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  1. variable is not an object on TMSA012GRV.txt

  2. FINC022 Fluxo Por Natureza

    Financeiras (SEH) Comissões de Vendas (SE3) Nota Fiscal de Entrada (SF1/SF2) As tabelas abaixo devem ter o mesmo compartilhamento para o correto funcionamento
    Linha Microsiga Protheus29 set, 2022
  3. Mantenimiento de comisión - MATA490 - Facturación - P12

    sucursal, prefijo y número del título del SE2, creando un vínculo entre las tablas SE3 y SE2. Ejemplo: 3.300 Fecha de pago Informe la fecha en la
  4. Commission Maintenance - MATA490 - Billing - P12

    between tables SE3 and SE2. Example: 3,300 Paymt Date Enter the date when the payment of the sales representative commission occurred. When this
  5. ErrorlogCTe.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([20224], gianni.francesco, SPON019402901) 01/12/2021 14:31:08 variable does not exist AROTINA on TMSA500MNT(TMSA500.PRW) 17/11/2021 15:16:06 line : 393 [TOTVS build: 7.00.191205P-20201124] Called from TMS70VIS(TMSAE70.PRW) 08/11/2021 20:45:56 line : 1580 Called from { || TMS70VIS(ALISTBOX)}(TMSAE
  6. error_log (1).txt

  7. Errorlogpadrao.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([5664], gianni.francesco, SPON019402901) 04/08/2021 11:32:02 : Error : 102 (37000) (RC=-1) - [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Sintaxe incorreta perto de ','. ( From tMSSQLConnection::GetQueryFile ) Thread ID [12744] User [Administrador] IO [2171] Tables [51] MaxTables [51] Comme
  8. visualizabloq.log

    THREAD ERROR ([22120], gianni.francesco, SPON019402901) 28/09/2021 08:55:57 variable does not exist CCADASTRO on AXVISUAL(MATXATU.PRX) 04/06/2021 12:22:17 line : 152 [TOTVS build: 7.00.191205P-20201124] Called from A250VISBLQ(TMSA250.PRW) 13/09/2021 15:36:40 line : 15623 Called from {|NAT| A250VISBLQ(AITENS[NAT,LEN(

    THREAD ERROR ([26244], gustavo.krug, JVN019401822) 17/01/2022 17:48:48 variable does not exist AROTINA on TMS050COL(TMSA050.PRW) 14/01/2022 17:00:16 line : 9959 [TOTVS build: 7.00.210324P-20211006] Called from {|| TMS050Col()
  10. errorlog_krug.txt

    THREAD ERROR ([28336], gustavo.krug, JVN019401822) 27/09/2021 10:15:01 type mismatch on + on { ||Posicione("DM9",1,xFilial("DM9") + M->DTQ_CODAUT,"DM9_DESCRI") }(APLIB230.PRW) 10/09/2021 19:56:44 line : 961 [TOTVS build: 7.00.191205P-20200629] Called from GETCOLUMNDATA(FWBROWSE.PRW) 10/09/2021