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In this page you will meet available Quick Query on the product lines from the Services segment.

Quick Query



Query Name
Datasul Line
Logix Line
RM Line
Payment ReceiptAllow to query employee payment receipt by competence and   manage income, discount, base and net payment.XX X
Vacation Schedule

Query employee vacation schedule. The information is limited   to employee data and its subordinates.

Vendor document position.Allow to view vendor documents, with summarized   information, where possible to search, filter and query detailed vendor data   and specific documents.X   
Customer document positionAllow to view customer documents, with summarized   information, where possible to search, filter and query detailed customer   data and specific documents.X   
Sales Order by CustomerAllow to query information registered into the   Invoicing module (SIGAFAT) regarding sales orders, outstanding or terminated,   from the customer indicated in the query.X   
ParticipantsAllow to query employee register data that belong   to the organizational structure of the connected user. The query show the   name, phone number, e-mail address and situation of the employee.XX X
Invoices by CustomerAllow to query outflow invoices registered in the   Invoicing module (SIGAFAT) and nominated to the customer indicated in the   query.X   

Allow participants to query attendance control markings and   from immediate subordinates.

Contracts to be DueAllow to query information from the Service   Management module related to contracts due. The query shows the allocation   balance of resources, annotation of materials and equipment location.X   
Query Uncovered StationsAllow to query information from the Service   Management module related to contracts and uncovered stations, compared to   the forecast from what is being realized.X   
Material and Allocation QueryAllow to query information from the Service   Management module related to contracts and stations of contracts. The query   enters locations where are allocated and implemented the resources and   materials, according to expected and allocated for each station.X   
Query Attendants by NameAllow to query information from the Service   Management module related to the register of filtered attendants.X   
Query Deallocated AttendantsAllow to query information from the Service   Management module related to attendants not allocated to the entered period.X   
Query Allocation by ContractAllow to query information from the Service   Management module related to the allocation of attendants according to the   selected contract.X   
Query Allocation by CustomerAllow to query information from the Service   Management module related to the allocation of attendants according to the   indicated customer and/or configured period.X   
Query bank balanceAllow to view checking account bank balance from   the company, where possible to search and query the company checking account   registerX   
Comp Time

Allow the participant and leaders to query the Comp Time   through the user organizational structure.

Outstanding ActivitiesAllow to query activities registered in the module   Customer Relationship Management (CRM) listed to the user logged to the   system. X   

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