This document aims to present the configuration for IRPJ generation in the financial module (SIGAFIN).
Parameters used:
MV_ACMIRRF - defines the IR accrual. 1 accrues, 2 does not accrue.
MV_VLRETIR - configures the minimum value for IR withholding. Default value, 10.
MV_AGLIMPJ - defines the rule by EIN.
Fields and tables involved:
Nature registration
Warning! In the ED_RECIRRF field, it is necessary to configure the party responsible for the collection. 1 - Customer, 2 - Supplier, 3 - Customer record.
If option 3 - Customer record is selected, it is necessary to determine the withholding moment in the customer record, table SA1. Otherwise, the IR will not be generated.
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Customer registration
Warning! If, in the nature record, on table SED, field ED_RECIRRF is set to 3, field A1_RECIRRF must be set to 1 - Customer or 2 - Supplier. Otherwise, the IR will not be generated.
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