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  1. Facturación de Baja de Activos (ATFA036) - Ecuador

    :// 05. TABLAS UTILIZADAS CT1 - Plan de Cuentas SNG - Grupos de activos SN1 - Activo inmovilizado SN2
    Linha Microsiga Protheus07 nov, 2022
  2. Facturación de Baja de Activos (ATFA036) - Colombia

    - Plan de Cuentas SNG - Grupos de activos SN1 - Activo inmovilizado SN2 - Descripciones extendidas SN3 - Saldos y valores SN4 - Movimientos del activo fijo
    Linha Microsiga Protheus01 set, 2022
  3. TVTXMA_DT_Depreciación_acumulada_con_calendario_de_ejercicio_completo_ARG

    Llamados vinculados: TVTXMA País(es): Argentina Base(s) de Datos: Todas Tablas utilizadas: SN1 - Activo Inmovilizado. SN2
  4. error log debora.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([2900], debora.sousa, DESKMTZ-22198) 19/04/2022 14:16:31 array out of bounds ( 17 of 16 ) on TMSCALFREPAG(TMSXFUNB.PRW) 22/02/2022 14:48:35 line : 9463 [TOTVS build: 7.00.210324P-20211206] Called from TMSA310GRV(TMSA310.PRW) 21/02/2022 10:33:55 line : 2269 Called from {|| LOK:= TMSA310GRV(NOPCX)}
  5. errorlog.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([71276], Jonisson.Henckel, JVN060104854) 11/05/2022 14:55:59 type mismatch on compare on MNTR422(MNTR422.PRW) 05/05/2022 08:11:58 line : 54 [TOTVS build: 7.00.210324P-20220510] Called from NGIMP675(MNTUTIL_OS.PRW) 10/05/2022 09:43:22 line : 7374 Called from MNTA420IM(MNTA420.PRX) 11/02/2022 09:39
  6. 81eef986a5f6a9ddded1489542b18052bf658e81.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([12617], thiag, DELL_G3) 24/09/2021 09:41:05 type mismatch on + on {||Posicione("DM9",1,xFilial("DM9") + M->DTQ_CODAUT,"DM9_DESCRI") }(APLIB230.PRW) 06/07/2021 19:07:02 line : 961 [TOTVS build: 7.00.191205P-20210522] Called from GETCOLUMNDATA(FWBROWSE.PRW) 06/07/2021 19:07:04 line
  7. erro_calculo_custo_transporte (2).txt

    THREAD ERROR ([7452], docto, DESKTOP-2O3AO3S) 21/02/2022 09:23:03 array out of bounds [2] of [1] on FP_CODFOL(GPEXIDC.PRX) 25/09/2020 10:21:44 line : 1263 [TOTVS build: 7.00.191205P-20211019] Called from CALCUSTOFUN(GPEXCAL2.PRX) 20/05/2019 08:32:40 line : 138 Called from TMSCUSTOFUN(TMSAF99.PRW) 16/06/2021 09

    THREAD ERROR ([256], edsonm.e, SRVR0000000240) 07/04/2022 17:44:00 : Error : 207 (S0022) (RC=-1) - [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'LOJFAT'. ( From tMSSQLConnection::GetQueryFile ) Thread ID [3764] User [edsonm.e] IO [3361] Tables [53] MaxTables [54] Comment [TMSA850 - TC
  9. errlog.txt

  10. variable is not an object on TMSA012GRV.txt