This routine registers the financial operations performed or integrated to the Financial module, sorted by the financial operation nature used in the event.
Important Note!
This routine/query (FINC022) is not a Cash Flow view, but a Flow (Budgeted, Expected and Executed) view by Nature for budget follow-up.
Therefore, we highlight that the Financial Transactions stated in this view are not related to the Bank Transaction and, therefore, will NOT be influenced by the value presented in the A6_FLUXCAI field.
Note: The A6_FLUXCAI field will only be considered in the selection of banks for building the Initial Balance.
This view has a budget goal, that is, it only presents effective values related to bills payment and receiving.
The main data presented in the Flow by Nature query is:
Configuration Note
The Initial Balance will not be entered when field (SA6→A6_FLUXCAI) - Cash Flow - Banks registration - is equal to "N".
They allow you to query the flow by nature in the Summarized and Detailed modes:
In the summarized mode, you can use the managerial vision, but you cannot view the nature transactions' details (double-click the row referring to the nature values).
In the detailed module, the situation is the opposite, that is, the routine does not allow you to use the managerial view and allows the detailed view of the nature transactions.
Example 1 - Here is an example referring to the Expected Balance presented by the query in the detailed mode. In the example, we will use nature "9999999999", that has two bills, one for 500 in accounts payable, and one for 600 in accounts receivable. Both bills' due date is 9/20/2019. Check the image below:
The flow will be issued with the following parameters:
Below we have the flow presentation with the parameterization used in the previous images. Note that nature 9999999999 is presented twice. This is for separating inflow (receivable) and outflow (payable) records.
Below, we can identify accounts payable and accounts receivable values:
If you double-click each row, you can see the records in detail:
Note that balances referring to Expected are correct in regard to the period entries:
600 (Accounts Receivable) - 500 (Accounts Payable) = 100 (Final Balance in 9/20 for nature 9999999999).
An important point referring to the flow by nature is that the transactions referring to applications and loans are also presented. Continuing the expected balance example, the values referring to applications and loans will also be a part of the expected balance, just as the final balance. If the customer wishes to change the application and loan natures, for this item, we have parameters MV_NATEMP e MV_NATAPLI, with the respective nature codes.
If option "Only Bank Transactions" is checked, the query will select the Natures that allow bank transactions - field ED_MOVBCO - Allow Bank Trans. = 1 - Yes.
Nature registration - Allow Bank Transaction
Parameters - Flow by Nature
Example 2 - Addition of temporary bills
For the temporary bills added to accounts receivable to update the balance by nature, parameter MV_SDNATPR must be set to T. This configuration will impact only bills receivable; temporary bills from accounts payable always update the balance by nature, whatever the parameter value.
Added a temporary bill (PR) in 8/26/2020 to accounts receivable. In 8/27/2020, a new temporary bill (PR) was added to accounts receivable and replaced to generate a NF bill. In the same day (8/27/2020), a temporary bill was added to accounts payable.
D MG 01 | FIN0000151 | FIN | PR0000006 | PR | 20200826 | 20200826 | 1500 | 1500 |
D MG 01 | FIN0000151 | FIN | PR0000007 | NF | 20200827 | 20200827 | 1000 | 1000 |
D MG 01 | FIN0000151 | FIN | PR0000007 | PR | 20200827 | 20200827 | 1000 | 0 |
D MG 01 | FIN0000151 | FIN | PR0000001 | PR | 20200827 | 20200827 | 300 | 300 |
Temporary bills considered in the flow - MV_SDNATPR = T
If the above operations are performed with the parameter enabled, when the flow is issued, it will display the balance considering the temporary bills, even if they were not replaced by a final bill.
Temporary bills receivable NOT considered in the flow - MV_SDNATPR = F
If the above operations are performed with the parameter disabled, when the flow is issued, it will display the balance considering only the temporary bills from accounts payable. From accounts receivable, only the value referring to the bill already replaced will be considered. Temporary bills from bills receivable will not be considered in the balance.
In the part of the records, we have:
The inflow transactions in the cash flow:
The outflow transactions in the cash flow:
The following tables must have the same sharing for the routine to work correctly:
FIV - Daily Transactions Flow by Financial Nature
FIW - Monthly Transactions Flow by Financial Nature
FIX - Historical Header Flow by Financial Nature
FIY - History Items Flow by Financial Nature
FJV - Detailed Transaction by Nature
Some parameters that are relevant to the process:
MV_FINATFN ("1" = Online Cash Flow,"2" = Offline Cash Flow)
MV_NATCOM (Financial nature code that identifies the sales commissions that will be used in updating the balances for nature in cash flow)
MV_FLXPRVD (Update expected values discounting the executed value in Flow by Nature)
MV_SDNATPR (Define if the balance by nature will be updated when temporary bills are added and replaced.)
When selecting "Consider Flow" equal to 1-Summarized, it will be possible to select a Financial Management View - FINA271. Therefore, the query display will respect the configurations for each entity registered in the view.
Below are the definitions for each entity configuration in the view, as presented in the query:
Column (FJ2_COLUNA): It is used to configure the number of spaces for indentation in the view, between the code and the description of each entity (detailed and summarized). Example:
. 2 -EXPENSES (0 Columns)
. 2.01.01 - RENTALS (6 Columns)
Indicators (FJ2_IDENT): valid only for summarized entities
The summarized entities will always total the child entities, except if they are configured as "No Value" or "Dash".
View Result (FJ2_TOTVIS): This defines a single summarized entity that totals the entire view. It will add the values of all the detailed entities in the view, including the ones configured as not visible (View Entity = No).
View Entity (FJ2_VISENT): This defines if the entity (summarized or detailed) will be displayed in the query. Even if it is defined as not visible, the entity's value will be considered when totaling the summarized entity.
Factor Entity (FJ2_FATSLD): This defines if the entity value (detailed only) will be kept or inverted. If it is inverted, its sign will also be considered in totaling the detailed entity. For example, a value may be subtracted instead of added.
The entity view order will follow the order registered in the view (FJ2_ORDEM).
The following are some links relevant to the routine: