This report presents, through the parameterization adopted, the bills registered in the portfolio of Accounts Receivable.

The report may be printed in a detailed or summarized manner, showing bills from a single customer or all customers. The parameterization allows you to select the presentation through prefixes, bill numbers, banks, due dates interval, class, issue, and currency.

When generating the report, it is possible to establish if the temporary bills, bills in the discounted collection, and the ones related to advances will be considered.

The system enables the client to have a better view of bills status with date retroactive to the issue of the report, or presents current balance of bills till the last transactions, excluding issue date of reports for calculation base.

Bills registered in other currencies can be converted into the selected currency and presented in the issue or may not be listed.

Another resource available in the report is the possibility of checking the balance of bills payable considering the bill accounting date, not the posting date, allowing information to be listed along with accounting, considering the same accounting criteria.


This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


Bill Amount


Write-off Date


Accounting Date


Balance (posted on 07/01)


Balance (booked on 07/01)


In this example, even if the bill is already posted, considering that the parameterization is defined by the Accounting Date and that the base date is 06.29.03, the bill will be considered as pending, since the posting accounting date is after the system base date.


In the customizable version, TReport, it is possible to set which branches to be considered in the report if the question Select Branches? is set to Yes. Otherwise, the report considers only the current branch.


To print the bills payable report:

1.In the Bills Receivable report issuance window, click Parameters

A screen is displayed with report parameters.

Note the following parameters:

  • Compose Retroactive Balance? 

Select Yes if you want the balance of the bills to be recalculated until the report reference date. 

Select No if you want to consider the balance of the bills in the current status in the bills file, irrespective of the report issue date. 


  • Bill implementation -> 08/04/XX for BRL 1000.00.
  • Partial posting -> 08/10/XX for BRL 400.00 (a balance of BRL 600.00 is left)
  • Partial posting -> 08/18/XX for BRL 200.00 (a balance of BRL 400.00 is left)
    • With Compose Retroactive Balance = Yes and "Report Reference Date = 08/12/XX, we have: 

Bill balance= BRL 600.00 (balance on the selected date).

  • With Comprising Retroactive Balance = No and Report Reference Date = 08/12/XX, we have 

Bill balance = BRL 400.00 (in this case, the Retroactive balance option is not considered. Balance displayed is the current one).

  • Consider Date?

This allows you to select the due date to be printed: Due Date or Actual Due Date

2. Configure them according to the field help instructions.

3. Check the configuration and confirm.


The Bills Receivable Report presents a difference in performance depending on the configuration of the "Compose balance by?" question. When the question is parameterized with Posting Date, a query is performed for validating the record printing considering only the Bills Receivable table (SE1), Posting Date field (E1_BAIXA). That way, the printing time for the report is faster in processing because it checks only one table. When the report is printed considering the Credit Date (E5_DTDISPO) or Typing Date (E5_DTDIGIT) options, the system performs the validation of the bill's bank transaction records (table SE5). That way, the printing is slower because, for each bill receivable (SE1), it will be checked if the printing date is earlier than or equal to the credit or the typing date in the bank transaction table (SE5), i.e., the report printing date information is cross-checked for each bill and its respective posting, and this information is in two different tables.