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The procedure of Budgetary Contingency Release - PCO aims at controlling the requests of contingencies from a workflow through Fluig.


Configure the following parameter:





Cont. Port



Indicates whether the workflow for budgetary contingency release - PCO is generated

0 - Workflow disabled

1 - Only e-mail delivery

2 - Workflow through Fluig


  • To have Fluig environment connected to Protheus 
  • To have registered user


Enables the approval process of actions run in the Budgetary Contingency Release - PCO is execute in a simpler and faster way, and it can be executed directly on Fluig interface, together with other daily processes in an integrated manner.

Business Environment



Business Areas

Budgetary Planning and Control

Workflow Processes

    Process Activities

    Activity: Request Budgetary Contingency 

    Description: Budgetary block against configuration

    Instruction: When reaching the block point, you will know the reason of the block. You can request a contingency for the approver.

    Activity: Send Workflow via Fluig

    Description: The workflow is sent to Fluig.

    Instruction: Accessing Fluig with contingency approver login generating a new task for it. 

    Activity: Approved and Rejected via Fluig

    Description: Defines if contingency is approved by Fluig.

    Instruction: Access the blocked process and edit the status, indicating the approval and rejection.

    Activity: Register Approval/Rejection

    Description: After editing the field Status, the edition must be saved. 

    Instruction: Save the contingency release to send return to Protheus.

    Activity: Return Approval/Rejection

    Description: The answer is sent to Protheus and the request is moved to Fluig. If not approved, the Budgetary Contingency Release remains blocked in Protheus and can be unblocked by the system (or the block may be kept)

    Instruction: Access Protheus to check the Budgetary Contingency Release status. With contingency released, the request move is run.

    How to use

    Starting the Process by Protheus

      In Configurator, configure parameter MV_POCWFCT, with numeric type 2

      In module Financials in Accounts payable, register an entry. (That must be set in PCO)

      Until it reaches the Block executed.

      To request a contingency, on block screen of the Accounts payable access Other actions / Request, then click Save

      After, you will see a screen displaying the requested contingency is waiting approval.

      The Maintenance of budgetary contingency indicates the status of each request.

      Moving and Querying the Process by Fluig

        In Worflow in the tab Form another tab with Contingency Request is displayed. You can access entry information.

        The tab Approval has data of the responsible for the approval. Approve or not, then click Send, so request is sent to Fluig.

        On Fluig in Tasks Central an approval pending request is displayed.

        Finishing the Process by Protheus

          Accessing again Protheus in Maintenance of Budgetary Contingency, you can see if the entry was approved or rejected.

          From the released contingency, you can add the bill with apportion of the approved budget.

          In the module Financials in Accounts payable a tab indicating the block type is displayed, in this case Block executed. After, click Contingency.

          In Accounts payable all entries with requested contingency. Select the one you want, then click Save.

          Note the document was successfully added.

          How to Integrate

          Query procedures to Release Processes in Protheus and Configure Processes in Fluig through the link: Creating a new Workflow in Protheus.


          We inform that is highly important to have technical expertise to deployed the component at Fluig. If you need, we suggest the purchase of consultancy hours to help you Deploy these components in TOTVS channel serving you or through Fluig Store. 

          All traded and distributed products in Fluig Store have Fluig Store platform as requirements for working.  

          For further information on Fluig x Protheus integration, query: Fluig Framework.

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