Árvore de páginas


Systems Involved

  • TOTVS Otimização Logística / TOTVS Roteirização e Entrega
  • External System: ERPs that connect or intend to connect with TOL/TRE


Asynchronous integration consisting of Trip Release and Trip Unblock services:

  • If the orderBreakParts tag is empty, there are no breaks (splits) for trips sent in the interface;
  • If the orderBreakParts tag is filled in, it means that there are trips on this interface that have breaks (splits); if this occurs, you must identify, within this structure, the transport requests that suffered breaks through the following fields:
    • o orderSourceId: This field is the identifier of the transport request received in the order interface; if a transport request is inside the orderBreakParts structure, it means that it has suffered a break;
      • o orderItemSourceId: This field is the item identifier of the transport order received in the order interface;
        • If a transport order item is inside the orderBreakParts structure, it means that this item (which is inside the orderSourceId order) suffered a break;
      • The loadId field that exists within the orderBreakParts structure serves to associate the transport request (orderSourceId and orderItemSourceId fields) with the load generated by TOL\TRE in this interface;
      • The quantities updated by TOL\TRE after breaks must be obtained in the fields: quantShipmUnits; the quantProdUnits;

Installation/Deployment/Usage Prerequisites

  • Minimum versions

    • TOL/TRE:  6.4.0
    • Protheus:  ?
    • Datasul: ?
  • This integration requires no additional installations or updates.

Requisition Layout

publishReleasedTrip: SOAP, Asynchronous integration with doUnblockReleasedTrip;
messageIdIntegerYes10Trip release request message ID;
orderBreakPartsorderBreakPart[]NoN/AGrouping element of all breaks;

There must be at least 1 break in this list;

tripReleaseRequeststripReleaseReques[]YesN/AGrouping element of all travel release requests from;There must be at least 1 travel release request on this list;

orderBreakPart, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations
regionSourceIdStringYes30Regional identifier;Must be a valid regional;
orderBreakPartIdIntegerYes10Break IDs;
orderSourceIdStringYes30Transport order ID associated with the break;
orderTypeSourceIdStringYes30Order type code;
orderItemSourceIdStringYes30Item ID of the transport order associated with the break;
loadIdIntegerYes10Load ID associated with the break;
shipmentUnitIdIntegerYes1Shipping Unit Enclosure Category ID;1=Package; 2=Non-unitizable bulk; 3=Pallet; 4=Unitizable bulk; 5=Coil; 6=Skid; 7=Tube; 8=Bundle of tubes;
quantShipmUnitsFloatYes13Number of shipment units at break;If the shipment item is shipped with fractional amounts, this field may, in some situations, also return fractional amounts;
quantProdUnitsFloatYes13Number of units of the SKU in the breakdown;
classificationsclassifications []NoN/AGrouping element of all classifications of a trip;
attributes attributes[]NoN/AGrouping element of all the attributes of a trip;

tripreleaseRequest, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations


regionSourceIdStringYes30Regional identifier;Must be a valid regional;
basketSourceIdStringNo30ID of the basket where this operation was performed manually by the user;This field may not be sent in cases where the release was requested automatically and not through the screen (in these cases, the user's basket cannot be identified);
identifier (trip)IntegerYes10ID of the trip whose release is being requested;
freightValueFloatYes13Cost of freight for the trip;
carrierIdStringYes255ID da transportadora da viagem;Does not exist in TRE (R2)
vehicleIdStringYes255Trip Vehicle Type ID;
vehicleDescriptionStringNo255Description of the type of vehicle for the trip;
truckLicensePlateStringNo8Trip truck plate;This plate may be informed by the carrier when accepting the trip (Partner Collaboration);
truckLicensePlateStateStringNo2State of the trip truck's license plate;
truckStatusIdStringNo2Identifier of the situation of the truck;0=Unknown, 1=Aggregate, 2=Own fleet, 3=Outsourced fleet;
truckStatusDescriptionStringNo255Description of the situation of the truck;
truckAxlesQuantityIntegerNo10Number of truck axles;The axles of all the truck's trunks will be counted;
trailerstrailer[]NoN/AGrouping element of all trailers on a trip;Does not exist in TRE (R2)
classificationsclassifications []NoN/AGrouping element of all classifications of a trip;
attributes attributes[]NoN/AGrouping element of all the attributes of a trip;
commentsStringNo255Travel observation;
loadsload[]YesN/AGrouping element of all loads of a trip;There must be at least 1 cargo in this list;

trailer, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations
trailerLicensePlateStringNo8Travel trailer plate;This plate may be informed by the carrier when accepting the trip (Partner Collaboration);
trailerLicensePlateStateStringNo2Status of the travel trailer's license plate;

load, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations


identifier (load)IntegerYes10Trip Cargo ID;
serviceTypeIdIntegerYes1Load Service Type ID;Full truck load (FTL);
Less than truck load (LTL);
serviceTypeDescriptionStringYes255Description of the load service type;
loadModeIntegerYes1Load Type ID;1=Stowage; 2=Palletized; 3=Mixed;
modalIntegerYes1Cargo modal ID;1=Roadway; 2=Waterway; 3=Railway; 4=Air;
distanceFloatYes13Load distance;
freightFloatYes13Freight of Load;
dispatchLimitTimeDate/hour (String)No29Deadline for dispatch of cargo;Last possible time window for the load;
stopsstop[]YesN/AGrouping element of all the stops of a load of a trip;There must be at least 2 stops on this list;

stop, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations


identifier (stop)IntegerYes10ID of the stop of a shipment of a trip;
localitySourceIdStringYes30ID of the stop locality of a shipment of a trip;
transportZoneIdStringYes255Transport zone ID of the stop of a load of a trip;
transportZoneDescriptionStringNo50Description of the transport zone of the stop of a load of a trip;

sequenceOnLoadIntegerYes10Sequence of the stop of a load of a trip;
subStopssubStop[]YesN/AGrouping element of all the sub-stops of a load of a trip;There must be at least 1 sub-stop for a stop;

subStop, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations


identifier (sub-stop)IntegerYes10ID of the sub-stop of a shipment of a trip;
arrivalTimeDate/hour (String)Yes29Planned date of arrival of the vehicle at the sub-stop of a load of a trip;
startServiceTimeDate/hour (String)Yes29

Planned start date of loading/unloading at sub-stop of a load of a trip;

endServiceTimeDate/hour (String)Yes29

Planned date of end of loading/unloading in the sub-stop of a load of a trip;

departureTimeDate/hour (String)Yes29Planned date of departure of the vehicle from the sub-stop of a load of a trip;

ID of the planned loading/unloading dock at the sub-stop of a load of a trip;


Description of the planned loading/unloading dock at the sub-stop of a load of a trip;

loadedShipmentUnitsYesN/AGrouping element of shipment units that will be loaded at a stop of a load of a trip;There must be at least 1 shipping unit on this list;
unloadedShipmentUnitsshipmentUnit[]YesN/AGrouping element of shipment units that will be unloaded at a stop of a load of a trip;There must be at least 1 shipping unit on this list;

shipmentUnit, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations


identifier (shipment unit)IntegerYes10ID of the shipment unit of a stop of a load of a trip;
shipmentUnitCategoryIdIntegerYes1Shipping Unit Enclosure Category ID;1=Package; 2=Non-unitizable bulk; 3=Pallet; 4=Unitizable bulk; 5=Coil; 6=Skid; 7=Tube; 8=Bundle of tubes;
shipmentUnitDescriptionStringNo20Description of the shipping unit enclosure category;BULK; BULK_UNIT, PACK; PALLET; DRUM; SKID; TUBE; TUBE_PACK;
shipmentUnitQtyFloatYes13Number of boarding units of a stop of a load of a trip;
weightFloatYes13Weight of the shipment units of a stop of a load of a trip;
volumeFloatYes13Volume of the shipment units of a stop of a load of a trip;
lengthFloatYes13Length of the shipment units of a stop of a load of a trip;
widthFloatYes13width of the shipment units of a stop of a load of a trip;
heightFloatYes13height of the shipment units of a stop of a load of a trip;
palletHeightTotalFloatYes13Total maximum height of the boarding units of a stop of a load of a trip;
deliveryUnitListdeliveryUnit[]YesN/AGrouping entity of the delivery units of a stop of a load of a trip;There must be at least 1 delivery unit on this list;

deliveryUnit, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations


identifier (delivery unit)StringYes30Delivery unit ID;
orderSourceIdStringYes30Delivery unit transport order ID;
orderTypeSourceIdStringYes30Order Type code;
orderItemSourceIdStringYes30Delivery unit transport order item ID;
productSourceIdStringYes30ID do produto da unidade de entrega;

Delivery unit SKU composition sequence (only for SKUs that are multi-volume);

quantityFloatYes13Quantity of delivery units;
priceFloatYes13Price of delivery units;
deliveryDateDate/hour (String)Yes29Planned date of delivery of the delivery unit;
integrationSourceStringYes30Data source ID;
classificationsclassifications []NoN/AGrouping element of all classifications of a delivery unit
attributes attributes[]NoN/AGrouping element of all attributes of a delivery unit

classifications, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations


typeStringYes255Trip classification type;
valueStringYes255Trip classification value;

attributes, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations


nameStringYes255Trip attribute name;
valueStringYes255Trip attribute value;

Answer Layout

publishReleasedTripResponse, type of data used in TOL/TRE integrations

Message confirming receipt of travel release requests;

"Y" ou "N";

Error catalog



  Arquivo Modificado
Arquivo PNG Trip Release_Unblock.png Trip Release_Unblock exported to image 09 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo Trip Release_Unblock draw.io diagram 09 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo R2_publishReleasedTripService.wsdl 04 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo publishReleasedTripService.wsdl 04 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo XML publishReleasedTripService_exemple.xml 04 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos

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