the need for programming;
  • Attributing data type to form fields (text/numeric);
  • Validate the value entered in a field, such as, mandatory field, Tax ID, etc.
  • Choose a theme for the form;
  • Define which fields will be sent to Fluig Analytics;
  • Use Fluig datasets to fill out the fields;
  • Create one or more category of records, such as master/detail.
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Also check out:
Conector de Widget


New Task Central

The Fluig Task Central was redesigned, allowing for an improved visualization of pending tasks.

When accessing the Fluig Task Central, the user will see:

  • New layout;
  • New icons;
  • All information about pending tasks consolidated into a single graph;
  • Display of the number of pending tasks per category.
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Create filters for your tasks

In the new Task Central, create filters according to the category of pending tasks, making them easier to find according to their criticality.

By accessing a category of pending tasks of a new Task Central, you can create filters to facilitate how you handle these tasks on a daily basis, such as quickly finding tasks of higher priority, which can not be mixed with other tasks, of lower priority.

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Check out the new Task Central and filters by category of pending tasks:

Conector de Widget

Changing documents in bulk

To facilitate editing multiple documents, select the documents you want to change in bulk

On some occasions, it is necessary to change information that is common to multiple documents. Rather than changing each document manually, it is now possible to change them in bulk. Select the documents that need changing, and add the option "Change in bulk". Change the information required, and click "Confirm". Ready, all documents selected were changed.

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This feature is the evolution of the option "Renew documents".


Tagging people

Tagging people or communities in your posts.

When you create a post in a community, you can tag a person or a community when drafting the text. Simply add  "@" and type the name of the person or community you wish to tag. Fluig will suggest names of people and communities after the "@".

When tagging a someone, a Fluig notification will be sent to that person with your name and a link for the post in which he/she was tagged.

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Also check out:

Conector de Widget

New search mechanism

In an intuitive and more thorough manner, find any content available on Fluig.

In this version, Fluig allows searches to be made by users, communities, documents, forms, processes, articles, publications, pictures and videos. Now, in the search field, Fluig automatically suggests the most relevant words as the user is typing, based on content posted on Fluig: 

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The new search engine features a new concept for displaying the results, facilitating the visualization of information through tabs sorted by content type. In addition, new types of filters have been inserted, further facilitating the search by a specific type of content.

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To use the new search, go to Control Panel > WCM > Indexation and choose one of the following options:

  • Quick indexation: Indexes process metadata and collaboration content (except documents).
  • Indexation of new or modified content: Indexes the metadata processes, collaboration content and new or modified documents since the last full indexation.
  • Full indexation: Indexes process metadata, collaboration content and all versions of existing documents.

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Also check out:

Conector de Widget


Sort and organize posts, processes and documents by using tags.

The tag is a widely used method to assist in the search for information. For example, it is used in libraries to organize books of similar topics. Now you can also use this method in Fluig, using the tag to help other users find documents or processes in an easy and collaborative manner.

Tags can be used in:

  • Posts

Simply type "#" when drafting a post to create a tag. Fluig will suggest the 5 most used tags for the text being entered next to "#". That allows users to see whether, and how often, this tag is already used in Fluig. 

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  • Documents

You can include tags in your documents through the "General Information" option. You can create one or more tags for the same document. When entering the tag, you can choose from an existing tag by using the keyboard or mouse. 

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Tags in documents replace the "Keywords" feature


  • Processes

Tags can also be used to classify tags. Just go to the "General" tab when editing the process and add your tags. The tags that were used in previous documents or posts are also recommended.

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Also check out:

Conector de Widget


New Notifications Central

The Notifications Central is a centralized way to manage your Fluig notifications - Collaboration, Documents, Processes and Administration

The new Notifications Central brings several new features in Fluig 1.2:

  • New model for quick view of notifications

Fluig users can view or even perform some actions through the new quick view. This view can be accessed from any Fluig screen, so that you may see what is happening and take action without interrupting what you’re doing. Much quicker, much simpler!

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  • New notification view screen

In the new view model, notifications are sorted by date, and new mass administration actions allow for quick and easy management of notifications.

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  • New notification type management method

All Fluig notifications can now be viewed and managed in a single location. With the new modification management method, Fluig users can choose how they wish to be notified by Fluig.

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Also check out: 

Conector de Widget


Use policy

Define the use policy for Fluig and make it available to all users 

The Fluig administrator may define a use policy through a Control Panel. To do so, simply create a document with the organization’s use policy and go to Control Panel, option General - Use Policy and make this document available to be viewed by all users. The Use Policy feature respects all issues regarding different versions and release of documents, and allows policies to be added in English and Spanish (in addition to Portuguese).

When the document is released, the user may view the use policy at the bottom of the Fluig screen.

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Unique community pages

Create custom pages for each purpose, according to the interests of the community and to the target audience.

According to the community, there may be a need to display specific information due to the interests of the community and to its target audience. With this version o Fluig, each community can have its own layout, and its own widgets. The Administrator can create a different layout for each community. To enable this new feature, edit the desired community and select "Create Page".

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Also check out: 

Conector de Widget


Creating thumbnails to view images and videos

Fluig generates thumbnails for images and videos, when displaying documents, galleries and community posts.

This feature improves performance and response time when loading Fluig pages, providing a preview of the content posted on Fluig. To enable this feature, follow the steps in the guide Configuring and Enabling Thumbnails.

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New plug-ins to create widgets and layouts

The Fluig plug-in for Eclipse development IDEs - Eclipse, TOTVS Developer Studio -was updated with new features that enable the creation of widgets and layouts.  

Now, with Fluig Studio, developers can: 

  • Create widgets (with or without a template);
  • Create layouts (with or without a template);
  • View and use snippets (sample codes);
  • Post a new layout on Fluig;
  • Post a new widget on Fluig;
The guide for building WCM components on Fluig can be found at: Building WCM components in Fluig Studio.
This is the official mode for sending new customized components to Fluig. Changes to the application server aimed at posting new content that is neither a Widget nor a Layout are not supported.
Also check out:
Conector de Widget

Security settings for widgets

Define who can view each widget available in a community in a simple and easy manner 

Within any given organization, there is some information that not all employees should have access to. These may be strategic or financial information, among others, that only a restricted group of people should have access to. With that in mind, Fluig 1.2 allows users to restrict the information displayed by the widget, defining which users are given access. This way, you can ensure that users view only the information that concerns their department/position. For example, on a Sales team page, one can add a widget that shows a single salesperson’s reaching a goal, and another widget to show that the entire team reached a goal. The widget that shows the goal for all salespeople is information restricted to the sales department’s managers and directors. Therefore, it is possible to add two widgets to the community, and through the widget security settings, define who can view it - or not -, thus ensuring information security.

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Also check out:

Conector de Widget


Creating access groups

Define rules for access to Fluig pages

Similar to the widget security issue, now you can create access rules for page display/editing. This way, only authorized persons will be able to make changes to pages, or view information in a given page. This setting ensures information security in cases that require partners, customers or suppliers to access Fluig, due to a specific process or need of the organization.


New Data Model. New Visions. New possibilities

The analytics data model and the information that is sent have been updated

We managed to make it even better. The Fluig Analytics data model has been updated, with new information that can be used in reports, widgets, etc. The default views, that allow users to view important Fluig indicators, are still available.

Click on the tabs below and see some examples of the new views:

Deck of Cards

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titleIf you wish to view the new data model, click here!

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For more information on how to enable and configure Fluig Analyitcs, access: Fluig Analytics Implementation Guide.

If you’re a CAP here, click here

Import historical data to Fluig Analytics

Import data from documents, processes and collaboration

When enabled, Fluig sends data to Analytics periodically. However, previously created information is not sent. With the new version of Fluig, you can now send all data of processes, documents and collaboration in an easy way. For further information, visit: Importing historical data and Sending form data

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Update procedure

To update Fluig, follow the steps described in the Fluig Installation Guide.

After updating to 1.2, you have to: 

  • Post the templates of e-mails customized through the web, in Control Panel > General > E-mail template(if a custom template is used in a workflow process).
  • Perform a full indexation process, in order for the new query features to work properly.